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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Question should be, how long was this insane crazoid criminal giving advice to Trump?
  2. No, the investigation is the latest chapter in a long-brewing criminal investigation against the most MOB in America since Al Capone.
  3. I have a BA from Auburn, a PhD From U of Illinois, and a Post-Grad degree from Columbia University. Are you suggesting I do not know how to read? hahahaha I suggest you get off your wingnut pony and educate yourself.
  4. There are so many great meals -- some of our own cooked at home, some from restaurants we love to visit. If you were given the opportunity (no matter what the circumstances) to choose your last meal on this earth, what would it be? This is not a poll, it is not a contest, it is just a question. Your last meal on earth -- what would you want to eat?
  5. I agree. I read it. I understood it. I stand by my comment. My response is -- critical reading is important.
  6. Trump hired only the very "best people" and pardoned them when they were indicted or convicted of federal crimes.
  7. Yeah, the DOJ is really dangerous when it carefully, methodically investigates criminal activity, applies law in the courts, and indicts those who break federal law
  8. Define "Christian nation." What exactly would that mean? Theocracy at all levels of government? Or just a meaningless plaque on a wall? Declared by whom? Ya know, anybody can "declare" something. The question is, would any person, group, or agency have the authority to make a declaration like that in a way that would be generally accepted and applied nationally? An amendment to the U.S. Constitution? It would never receive the necessary support. A ruling by the Supreme Court? The court can only rule on cases brought before it. The Church of Joe Bob? Yeah, right.
  9. This poll needs an "Other" choice, because there are some other potential candidates that are not listed, and some of those listed are ... um ... non-starters in my mind.
  10. Game Plan? An OL that couldn't block a 13 YO girl in a wheelchair, WRs who think 50/50 ball means just watch it and see what happens, a defense that would not know a turnover if an opponent handed them the ball, LBs who have no clue which direction to "fly around" and what to do if they see a runner, DL who are unsure who to look at on the rare occasions when they get into the backfield, TEs who think the more penalties they get, the better they are ...... Game plan? Harsin -- "Great week of practice, guys. Go out there and have fun."
  11. I predict -- If Auburn loses, Harsin will be fired, because it means a disgraceful 3-9 season. The team probably understands this. So, how they play will tell us how much they want to keep Harsin.
  12. It's actually possible to skip listening to lengthy babbling BS on the internet. I've done it. Didn't die!
  13. Um .... okay ..... the 1,145th prospect. 95th OL. Like 94 OL guys ranked higher than him. Like, about a hundred? Am I supposed to get orgasmic about Harson's recruiting now? Hey, I'm sure he's a fine young man. Welcome to being a starter at Auburn !!!!
  14. Not a coach or expert, but I have thoughts. (Yeah, I know, even morons have thoughts.) Only 5 players on offense had passing grades. The only OL with a passing grade was Zierer. Tank, Hunter and WRs Johnson and King were the other 4 (although King only had one catch). As usual, Shenker stank. He has really regressed since last year. I really doubt he'd help much shoring up the OL. I'd be happier if we had a tough-as-nails FB to pick up blitzers and help plow holes for our RBs. On defense, similarly, Wooten and Leota, James and Puckett had passing grades. The LBs really stunk up the place. When Harsin came in, he was supposed to be the type of coach who would take the mediocre talent and "coach 'em up." And as I said at the time, coached up 3 stars are not going to be competitive with coached up 4 and 5 stars, because every good coaching staff takes their recruits and coaches them up. Harsin had the guys who decided to stay working in the weight room. That seems to be the extent of his coaching players up. The biggest problem I saw, other than the talent gap, was a lack of enthusiasm, excitement, energy. Despite the crowd being really loud, once Auburn fell behind in the first half, I just didn't see any real tenacity. I've never heard Harsin in the locker room, but he just doesn't come across as much of a motivational leader. And when the backups are even less talented than the starters, lack of killer tenacity is a problem that gets multiplied by confusion. To me, this explains why the defense is not getting turnovers and the defensive front was parting like the red sea for PSU runners. And that, to me, also explains the undisciplined and sluggish offensive play. I'm not saying the guys quit. I'm saying Harsin and some of the other coaches are crappy leaders, communicators, motivators. Just plugging in a TE to help block isn't going to help much to rectify that. I'd look for a nasty FB.
  15. More AWESOME choices! 1. Dillingdong 2 Pickle 3. Sitak
  16. I'm gonna listen to 2 hrs of babbling about the totally s****ty AU vs PSU game? Nope!
  17. Hey, if we fire Harsin ASAP, we've got a crop of experienced coaches to choose from to replace him. Some already mentioned on AUF, some not .... yet. All could be grabbed for a nickel, except the misogynist lover. Let's all get behind these awesome coaches. (For those of you not familiar with internet sarcasm -- EAT IT!) 1. Mushchump 2. Frosty 3. Herm 4. Chinandy 5. Urb the Mire 6. Cambo 7. Leipo 8. Clark the mountain man 9. Doer 10. some dude named Gus
  18. I'm all for orange-out in the stadium. I'm fine with orange face masks, although I really don't care and to me it doesn't really fit with my image of Auburn football. But the only thing worse than orange jerseys would be orange jerseys with orange pants! Yikes! Double yikes! Just gimme a game filled with mean, nasty, effective play, surgical passing on offense, concussive running game, murderous DL/LB, eagle-clawing secondary play, angry plays for loss, stifling special teams. Tear the panthers to pieces. Make them limp home licking their wounds. Uniforms will have nothing to do with any of that. Will it happen? I sure HOPE so! WDE!
  19. I didn't say that I thought he was a good choice. Just pointing out who the interim guy is.
  20. Auburn President has named him for interim AD. He has been the compliance guy through a lot of Auburn's NCAA investigations.
  21. Go back and check me. I NEVER wanted A&M in the SEC. Still don't.
  22. Based on last season & the 1st 2 games? Season record = 4-8 Optimistically, and I mean really optimistic, 6-6. I'm not really a negative nellie, but so far considering last year and the first two games this year, I'm just not convinced Harsin can win in the SEC. Bama & UGA = L Penn State = L Arkansas, the way they are playing for Pittman = L Ole Miss = L A&M = L (despite App St, they have LOADS of talent) LSU & MSU are toss ups, but I'm not convinced Harsin can win toss ups I really, really wish I could predict a better season. I really WANT Auburn to win every single game. I really WANT Harsin to prove he's "the man" for Auburn. \And I really HOPE I am wrong about my current assessment. I'd be ecstatic for a 9-3 season. Even 8-4 would be kinda okay. I just don't envision it happening right now. Hoping Harsin proves me wrong!
  23. So Oregon is annihilated by UGA. Of course, we expected that from the defending national champions. Then Florida beats up on the PAC12 champion Utah. The Hogs take care of business against last year playoff team Cincinnati. These are all quality teams. I'm not interested in SEC teams vs powderpuffs. Just the strong match-ups. So the PAC12 and Power5 teams can fight it out against each other, but it is like kids playing against each other in backyard ball. Fun to watch, yes! But not going to make it into the big league. When the playoff expands to 12 teams, maybe one of these teams will be included just to assure inclusion of minor-leaguers. But really, today, they didn't earn a spot on the radar.
  24. There are many variants of abortion restrictions being enacted by state legislatures. I have questions. And this is irregardless of laws passed in specific states. This is just asking your thoughts. 1. If a child (lets say 13) is inseminated by a family member (father, brother, uncle, cousin), she is a child. Should she be forced by law to bear that child? And why should she? 2. A high school girl is fed drugs or alcohol at a party and sexually used. She is pregnant as a result. Should she be forced by law to bear the child? Any why should she? 3. A woman (lets say 28) is kidnapped and raped. She ends up pregnant. Should she be forced to bear that child? 4. A married woman and her husband already have kids. They don't want any more kids. Their protection fails and she ends up pregnant. They really cannot afford supporting another child. Should she be forced to bear that child? 5. A pregnant woman faces a situation in which the pregnancy could kill her (example being ectopic pregnancy, many other situations). If abortion of the fetus could save her life, should she be required to continue her pregnancy? 6. A woman is pregnant, but the child is severely medically damaged, unlikely to survive for long after birth or be a catastrophic medical situation after birth requiring huge support financially and familialy. Should the woman be forced to bear the pregnancy? 7. A woman (28) and hr husband (29) do not want children. Despite precautions, she ends up pregnant. Should she be forced to squirt out a kid? Keep in mind that, in states that have restricted or eliminated abortion, they also do not support programs for child care or raising children, many have refused Medicaid, and the mothers/families are left on their own. These are questions, not attacks. Can others help me understand? I'm really trying to understand all of this, because even in Biblical times, the mother took precedence over unborn.
  25. All his fund raising is really irrelevant. In a court of law, proving the connection is a slam dunk. In this case, the passports (his identity) in his personal desk drawer (his personally controlled property), with top secret documents (the property of the U.S. Government), is seminal evidence. He cannot claim he was unaware of the documents, cannot blame aides or underlings or lawyers. This kind of connection is what courts and juries want to see to connect the dots in evidence. Trump can try to delay the proceedings. He can fund raise. But no matter how many millions of dollars he sucks in from his suckers, he can't escape all the legal evidence.
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