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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. We're going to lose Holden anyway if he doesn't play this year he's more than likely gone. If recent history is any indication he'll probably transfer somewhere, and wind up a Heisman candidate in a year, or two. It's a wash season anyway. Put the guy in there, and give him a shot. The other two ahead of him ain't going to cut it.
  2. At this point High might as well let Holden start. If he's been telling the truth that Robbie has been pushing Thorne that tells me all I need to hear.
  3. And we still have people on here defending Gus. He should have been fired after 2016. Personally, I was ready to see him go after 2015. Harsin, I won't even comment on except to say I think he quit after the attempted coup. Not that I think he was ever going to make it anyway.
  4. Yep, no way we're beating either one of these teams.
  5. Come on man. Don't you believe? He got the receipts.
  6. What? Surely not. Deion is the best coach in college football. Just ask him.
  7. These clock rules are BS. I get not stopping the clock on first downs, but it doesn't even stop when you run out of bounds. This crap needs to change.
  8. Stidham would have us up at least two touchdowns by now.
  9. This first possession of the 2nd half is critical. If we can score six we have a real shot here.
  10. Or flares to the RB's. Got to get A&M chasing the football
  11. Yep, two bad overthrows, and a dropped pass that hits our guy dead in his hands, and it's a different game
  12. Knew I should have loaded up on the under on this game. I should have bet enough to retire on.
  13. Started out the year pretty deep in the secondary. At this point we'll be playing walk-ons before the season is over.
  14. We can win this game folks if we can just get out of our own way.
  15. Running back has to recognize that blitz coming
  16. Hugh will take the play calling back next year, if not before
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