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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. He was NFL ready as a freshman. I swear he's been the best player in college football three years running.
  2. Why can't we find a kicker who can kick the ball in the end zone?
  3. Quit running up the guy on first down. Geez!
  4. Only chance to throw the ball down the field we have is on first down folks.
  5. You could have Knute Rockne, and Vince Lombardi calling plays. None of it will work if you don't block them.
  6. Yep, that's the difference Gary. They can block. We can't
  7. Harsin was a disaster, but if you're denying that the bottom was falling out before he got here you're obviously blind. Many players recruited by Gus transferred out under Harsin for whatever reason, and yes some are still on other rosters. For the life of me though, I can't think of a single one on the offensive line that Gus recruited that left, and started for any team with a pulse. Malzahn, while I'm sure is a really nice guy, was not the coach to lead us to any sustained success at Auburn. For every good win that he had here there are equally unexplained failures. This current team is going to take considerable time to rebuild. It has been in decline for several years. Brian Harsin did absolutely nothing to help the situation, but the long road down didn't begin with him.
  8. I'm sure it's quite the facility. How much do you charge for a tour? I'll bring the whole family. Actually, I used to install septic tanks years ago, but out business went to $h!+. 😁
  9. Yep, I was talking about Birmingham too, but Memphis is no better. At least Memphis has the blues culture. Not sure what the attraction is about Birmingham. Maybe a tour of the waste water treatment plant?
  10. I'm still trying to figure out why that city even has a bowl. They should call it the Hope Your Cars Still There Bowl.
  11. I said exactly that in a previous post today. It looks like brain surgery out there for him right now. If Freeze is really a QB whisperer his task should be to relax his QB. I'm certainly not arguing that Thorne is playing well. I'm just not convinced he's not capable.
  12. Block would be nice. Thorne missed some throws that he should have made Saturday, but seven sacks usually means you're under duress much more than you should be. We are way too critical of QB's around here when we should be focused on scheme, and blocking. It's a fact as old as time. Football games are won, and lost on the line of scrimmage. Tell me, have you seen the first screen pass to a running back to try to slow down the pass rush, to take advantage of the DL's over aggressiveness? Not one that I can recall. For nearly ten years now we seem to have forgotten the middle of the field in the passing game. I had hoped with Freeze that would change dramatically. So far with Montgomery running the offense that's still a big problem. I have watched film of Thorne at M State rather extensively lately, and when he gets good blocking he's very effective. When he's under constant pressure, not so much. We could have Joe Montana back there, but if you don't block it ain't going to work.
  13. Yeah, but Arkansas has almost always seemed to have one that gives us fits. Go figure.
  14. As I've said for three weeks now, leave Ashford on the bench where he belongs. Give Thorne some easy throws early, and let him get comfortable. I truly think the guy is scared to death to make a mistake, or a bad read, and get benched. It's way past time for Freeze to help the guy, and tell him to relax, and just go out there and have fun. Right now you can see it's more like brain surgery for Thorne than it is football. Also want to add that if they want to throw the ball down the field it needs to be done on 1st down more often than not. As coaches you have to give the guy the formula to succeed. Right now it ain't even close. The entire offense is disjointed, and that ain't Thorne's fault.
  15. I assure you if there is going to be a change in the starter it will not be until after the bye week.
  16. The best hope we have is for the entire GA defense to come down with dysentery.
  17. Some healthy safeties, and a defensive plan to not let that damn right end beat us. On offense I want to see more passes down the field on 1ST DOWN. And, an emphasis on getting the ball out of Thorne's hand quickly. Flare passes to the backs, quick slants to the slots, anything to keep GA from pinning their ears back.
  18. Don't forget N. Carolina. I predicted they would win the ACC, and nothing I've seen so far has changed my mind. Their QB is really good, and their D Line is nasty.
  19. Montgomery will not be here next year, and may not last the entire season. I'd bet my shiny new tractor on that one. Freeze will be the play caller next year.
  20. I don't quite get it either. Ashford will never be an SEC QB. I wish he would, but it ain't happening. He athletic, and pretty fast, but I would argue he's not even a really dynamic runner either. He frequently misses the hole, runs to the wrong side of the block and right into the defender. Thorne has a really bad game Saturday, and missed some throws that he should have made. Freeze is going to basically decide to stick with him, or give Geriner a legitimate shot. One thing is for sure though, if Freeze doesn't start throwing more on first down none of it will matter. The O line is not going to protect any of them on third, and eight.
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