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Everything posted by AURex

  1. I could not watch and have not read through all the posts, but YIKES! Why is Flanigan still on the floor so much? He was out there 27 minutes. ZERO points on the floor. As many turnovers as steals. 3 points and 2 rebounds in 23 minutes. Yes, I know his dad is an asst, but at some point CBP has to make the call to bench Flanigan as a backup with minimal PT. He is not benefiting this team.
  2. Well, um, OUR votes don't count. We have ZERO input as to the new coach. Do I care which one? NOPE. Frankly, I really do not think it will be either of these guys. But if it is, I really do not care which. I will support either one!
  3. Nope! Auburn has competed very well in SECw over the years (although not so much recently). But I can think of dozens of places that are WAY more difficult. For Auburn, the issue is not the difficulty of the schedule, it's the competence of the coaching staff. Auburn has played Bama, UGA and LSU for a very long time. Auburn has won against those teams a lot of times. I agree with the above post regarding directional schools, but among Power5, just consider teams that used to be great and have been in the dumps for years. Colorado, Nebraska, Texas A&M. Then there are the ones that historically have been Power5 fodder -- Vandy, U Mass, Hawaii, Temple, New Mexico & New Mexico St, Nevada, S Florida, Rutgers, Colorado State, Utah State, etc. Auburn is not the toughest place to coach -- for a good coach. It is a really tough place to coach for a coach who is not competent for the challenge. Like, um, Harsin.
  4. Some things are bittersweet and envelop us in warm joy -- like dark chocolate melting on our tongue. Other things are bittersweet and provoke antipathy, disgust, even nausea, like biting into spoiled pineapple. The Harsin farewell falls into the second category. I just want to spit it out, rinse my mouth out with Pellegrino, slug two dozen shots of Maker's Mark, and obliterate all memory of that nasty hot mess.
  5. Ron any of you ever cook Spam? I know -- this is an issue that most people would NEVER admit to. Spam! Yew, gross. Of course, in some states (esp Hawaii), Spam is like a national food. I lived in Hawaii when I was young. I grew up enjoying Spam. I have traditional and modern recipes., Please don't drag out your nasty negativity. Any of you guys got dinners with Spam?
  6. I have not watched an Auburn game this season since San Jose State. I knew by then that this season was a disaster. Now all I see is a final score posted at some point. But ya know, it is just numbers. I did not actually watch the carnage. And as a result, I don't cry in my beer. I'm convinced, at some point in the future, Auburn will once again rise up and I'll watch games with great optimism and excitement. Until then, since I am eager to avoid heart attacks and bouts of debilitating depression, I wish my Tigers well, but I give the big middle finger to CBH.
  7. It's a sad day when Auburn turns to a Mississippi school for anything. JMO.
  8. The fact that Deion has recruited a few notable black athletes to a historically black university is no guarantee that he can recruit top athletes to a white university like Auburn. And there's no evidence that he can assemble a coaching staff and win in a Power 5 conference, especially the cutthroat SEC West. Personally, I'd be surprised by the hire, although I'd be happy enough with him as a replacement for Harsin. And I don't think Freeze is gonna be the guy. Again, I could be surprised. I just don't see it happening. The biggest, baddest, bestest hire would, IMO, be Matt Rhule. Instant recruiting cred and could probably assemble a very good group of assistant coaches.
  9. Excuse me for a moment while I run off for a quick .....
  10. Can't blame him. He was recruited as a TE. This year, plugged in at WR. Over 2 years -- 6 receptions for 83 yds. Harsin claims to be an offense that uses multiple TEs. hahaha .... nope. Good luck to you, young man.
  11. Kiffin to Auburn? 🤣😂
  12. I'm not a lawyer. False arrest? Harassment? Defamation? That's why I asked "I wonder ..."
  13. DeSantis held a big news conference to brag about the arrest of 20 people who had voted "illegally." News media showed videos of confused voters being arrested, handcuffed, and taken away by armed officers for their purported crime. The first case was just thrown out by the court. Most or all of the other cases are likely to be thrown out as well. Why? 1. Voting illegally requires that the person must know they are ineligible. If the local voter registration office sends them a valid voter card, they can reasonably assume they are eligible unless specifically informed they are not. 2. The state elections office is required to notify each voting district of people who are ineligible. The state office did not. 3. State authorities (through the state attorney general's office) only have authority to prosecute in cases in which the accused criminal activity involves two or more counties. If it occurs in only one county, they don't have jurisdiction. In this case, the court dismissed the case because of #3, but all of these requirements would have to be met for the state to prosecute cases like this. Even the author of the voting bill in the legislature said that the intent of the law was to deter intentional voting when the person knows they are not legally eligible. Here is the news article regarding dismissal of the first case. I wonder if any of these folks will sue.
  14. Charles Barkley just renewed his contract with TNT and "Inside the NBA" worth $100 to $200 Million over the next 10 years. "Barkley is widely considered one of the most popular studio analysts of all time and has won four Sports Emmy Awards as outstanding studio analyst for his work on TNT." I sure hope some of that coin lands at Auburn. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/charles-barkley-signs-life-altering-100-million-deal-to-stay-with-tnts-inside-the-nba-11666114535?siteid=yhoof2
  15. THERE IS NO BOTTOM YET. HARSIN IS THE BOTTOM, BUT HE ISN'T THERE YET. THE BOTTOM IS STILL TO COME! HE WILL BE THE BOTTOM BY THE END OF THIS SEASON. The worst Auburn coach all time! At which point, Auburn will hire some redneck whose uncle once applied to Auburn but wasn't accepted because of a child porn conviction. But he's famous for catfishing in MIssouri lakes and will be the new program savior. JABA
  16. Why would he go to Nebraska? Football worse than Ole Miss. He's got a program doing well with ZERO pressure from his PTB. But he might use the interest of the huskers to jump his salary. But his current situation also explains why he would not be interested in the Auburn vacancy after Harsin is dumped. He is presently in his best place and he knows it.
  17. Since I have my service set to record ALL SEC games and all ranked teams, I don't really care what time the games are played. But on Saturdays, I typically like to watch games that feature teams that are actually *competitive* teams. Which ...... um ....... ain't Auburn. If Auburn ever does an upset over, like WKU, well .... um .... okay. Do I really care? It's an upset over WKU. Fact is, my two other personal home school teams (Illinois and UKy) are doing pretty good this year, and I live in Knoxville so the Vols are fun to watch. I'd rather watch any of them play than .......... ughness. Love my Tigers. Just can't stand the heartache and anxiety and depression.
  18. Yes, if Auburn varsity football team could play against just a bunch of freshmen, Auburn might go 6-6. hahahah
  19. Auburn zero, opponent 0. Tie. Auburn falls even further in the standings. But Harsin is still the HC, so there's that. hahaha
  20. Harsin will serve out this season with Auburn and he will be fired. Harsin has banked MILLIONS of dollars and will be due MILLIONS more after he is fired. Harsin will hop on the first plane to Idaho, buy a million dollar home/estate, and spend the rest of his life in luxury hunting and fishing, never again stepping on a football sideline. After he's terminated, call me out if I am wrong. I'll gladly eat crow.
  21. I've never been a Vol fan, but then I've never been a Bama fan either. USUALLY, Bama almost never gets called for PI. False starts, off sides, delay of game, but rarely big penalties like PI or face mask no matter how blatant, no matter how obvious. Even in this game, a play in the end zone that should have been flagged as PI on Bama was instead called against TN. To beat Bama, you not only have to outplay the Bama team, you have to overcome the ref bias. Fact is, Bama did not *deserve* to win this game. They did not *earn* a win. They may go to the SECCG, but whichever East team they play, if the Refs don't decide it, they will lose. And I am really happy about that. Now, if TN can just knock off UGA ...... we will have a really fun SECCG and a CFB playoff to remember. Imagine UT vs Michigan or Ohio State.
  22. I worked in academic health science centers (major U.S. hospitals) for decades. Politicians with ZERO knowledge in Biology or Medicine, are legislating medical care. Yep, they are experts. FACT! There are children born who are not definitively male or female. at birth. It is a biological FACT! And there are children whose hormonal balances do not definitively STAMP a child as as male or female. This is a scientific FACT! The politicization of child sexual care is not scientifically or socially defensible - PERIOD!. Of course, in today's world, everything is POLITICAL -- not scientific, not medical -- so let's all go gonzo ultra right wing crazoid and torch children and adolescents.
  23. I'm really happy that he is doing well in the minor league. Go Gus! But Gus is not a future for Auburn or any other Power 5. Which is why no other Power 5 has gone after him, even with all the current Power 5 job openings.
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