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Everything posted by AURex

  1. FACT Trump did in fact say "Hitler did some good things" Vance did in fact say "Trump is America's Hitler" Trump sucked the toes of dictators throughout his previous reign. Putin, North Korea, Xi, Orban, etc, cut off the limits on Iranian nuclear development, worked out a "deal" with the Taliban for the U.S. exit from Afghanistan, created a scam wall between the U.S. and Mexico, and did his best to cut us off from our true allies in Europe. Now he has vowed to cut off Ukraine because HAHAHAHA he can automatically end the war on day one of his next presidency. Even his buddy Puting laughed at that.
  2. So, yeah, this is bulletin board material for Freeze. But the fact is, Auburn has not beat thUGA in awhile. If we want respect, it's up to Auburn to EARN that respect. Let me know when Auburn actually beats UGA. (And no, close don't count in football.) I'm hoping this will give CHF and his staff and the Auburn players incentive to go in there and beat UGA.
  3. I really do not care who the Democrats run as their candidate. I will never, ever vote for Trump. I would vote for corpse Biden in a coffin rather than Trump. As Vance has proclaimed, Trump is America's Hitler. I will NEVER vote for a wannabe dictator. Pick ANY Democrat as a candidate or just stick with Biden. I really don't care. Biden has assembles a great team around him. All of those people would move to any other Democrat candidate. The Democrats are all about policy. Republicans/Trump are all about repression and control of American citizens. 1984 on steroids. NOPE!
  4. I'm not sure I understand why it requires an ACT OF CONGRESS to appoint a Special Investigator/Special Prosecutor for ANY case. DOJ is invested with the power to -- well -- INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE cases in which FEDERAL laws have been violated. Where does this become a *Constitutional* issue? I guess I'm just legally deficient. I don't get this reasoning. That said, the FACT is that Trump illegally took/showed off U.S. Classified documents that BY LAW belong to the Federal government, and did everything he could to prevent the U.S. Government from retrieving those documents. Even if the court rules that Smith was inappropriately appointed, it does not change the FACTS of the case. A different prosecutor can be assigned and Trump CONVICTED of stealing U.S. federal documents and obstructing recovery of those documents for the U.S. government.
  5. I am glad that the shooter did not succeed in seriously injuring or killing Trump. With that out of the way ..... I admit, I haven't read this entire thread. I'll just mention -- Mark Robinson, GOP Lt Governor and candidate for Governor of NC, proclaimed to a church congregation, "Some folks just need killing." That's just saying out loud what Trump has been urging his cult followers to do. And they've certainly tried. Arrests for intent to kill judges is the most common. Mass shootings and assaults to "save us" from blacks, Asians, Latinos. Like most Trumpist Republicans, he is marching to destroy LGBTQ folks, empower the censorship brigade in every community, demonize Jews, ban abortion and contaception, and make his notion of pornography totally illegal in the U.S. In other words, he's eager to turn NC into a mini-Iran/Taliban regime. Just another right-wingnut. Does he approve of killing judges and prosecutors and witnesses? Well, only if they are prosecuting Republicans.
  6. I've been here on AUF for 12 years. This is among the top 3 most HILARIOUS posts I've ever come across on our forum. Truly, among the most hilarious anywhere, any year, here at AUF. Thank you for the huge belly laugh! I don't need emoji. Tears were running, body was hurting, it was that funny.
  7. Colorado? Okay. hahaha Indiana? Okay. hahaha If it is all about the $$$$, is he really going to prove his NFL cred here? Nope. And USC, headed to the B1G where they will be even more insignificant than in the PAC12. Does he think he will transform them into a playoff team? Really? Frankly, I don't care if he comes to Auburn or goes elsewhere. I'm really just tired of this whole NIL bidding war crap.
  8. Personally, I'm not sad that he's committed to ND. Best of luck to him.
  9. Well, except that a spectacular rating out of high school does not always translate into a great college career -- as evidenced by the list above -- but they sometimes DO make it in the NFL. Personally, I don't care if Juju or any other Auburn QB becomes the GOAT in the NFL. I want a QB who will lead Auburn to lots of wins and maybe championships. Even if a 3 star. I don't care. Gimme the Auburn wins!
  10. Yes, we know that these articles of impeachment will go nowhere in the Republican controlled House. Republicans love their corrupt co-conspirators -- Trump, Alito, Thomas, Cannon, Bannon, Stone, etc. But it is good to see that a few elected officials are tired of it. Has a Supreme Court justice ever been successfully impeached and thrown off the bench? My memory of U.S. history is not that good.
  11. How about we meet UCLA in the playoff? Well, okay, it is more likely to be a minor bowl.
  12. Ya know, sometimes the best QB for your team/system is not the highest rated 5 Star guy. And I will not be slobber-crying if Juju decides to go elsewhere. A lot of the 5 star guys never make it to the NFL, and a lot of lower rather guys make the big time. Like, um, for example, these QBs ranked out when first recruited -- Patrick Mahomes 3 star Baker Mayfield 3 star Dak Prescott 3 star Eli Manning 2 star Joe Flaco 3 star Josh Allen 3 star, Lamar Jackson 3 star, Andy Dalton 3 star Marcus Mariota 3 star Aaron Rogers 3 star, Matt Ryan 3 star Russell Wilson 3 star Jimmy Garoppolo 2 star So, ya know, I;m not going to be sobbing in the corner if we don't pull Juju to Auburn. CHF has already pulled in his QB of the future. A highly rated pick will be good for the recruiting ratings, but I'm not gonna hold my breath as per future championships.
  13. Real life. The increase of elderly people in the U.S. far outstrips the birthrate of U.S. The size of the U.S. workforce is shrinking, and as a result the U.S. *mandated* support for retired Americans who have paid into Social Security and Medicare for their entire lives is at risk. The only solution, which the European Union has already accepted and apparently the American neo-nazi right wingers have not, is that we need talented, educated, skilled immigrants. And what American farmers have discovered is, we need immigrant labor to harvest crops (or else shortages mean, YES, higher prices for all if us). Illegal immigration has DECREASED under the Biden administration. But we still need qualified. educated immigrants, and we still need immigrant field workers.
  14. I admit it. I failed this test.
  15. He was found "liable" for defamation. But in order to find Trump "liable" for defamation, the jury had to first determine whether he did IN FACT sexually assault E. Jean Carroll. Which they DID! The jury ruled that he was guilty of sexually assaulting her, thus he was guilty of defamation. TWICE. More than $80 Million in fines. Trump apologists cannot wriggle out of this. He admitted to sexually assaulting women years ago. He paid off women to keep their mouth shut. He has been tried and convicted. There is no denialism to circumvent the facts.
  16. Yep, celebrating our Independence Day. But I', not sure why this is in the Football column. It has zero to do with football.
  17. He was IN FACT found guilty. The jury ruled that he did IN FACT defame E. Jean Carroll. In order to come to that GUILTY verdict, the jury determined that Trump did IN FACT sexually assault E. Jean Carroll. So he was, IN FACT, found guilty of sexual assault and thus LIABLE for $80+ Million in damages for defamation. So you can cry elephant tears that this was not a "criminal" case and just some lowly "civil" case. But the FACT IS, the juries in both cases determined that Trump sexually assaulted the woman and thus was guilty of defamation.
  18. 3 star? 4 star? WTF is a defrnsive athlete? Why would I want an "athlete" with defrinsive issues? This sounds like a dental health problem, in which case it is time to get a DDS on the Auburn athletics payroll in order to sign this defrinsive athlete and adequately respond to the dental needs of all of our athletes. Are AUF readers slumping or tired? Do I need to throw in the giant SARCASM emoji here?
  19. How much can THAT LEG lose? hahaha Hoping that young man recovers and thrives.
  20. Even as a progressive liberal, I am barfing at Biden even allowing his son within a mile of the Capitol. WTF?
  21. Bwahahaha. So I guess juries rulings "guilty" is not technically "convicted" in your mind? And being sentenced to $80+ Million in damages is not "convicted" in your mind? Um ..... OK. Let's put it this way. The jury determined that Trump did, in fact, sexually assault E. Jean Carroll, and thus he was liable for defamation. If the jury had not ruled that he did, in fact, sexually assault her, he would not have been liable for defamation. He was found guilty of sexual assault and thus liable for defamation. In 2 separate court cases. And of course, she is not the only woman he has sexually assaulted. He has admitted that he has done so multiple times, in his own words -- the unambiguous "grab em by the p*ssy" recording. The man has always been a sexual creep. It's even more obvious with his comments about his daughter, and most recently about Taylor Swift. The man is a lifelong sexist perv.
  22. Oh my goodness. I mean, Auburn has become Kicker U with a luxury of great ones. I just feel sorry for the kid. It's one thing to suffer some sort of physical injury related to your sport, but other sorts of medical difficulties -- wishing him a speedy and complete recovery!
  23. I did not misunderstand the facts. Trump was tried in a court of law and convicted. TWICE. For the same criminal offense against a woman. And fined over $80 Million. He was convicted in a court of law for fraud AGAIN awaiting sentencing in just a few days. Nothing new. He has grifted and frauded his entire life. He is a con man. And he is a convicted felon. He is a wannabe dictator sucking the toes of other dictators around the world. He is an enemy of democracy in the U.S. and around the world. I did not misunderstand anything.
  24. All of this is just more right wing WHAT ABOUT ISM! What about Clinton? What about polygraphs? What about blah-blah-blah. FACT! Trump sexually assaulted women, was tried in a NY (not federal) court of law on two occasions, and was convicted of sexual assault. FACT! Trump and his family and cohorts defrauded the state of NY, the city of NY, the citizens of NY, and the corporations (including banks) that he did business with, and were convicted in a state (not federal) court. He has been convicted time after time (Trump University anyone?) for his illegal activities. There is no whataboutism. He is a grifter, a con, the Don of a mafia family. And none of the stuff in this thread has anything to do with "conversion to Christianity."
  25. Good luck, but you made a stupid decision young man.
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