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Everything posted by AURex

  1. This is awesome. Well ..... Kinda. Sorta. Maybe. How does this translate into actual recruiting? Is he going to be boots on the ground recruiting? Or just "managing" the recruiting of other assistant coaches? Sorry, but tell me when he pulls in a 5 star or even a 4 star OL player for BB. I don't mean to be a Negative Nellie, but I really want to see some substantive, positive results. Gimmee offers some actual LOIs. Not just more lists of maybe guys and maybewho who are already committed elsewhere. But loca;lly. Whowill he pull l? I'm really hoping and praying that somebody will come along -- maybe him -- how me some meaningful results!
  2. Gotta wonder what the ACC is going to do. So far, the premier teams (Clemson, FSU, Miami) have stuck butt in the acc conference. but obviously, the ACC will not be able to compete with the new Big 10 and SEC. Maybe not even with the new Big 12. ACC is in a world of hurtin' right now.
  3. I got a lot of NEGs on my original post, but as more and more info comes out, it is clear that the "Serve and Protect" only applied to the COPS in this situation. They refused to go in and protect the children. The cop in charge even stated that he restrained his police and the parents from going in to confront the murderer. Look trough a window? Nope! Open the door? Nope? Let's wait until all the kids are dead before going in there. The state (Texas -- let's kill everyone) is even freaked by the dereliction of duty by these cops. What a disgrace!
  4. . The wingers on the Right got the guns. The wingers on the left ....... nope The wingers on the right got gerrymandered control of government The wingers on the left ..... nope. The wingers on the right got US Supremes. Wingers on the left got ...... nuthin'. Thankfully, I'm old enough, I'll be dead by the time the authoritarian dystopia destroys our Republic in a decade or so.
  5. Okay, this whole thing is HokeyTown. Top 50 Atmospheres -- whatever that means -- Texas Tech #2, Iowa State #4 ????? Okay, I have lived in SEC territory, Big Ten territory, Pac12 territory, and Big East territory. If you are looking at very top tier teams against each other, it will be a madhouse anywhere you go. Duke vs UNC, Ohio State vs Michigan State, UK vs Kansas, etc. For everynight crazyness, ha!, Duke, UNC and Kansas are hard to beat. That said, in the SEC, Auburn has become (in the latest Pearl years) a venue nobody wants to visit, because .... OMG! ....... it's h3ll for visiting teams! Awesome fun! The AU crowd is crazoid fun! Pearl definitely pulls in the crowds and I LOVE IT!
  6. Let us not forget, this is the state that continues to show up in massive droves in support of Marjorie Taylor Greene. Hershell = dumb as a rock liar -- and likely gonna get the votes because ......... well ........dumb as a rock liar, so he's the perfect Republican candidate.
  7. Okay, as for OP and the predictions for the coming season ..... My opinion ...... 3 likely wins -- Mercer, San Jose State, Western KY 5 likely losses -- Bama, UGA, A&M, Ole Miss, Penn State 4 toss ups -- Missouri, Arkansas, LSU, Miss State LSU lost a ton of talent due to draft, graduation and portal exits, and has an entirely new coaching staff with new schemes. The game will be in Auburn, so maybe AU can pull that one out. We get Missouri at Auburn as well. Maybe Auburn can win those two. Arkansas is getting better and Pittman has them playing at top level. Miss State will throw for 5 million yards and the game will be played in Oxford. If Auburn can win 2 of the toss-ups, that would be a 7-5 record. Win 3, that's an 8-4 record. That's the best I think we can anticipate, unless Calzata turns out to be the golden boy Heisman surprise. Bo was 11th in the SEC in passing last year. Calzata was 12th after his year. Ashford is an unknown, but he is definitely talented. Harsin may have a special package for him, just to get him on the field. Geriner may have the most upside, but is a true freshman, will Harson really put him out there? Thing is, Auburn has 4 veteran OL coming back. They will all leave after this season. Harsin was not any more successful recruiting OL than Gus. If Harsin is going to do well, it will be THIS YEAR, because next year it will be a complete offensive rebuild without real experience on the OL. I expect Bigsby to go pro after this year if he stays healthy. If Harsin can't pull something together this year -- like 8-4 -- and if he has crappy recruiting, I suspect he will be terminated. An 8-4 season with a really good recruiting bunch, he may survive. Personally. I'm hoping he makes us all look really bad, pulls out a GREAT season! WDE!!!!
  8. Deleting the tweet won't really affect the result. All the Trumpists picked up on it immediately, spread it around. It is now incorporated into the corpus of Conspiracy Theory lore. And his wingnut credentials are solidified.
  9. Can you remember *any* white people we've ever bombed? Not to be picky, but define "we." Do you mean the U.S. Federal Government? Or some other group of "we"? If you are referring to the U.S. Federal Government and U.S. military, I got news for you. We bombed our own White citizens in the civil war. Most Middle Eastern and North African citizens are considered Caucasian by scientists and by the U.S, Federal government. Yep, we bombed them in recent years. Also, non-black Mexican and Latino are defined as White/Caucasian by the U.S. government (look at all your federal/state forms), and we bombed them (not from airplanes, but with planted bombs). We bombed Brits in the Revolutionary War. We bombed Brits and Spanish military during the War of 1812. I may have missed some. So when you ask "ever," my answer is YES!
  10. Back to the original topic ......... I have 2 questions: 1. Do these heavily armed right-wing militia members really think that a small group of queers are a threat to American or Idahoan government control, requiring military-like action to protect us from a few lesbians and trannies parading? 2. This awesome militia can muster only 31 dudes with guns and uniforms from across our great nation to protect us from these dangerous LGBTQ+ marchers?
  11. Let's just be clear. The FCC is NOT a liberal, Democratic commission. There are currently 4 members -- 2 Democrats, 2 Republicans. Congress has so far failed to confirm Biden's nominee as 5th member of the commission. So this is not Democrats exercising power. There is nothing wrong with the linked article. However, the title of this *thread* is wildly wrong and misleading.
  12. Fired up? Yep! Excited? Yep. Let me know when any of them actually commit - OR SIGN - with Auburn. Sorry - I'm waiting to see Harsin actually put some elite recruits on the roster and on the field. I'm not pessimistic or optimistic yet. I'm just waiting. Because his first recruiting class was ..... um ..... uninspiring. I'm really excited and eager to see some (or ALL) of these recruits join the AU Family! WDE!
  13. Bruce Pearl mad his opinion known, He also made clear why he teaches BB, not Economics at Auburn. https://www.al.com/auburnbasketball/2022/06/bruce-pearl-bidens-socialist-government-spending-created-inflation.html Love our BB coach as a sports coach. Still waiting see on Harsin.
  14. The police chose DISHONOR! Cowards! Afraid to confront the murderer who was slaughtering children. Children sending 911 calls to plead for help. Cops frightened to engage. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/06/uvalde-police-robb-elementary-shooting-dishonor/661184/ They are happy to murder blacks -- afraid to try to save children.
  15. As more details emerge about the mass killing at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX, it has become clear that the local police force refused to enter the school and engage the murderer. They even tried to dissuade federal agents from doing so, encouraging them to wait. Wait for what? Wait for more children and teachers to be slaughtered? This is not the first time that local police have refused to engage an assailant to protect children from being murdered. What we have learned is that police are thrilled and eager to kill black Americans, white conservative politicians are eager to protect unborn fetuses, but police and politicians are cringing in the corner, slobbering afraid, to confront anyone who decides to slaughter children in a school. There is no excuse. There is no defense. There is no moral or humanitarian or Christian justification for this kind of madness. And I am really tired of all the defenses and protectionism of police who revel in killing, but are scared sh*tless when confronted with a kid with a gun. Yep, JMO.
  16. So. this is his 4th stop. UTSA, then Iowa Western CC, then Memphis, then committed to GT, then decommitted from GT and committed to Auburn the same day. Does his year at CC count towards remaining eligibility? UTSA - 1 year CC -- 1 year Memphis -- 3 years That's 5 years of playing time. ON3, 247Sports and other publications are saying he has only one year of eligibility remaining.
  17. More right wing conspiracy theory propaganda. Misoprostol was developed and is is FDA-approved as a prescription drug to reduce the risk of and treat ulcers in humans, especially those who take NSAIDS (pain relief medications like aspirin and ibuprofen) that can cause gastric bleeding and ulcers. It is also FDA approved for reducing blood loss in surgical procedures such as removal of endometrial polyps and other cervical procedures. It is also approved in the EU (not yet in the U.S.) for inducing labor for pregnant women. Some research indicates its possible benefit in treatment of multiple sclerosis. And yes, there are strong medical warnings about the possible consequences for pregnant women. Misoprostol is FDA approved as one of the two drugs used for medical abortion. Medical abortion is less expensive and often safer than surgical abortion. Medical abortion is now used in 2/3 of abortions during early pregnancy. There are many drugs approved for use that carry warnings against use during pregnancy. And there are obviously drugs developed for treatment of human disorders that are also adopted for use in animals. For example, many cancer drugs are used in treating cancer in animals -- and also warn against use during pregnancy. It should come as no surprise, then, that a drug developed for use to reduce risk and treat ulcers in humans would also be adopted for use in treating the same ailment in other animals.
  18. He's thrilled with the offer! https://sports.yahoo.com/m/bcd70462-c82e-385f-afcf-6236f98a1403/receiver-jabari-smith-can't.html
  19. Cancelled Netflix, just like 200,000 other subscribers. Netflix continues raising subscription cost and there's nothing but crappy Ryan Reynolds movies and a big bunch of series that are so mediocre they are cancelled after one year. Goodbye Netflix.
  20. Personally, I'm all in for "800 Words" and "My Name Is Murder" and "Secret City" on Acorn. Plus thew Britbox series "Dr Foster" etc. IMO Netflix is tanking. The only decent program they've had lately is "Cursed" and they cancelled that.
  21. He was so talented before his injury. I was so sorry that his physical issues undercut his opportunity at Auburn, and apparently limited his opportunities at UT as well. I know he desperately wants to play, but I think maybe he needs to move on in his life with new goals.
  22. My brother has advised me many times as I get excited about possible recruits, many times, and I concur ..... A list is nice. A long list is, well, okay, but it's still just a list. The only -- ONLY -- thing that matters is who actually signs on the dotted line. Talk to me then. Go CBP! Get em!
  23. So, okay,, everyone who was proximating how great the SEC is and how overrated the Big10 and Big 121 and other conferences are, here are the current numbers. Kentucky out first round by a a #15 seed. Tennessee, the SEC champion, knocked off by 11 seed Michigan LSU eliminated by #11 seed Iowa State #2 seed UKY eliminated by ... yikes! ....#15 seed St Peters SEC tournament champ Tennessee eliminated by 11 seed Michigah Luckily Arkansas pulls out a win over NM State This is 2 rounds. How many SEC remain standing? 11 #3cs33evUKY
  24. I was glad to see #12 seed Richmond beat #5 seed Iowa. I've felt the Big10 was overrated all year. But I was distressed to see St Peters beat UKY. It's not that I'm a huge UKY fan, but to see one of the top SEC teams taken out so easily by a #15 seed ........ gives me pause regarding Auburn's game against a #15 seed tomorrow night. Let's get GAME ON!
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