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Everything posted by AURex

  1. One of my best friends and office-mate in grad school, and colleague since then, did his undergrad at Oberlin. It is an excellent liberal arts college and, from my discussions with him, exceptional faculty. Personally, I've visited there and enjoyed Gibson's. I step up as a progressive in my leanings, but I am 100% committed to rule of law. I just don't get the Oberlin position or the protests. The perps were not victims of anything. They were thieves. They got caught. That's that -- as far as I'm concerned. It makes no sense to me why Oberlin even got involved in this. It was not university property or a university activity. Students screw up everywhere! Let justice be served. My longtime friend from Oberlin agrees. He is mystified by the whole thing. It's a huge WTF!
  2. My Clearaudio turntable with ebony arm and Maestro cartridge for stereo LPs. And my vintage Yamaha PF-800 turntable with forked tonearm and AT mono cartridge for mono records (including 45s). And my music room. The music room is actually our substitute for a living room, and it is that in reality -- the room for life. The TV and media are in the family room. TV and music equipment don't share space. We do have music videos and a decent audio system connected to the TV setup. In my first life, I was a music guy and my wife is also really into music. So collecting LPs and CDs was never a problem. However, the furnishings had to meet the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor), so no spartan techie stands. Almost all of my LP collection is housed/organized in my "office" which also includes my reading collection, work desk, and computer equipment.
  3. They have to go with 12 teams. Otherwise, with the teams leaving the PAC12 and Big12, those two conferences would never get a team in the playoffs!
  4. The original question was wide open. So .... I know what everyone is WANTING to see, but reality is, I'll record this AU/Mercer game to watch at a later date. What am I most looking forward to Saturday evening? These are the games I'll be switching between. Utah vs Florida Notre Dame vs Ohio State FSU vs LSU .
  5. I've slowed down buying, and have culled half my collection, but still have almost 2,000 LPs. Most are in pristine condition. Post a photo of your rig, if you are up for it. I'll try to get my act together. I have 2 turntables (one for stereo, the other for mono).
  6. I'm not familiar with the #1 Center Tate. I know that not everyone loved Brahms, but the Center position is a lot more than just blocking. It is maybe the most intellectually demanding position on offense, up there with QB. Brahms was maybe not the most talented physically, but he had a load of experience calling the offensive front. I'm not familiar with Tate. He seems a little undersized, but that is of lesser concern. Can he get the challenging job done at Center? Can anyone tell me about him?
  7. I've been beat over the head for mentioning that King is a TE who is being plugged in as a WR. But fact is, he ain't a WR -- at least not yet. So everybody beat me over the head some more, because Landon King is not a WR.
  8. So, are any of you guys spinning LP records? Please don't throw that stupid snap-crackle-pop crap at me. You'll just be demonstrating your ignorance.
  9. This is just FYI, and the big CAVEAT, it is from the official Auburn University Athletic Department Football Program ROSTER, which apparently is not "research" for some guys on this board who are MUCH more knowledgeable than the Auburn University Athletic Department Football Program. This is the roster according to our Athletic Dept. I added Landon King, because even though he is considered a TE according to the Athletic Dept, a guy here on the board says he is a WR, so OK, I added him as a WR. So here are the guys in the room. Ja'Varius Johnson -- 5'10" 160 lbs Tar'Varish Dawson -- 5'10" 161 lbs Jay Fair -- 5'10" 181 lbs Jake Kruse -- 5'10" 170 lbs Jackson Bilings -- 5'10" 182 lbs Colby Stafford -- 5'11" 176 lbs Omari Kelly -- 6'0" 176 lbs Tommy Nesmith -- 6'0" 180 lbs Trent Mason -- 6'1" 187 lbs Whit Johnson -- 6'1" 193 lbs Malcolm Johnson -- 6'1" 195 lbs Koy Moore -- 6'1" 192 lbs Dazalin Worsham -- 6'1" 177 lbs JJ Evans -- 6'2" 218 lbs Sheedrick Jackson -- 6'2" 202 lbs Ze'Vian Capers -- 6'4" 192 lbs Landen King? -- TE -- 6'5" 220 lbs Now, personally, I played WR although my primary sport was as a swimmer. But I am 6'3". To ME, (and this is just ME), this is a rather undersized group compared to the WR corps at our SEC competitors. Talent? YES! And I am excited to see some of these guys in action. War Eagle!
  10. Landon King is listed on the roster as a TE, not a WR. "do y'all research before you post?" You're right about Capers. IMO, he's the best of the returning WR group. Brown is just a freshman, so not sure what to expect from him.
  11. Average pay for a line police officer is $55,000 per year. Plus health benefits and a HUGE pension plan. That's a WHOLE OT more that the teachers who tried to protect the children. It's more than the EMTs who tried to get them to the hospital. It's more than the nurses who tried to keep them from dying. And THEY were not specifically hired to PROTECT AND SERVE, which these cowardly cops were! As for the Joe Average cop receiving $55,000 per year, he can assault, steal, and kill with impunity since the system is designed to give him the "benefit of the doubt" in every single interaction. Fact is, the number of Chauvins actually brought to trial and convicted is close to zero. Cops everywhere can do whatever they want to do with no consequences. Now .... define Police State.
  12. My takeaways, which are really pretty much what everyone else has said, EXCEPT .... 1. Again, we have no outside shooting threat. Just as last year, teams will collapse inside and force Auburn to shoot from outside, which is a definite limitation, AND 2. Flanigan does not seem to have actually improved any from last season. If his father was not on the coaching staff, would he be getting so much playing time? He'd be off the bench for much of a game and only in there to counter a specific opponent defensively. Overall, IMO, he's a liability on the floor most of the time. I think these exhibition games will be useful for BP in looking at the dynamics of some lineups, chemistry, and mixes of talent on the floor. Plus the fact that this is **obviously** a bonding for players as a team in the Holy Land. Eager to see how our guys play against some better competion this weekend.
  13. Not razzing on our guys, but just pointing out ..... The actual WR group is not under-VALUED. It is under-SIZED. These guys have talent, they just don't have tallness. That's a limitation in today's game that appreciates receivers who can contest for 50/50 balls. If they were Olympic speed to stretch the field ........ um ......... I'm not a Negative Nellie. I'm eager to see how Harsin uses the wide receivers ***in tandem with*** the really good TE/HB group, to create a really dynamic, explosive offense. The combination could be lethal.
  14. Finally, full stats (courtesy Auburn Undercover). F Yohan Traore: 20 points (7-12 FG), 6-11 FT, 8 rebounds, 2 steals C Johni Broome: 17 points, (8-9 FG), 1-2 FT, 9 rebounds, 4 blocks, 3 turnovers, 1 steal, 1 assist G/F Chance Westry: 13 points (5-8 FG, 0-1 3FG), 2-4 FT, 3 assists, 3 steals, 1 rebound, 1 turnover G K.D. Johnson: 13 points (4-10 FG, 3-8 3FG), 2-2 FT, 5 assists, 3 steals, 3 turnovers, 2 rebounds C Dylan Cardwell: 12 points (6-9 FG), 14 rebounds, 0-1 FT, 3 blocks, 3 assists G/F Allen Flanigan: 10 points (4-10 FG, 1-3 3FG), 1-1 FT, 5 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 turnovers F Jaylin Williams: 9 points (3-7 FG, 1-2 3FG), 2-2 FT, 5 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals, 1 block G Wendell Green Jr.: 8 points (2-7 FG, 0-3 3FG), 4-4 FT, 7 rebounds, 5 assist, 3 turnovers, 2 steals G Zep Jasper: 7 points (3-4 FG, 1-2 3FG), 2 assists, 2 steals, 1 turnover G/F Chris Moore: 4 points (2-4 FG, 0-1 3FG), 2 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal C Stretch Akingbola: 2 points (1-5, 0-1 3FG), 2 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 block G Tre Donaldson: 2 points (1-4 FG), 4 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals, 1 turnover
  15. So glad to have our Tigers getting off to a really good start with an exhibition where everyone got to play. Anyone got a box score that includes all of the Auburn players who made the floor? All I'm finding are the stats for the top guys, but not including Flannigan, for example..
  16. And he was being housed by the Taliban Afghanistan gov't leadership, who vowed they would not support al-Qaeda when Trump signed the agreement to exit the country. Of course, Taliban leadership has lied from day one and now returned the country to a demonic state. I feel for the people, especially the women once again enslaved. But at least this eliminated one leader of many dozens eager to attack the U.S., Europe and democracy.
  17. Apparently, you are the one who is oblivious to the changes in laws now supported by the SCOTUS decision. No exception laws, life begins at fertilization, etc. Not "democratic talking points." Reality.
  18. I have worked in the field of child abuse for 19 years, so I know the facts. The 10 year old girl who was raped multiple times, impregnated -- this is not a rarity. There are tens of thousands of cases like this every single year. Young girls sexually raped. The only reason this particular case made the news is because it came right after the SCOTUS overturned Roe and this child was forced to travel out of state to abort the pregnancy. I want to make sure I understand the reasoning why this was necessary. Why was she denied abortion in-state? Here is the way I understand it. I may be wrong. Help me. 1. Child, you were put on this earth by God to be raped. This is God's plan. Accept it as the will of God. 2. A fetus is a human being with the same rights as every born, living, walking, talking person. In fact fetus rights supersede the rights of autonomous, living people. 3. A child of 10 should accept rape and impregnation as a gift from God. 4. A child born from rape, incest, or other forced, abuseful insemination, is a gift from God. 5. You are yourself a child, not wanting a child, and incapable to properly caring for a baby. Too bad. FY. You be squirting out a baby. 6. No, we will never support legislation to help mothers of children impregnated by incest or rape. 7. No, we will never support psychological and social support networks to aid you, counseling, psychiatric care for mothers. 8. No we will oppose all legislation to provide food stamps, school lunches, medical assistance, or other government programs to help you raise that child. 9. Your entire life was pre-determined by this one issue, impregnation due to rape/incest. Well, FY and don't complain about your entire life being destroyed. 10. The Disney unicorn you love. It doesn't love you. You are not a child. You are a 10 year old mother. Did I get that right? If someone disagrees with any of these items, please help me understand. Because I really, really do not understand the reasoning behind this kind of law/policy.
  19. Thanks for the optimism. We definitely need some optimism. We need more rah-rah War Eagle spirit! And I'm seriously hoping it plays out this season with some surprise wins and very competitive losses. That said, as a pessimist, my optimism is ..... um ...... muted. But I really, REALLY hope your optimism plays out as a great season for my Tigers!
  20. What is your logical, practical, very simple answer? Even if you require registration or ban these weapons, murderous glory-seekers will get them. How do you propose the police deal with these shooters who are slaughtering children? 1. Stand by and do crowd control? 2. Deny that it is their responsibility to challenge the killer? 3. Pretend it isn't happening? 4. Turn off messaging from dispatch saying children are alive but pleading for help? 5. Try to keep swat team from going in? 6. Make captive any parents ir others who want to go in? There is no excuse. There is no defense. There is no practical, simple answer -- EXCEPT It is the sworn responsibility of police to serve and protect THEIR COMMUNITY, their CHILDREN. That is what they are hired to do. This police chief and every single officer on the scene needs to be arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned for negligence of duty, negligent homicide, contributing to the death of minors, willful dereliction of duty, and accessory to murder.
  21. Okay, that was Boise. Let's see what you can do at Auburn. ........ waiting ........
  22. Zeek, thank you for re-focusing the recruiting emphasis on recruits we might still have a shot at.
  23. I just want to clarify ..... my original Subject line was not an obscenity. I don't know why a Mod decided to replace my word with asterisks. My original subject line was "Cowardly Police" and I stand by that. All reports that have been issued subsequent to the mass murder event indicates that police stood around and did crowd control while an active shooter was murdering children. Slaughtering children! "Serve and Protect" applied only to themselves. They were all chicken sheeeeeet, not even trying to confront a kid with a gun. Every single one of these cops should be prosecuted for accessory to homicide, failure to exercise their SWORN duty, and impeding the efforts of others to save the children. No different from that security guard in Florida who was afraid to protect children and hid outside the school. They are all so brave confronting an unarmed, scared kid, shooting him or abusing him to death. Facing a shooter -- "let's pretend it's not our job." It IS their job. That's what they are paid to do. Dammmmed cowards. But ya know, even if they are fired or quite the police force there, they will be hired elsewhere. Maybe YOUR city, where they will protect you from unarmed kids and hide from active shooters.
  24. Sigh. The latest update is really so pitiful it's embarrassing. I certainly appreciate all the work Zeek has done to keep us up to date, but it's just too danged depressing to view. How about just eliminating from the list all of the guys who have been marked through. No need to leave them there. And by eliminating them, we see a whole lot of "need 2-3" with only 1 left on the list. Harsin is going to have to pull a bunch of upsets this year to attract some future talent. Otherwise ...........
  25. Is it really a snub? No Auburn QB on the current roster has (1) earned a starting position, and (2) demonstrated a top 50 year-long performance. So frankly, I don't give a doooo-doooo about this pre-season perception. Come December, I'll have my own opinion about Harsin, his choice for starting QB, and the performance of whichever QB is the Auburn starter for the duration of the season. Because, reality calls -- Calzada has not yet demonstrated that he can effectively lead the Auburn offense or more importantly, remain healthy for a season.
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