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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Las Vegas Bowl -- Florida vs Oregon State Blech! It's hard to believe Florida beat PAC12 champion Utah early in the season, but looked like steaming cow pies against Oregon State. Yes, UF was without their original QB, but it was like the rest of the team just was not there offensively or defensively. I'm not a fan of UF and I know they've struggled without Richardson, but still, this was an embarrassing slap down by a PAC12 also-ran.
  2. It is so remarkable and exciting to be competing at this level nationally. Amazing how far the Auburn gymnastics program has advanced in just a few years.
  3. Elon Musk proclaims himself as an absolutist regarding "free speech." Of course, as with most conservatives who advocate for free speech, the notion really only applies to conservative speech (which they think is censored). Elon first got notice for his concept of free speech when he fired SpaceX employees who criticized his public babbling about politics. And of course with Twitter, we have numerous examples, most recently banning the guy who reports on Elon's latest whereabouts, as well as firing all the employees who had been responsible for blocking hate speech, misinformation, terrorist planning, and Russian/Chinese propaganda.And now he's blocked journalists from the NY Times and Washington Post, because ... um ... their speech isn't free??? Um .. OK. Plus of course attacking actual free speech regarding scientific information about vaccines and health care. Prosecute Fauci? hahahaha Muskism is the new Trumpism. Sigh ...
  4. Not everyone is an extremist just because they disagree with the politics of the right.
  5. Everyone here was bad-mouthing Jonni Broome, but he was 6-8 from the floor with 7 rebounds, 4 blocks and 1 assist. He and Jaylin carried the load last night. JW was 8-11 from the floor, 2-3 from 3, with 8 rebounds, 3 blocks, no turnovers and a steal. Greene had 17 points, but mostly on free throws, not scoring from the floor, and only 3 assists. Zep did not score, Westry did not score.
  6. I'm assuming, by "would have won," she means the insurrection would have succeeded, the Constitutionally prescribed procedure for certifying the winner of the presidential election would have been sabotaged, the Constitutional foundation of our federal government destroyed, and a wannabe dictator installed as President of the United States. She is not the only right wing extremist to publicly proclaim that American Democracy should be abandoned in favor of autocracy. As the wannabe dictator, Trump himself has argued that all the rules, including the United States Constitution, should be terminated to install him as President. But she is up there with the microphone saying "If I was in charge," we would now live in a banana republic! Sigh.
  7. My degree from Auburn was in Philosophy (social and political philosophy) with a minor in Economics. I was a card-carrying Libertarian at the time. I know the philosophy and tenets of the right in depth, scholarly, politically and economically. Fortunately, over years of further scholarship and a whole lot of reality checking, I realized just how disconnected the right wing philosophy and politics is from real world society and real world problems. The article linked to in the OP is a complete pile of steaming dung. I lived in California, off and on, for 8 years, and as a hugely populated state AND one of the greatest economies in the world, it has some serious problems, from homelessness to drought to socio-political issues. Throwing a bunch of mostly fake (some true) criticisms out there with template right wing jingoistic tripe, with zero practical, meaningful ideas for actually addressing issues, is disingenuous and deceitful to say the least, and abhorrently villainous in intent. I have never read this author before and hope to avoid ever seeing another word from him in the future.
  8. Auburn takes all 22 portal players transferring out of A&M's top 3 recruiting classes "for depth" 😬
  9. CONFUSED!! What does any of this endless argument have to do with the "Respect for Marriage ACT"? sigh. Just AUF being "whataboutism" AUF.
  10. Well, NO, a lot of the posters were not opposed to Freeze being hired, they have been anxious for him to name an OC and DC because critical for recruiting HS and portal. I'm glad he has announced names, if not finalized contracts. And I hope the new OC and DC will jump on the recruiting mission as vigorously as the position coaches (and Freeze himself) have done.
  11. QB/RB coach at Houston 2003-2007 OC/QB coach at Baylor under Art Briles 2008-2014 - coached Heisman QB Robert Griffin Head Coach at Tulsa 2015-2022 - AAC championship game against Cincinnati in 2020 Maybe he can lean on his history of coaching RG for a Heisman, and Cadillac's success coaching RBs, the two can become a real force recruiting skill players. But ya know, Freeze will have a heavy hand in the Auburn offense. This is looking optimistic.
  12. Memphis dominated Auburn in every facet of the game. Even areas in which Auburn has, in the past, excelled like defense and rebounding. This 2-loss team just made Auburn look like a scheduling cupcake. I've been talking about this since late last year. Teams with any size at all inside will collapse, forcing Auburn to prove they can make outside shots. And if they drive inside, out-rebound and break for easy points. Even with Jabari and Kessler inside, this was the script for opponents to bat Auburn late in the season last year -- and it worked. CBP has a LOT of work to do with this team. With no outside threat and teams collapsing inside, it's a tough road ahead.
  13. I would suggest that the votes for Fetterman had little to do with "party lines" (which tend Republican there) and a lot to do with the policy issues of his opponent's party's positions on issues of real importance to voters. The importance of those issues overcame questions regarding his health. I would suggest the same for Hershel Walker, who was obviously a "tool" of the Republican party -- a Black poster boy, an inarticulate, incoherent half wit, dumb as a rock, manipulated, used by the Republican machine. Sad for him, and sad for all of us as citizens. Personally, I really feel sorry for him as a person, while really happy he did not win the election.
  14. All I can say after this game in which 2-loss Memphis **completely dominated*** Auburn in ***every*** facet of he game is, man there's a lot of work to do. But I've been talking about this since late last season.
  15. AURex

    Tank ?

    That young man has given AU much more than he's received in return. If he turns pro, I'm in his camp. You GO, young man! If he stays, hallelujah Tigers, you slay young man! Eithr way, I'm all for Tank!
  16. Well, ya know, Freeze's winning record in the SEC is no better than Malzahn or Chizik, not even close to Tuberville. Let's not start having orgasms until he actually produces on the field - know what I mean?
  17. HPV Vaccine is also for males. HPV cancer is actually pretty common cancer of the tonsils/throat for men. Not just gay men. My brother, totally hetero, developed HPV cancer of his tonsils at age 69. (Okay, have a laugh.) Never ever had a gay experience, but was eager to go down on ladies. Surgery and chemo. So yes, the vaccine is for males as well, although nobody wants to talk about the risks of cunnilingus (and HPV is not the only one).
  18. As a card-carrying Libertarian in my ancient past, I adhered to the doctrine that any business can deny service to any customer for any reason. The idea being that competition in the marketplace would assure that anyone, no matter what race, religion, sex, etc, would find a business willing to serve them. As I matured, I realized that the theory was not the reality. I lot of marginalized people were unable to obtain basic services because of their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc. I found this extremely disturbing that the "free market" was not working to assure that all citizens of our country received equitable opportunities. (I began to see it in many other ways, but that is for a different conversation.) Should a baker be required to provide a wedding cake for a gay couple? I'm now of the opinion that ** It Depends** on whether there are ample options for the couple to obtain a wedding cake ** of comparable quality ** from other bakers. (A Kroger's cake with Happy Marriage is not comparable.) IMO, there is a balance to be sought in the rights of businesses and the rights of citizens. It's not a "black and white" issue.
  19. Tell me why almost 50% of voters on Georgia consider Hershel the best choice for U.S. Senator. I'm not looking for libs to go ballistic here. I'm looking for conservatives, Republicans, to give me some sense of their vote choice for Walker. Why did almost 50% of Georgians vote for him?
  20. AURex

    Tank ?

    I am so totally crazed happy with all TANK has cotributed to Auburn football. Not just on the field, but to our program and recruiting. If he does turn pro, I wish him the greatest success. It is a tough position to succeed at in rghe NFL and I hope he has a good run. As for Auburn recruiting ..... bring it on!
  21. Okay, but what I am confused about is why ANY. SINGLE. SANE. PERSON would vote for Hershel. Only think I can figure is (1) Republicans in power assume they can control him and get him 1o0% to vote on every Republican issue, and/or (2) dumb as a dirt clod in a field, so easily pulled into crazoid extremist faction of Republicans, or both! I just don't understand why any person in Georgia or anywhere else would want this guy as a US Senator, representing OUR COUNTRY.
  22. Glad to see Flanigan score a few points. But more, KD pumped in a bunch and so did Wendelle and Bronni. But the BIGGEST in my eyes was Auburn hitting 45% from 3, with KD leading the way hitting 4 or 5 from 3. This may just be an aberration, but I sure do hope the team can find a way to keep opponents honest by sinking a good percentage of outside shots.
  23. Personally, I have no issue with Calzada leaving, and if Freeze messaged "goodbye" I'm okay with that. Freeze knows what he wants at QB. Even if the QB he wants is not yet in pocket, he can know that Calzada is not going to be competitive. Notably, Freeze apparently did not push out Robbie, even though I suspect he will not be in the QB room next season.
  24. 1. He has hit the road on awesome fashion to rub-nub and howdy-there with bunches of Alabama high school coaches. This is AWESOMENESS way beyond Harsin and I am really impressed. 2. He is hiring his buds from Liberty and Ole Miss. I guess we'd expect that with a new coach, but personally I'd like to see some nationally great hires -- i.e. from NFL or great teams. This not only for expertise, but also from recruiting vantage. For example, Saban hires O'Brien Am I the only one who is concerned about another Malzahn-like good buddy staff ..... and worse .... Harsin-like good buddy staff. I'm hoping for some A+ surprise hires at the assistant/coordinator level.
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