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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Why are we even seeing posts about him? Colorado is not an Auburn Rival. This is like talking about Dillingham at ASU.
  2. What a load of crap. It's not about CBP. It is about team talent. You got a group of guys (and I applaud them all for their effort) -- but the talent just ain't there. Yes, you can argue that CBP recruited these guys, but the fact is, after losing Jabari and Kessler, the current team just doesn't have the talent. CBP schemes and tries to put them intio position to score, but they just can't shoot worth a crap. Other teams know that nobody on the Auburn team is an outside threat, so they collapse inside. They've been doing that since late last season. Name one BB coach nationally who could take this crop of mediocrity and win consistently in the SEC. Fact is, Auburn just doesn't have the talent this year. You can blame CBP for that if you want, but there just weren't a lot of Jabari and Kessler guys available to fill the holes. And is CBP to blame if Flanigan still sux or if Westry is a no show or if Zep and JD have both regressed?
  3. Bama comes into Neville Arena after a major, embarrassingly awful beat down and beats Tiger butt convincingly. Then they are ranked #1. But they get slapped around vs Tennessee. CBP has some great recruits coming in, but it might take him a year on campus to gel as a team. In the meanwhile, I think we can see that Auburn is mediocre at best this year and there are 3 teams with the talent and coaching to actually get past the first round of the Big Dance. At this point, I'm not sure Auburn gets an invite.
  4. Eluding? Perhaps you meant "alluding"? hahahaha And yes, there are multiple posts in this thread and others on AUF saying CBP is to blame for the Auburn losses this year and late last year.
  5. Alright, let's just get off CBP's case, okay? Losing two first round draft picks, rebuilding from the remainders (flailing Flanigan, midget Greene, etc). What do you want him to do with this cast of characters? He's tried to give the best guys a chance and they've .... ya know ..... best description .... been inconsistent and often outclassed. Is that the fault of CBP? I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt here. He has some great recruits on the list. If he can actually land them, he will have a solid group to begin working with. Frankly, I'll be happy to see out two guards leave and Flanigan proceed to the exit door. I thank them loudly for their contributions to Auburn BB, but I'm convinced CBP will rebuild.
  6. Okay, whenever it actually happens, this is going to cause upheaval in the current SEC. I've seen a lot of speculation about reorganizing the SEC, but not anything I accept as official. No matter what the SEC reorganization,Texas and Oklahoma will be formidable opponents n FB and BB. But also gymnastics, baseball, swimming, etc. Personally, I'm happy to see hem join the SEC ASAP. It;s gonna UP the game in a lot of sports.
  7. His track record as a head coach ... um ... not good. His acceptance among PTB ... um ... not good. His popularity among AU donors and fans ... um ... not good. Why are e even discussing this? The guy is gone. All this hypothetical blubbering is completely irrelevant to Auburn football. Let's deep dive this and move on to more relevant topics.
  8. I ... DO .... NOT .... WANT .... TO .... BE .... SLEEPING!!!!
  9. Nobody here has forgotten the Malzahn divorce and Steele coup attempt. That doesn't change the fact that the man can coach defense, and if he has a roster full of 5 and 4 star players, 3 deep, he might just be able to field a halfway decent defense ... maybe ... like ... okay ... yep! But fact is, we know what we are up against every season -- Bama and UGA are always gonna be uber tough. Doesn't matter if it is Steele or somebody else. Bama will always be tough to beat.
  10. Auburn's quick out in the finals last season really perplexed me. They had done so well during the season. I haven't kept up with recruiting. Has Auburn fallen behind?
  11. In every P5 conference, the teams currently performing best were predicted to finish further down the conference. Blue bloods are dropping like flies! Kentucky, UNC, Duke, Kansas, Gonzaga ...... In any given game, it seems an unranked opponent, or a team with many more losses, "upsets" a higher ranked team. Is the portal creating more parity in college BB? Or is there some other explanation why we seem to have blue bloods bleeding out and predicted also-rans having more success?
  12. This was, without doubt, without even comparison, the worst BB game I have ever suffered through. Both teams were absolutely miserable. It was not a defensive struggle. It was an offensive embarrassment. I want that 2 hours of my life back. I sure hope Auburn can find the basket during the rematch at Neville.
  13. The bias in judging encountered by visiting teams (any visiting teams) has got to be disheartening and discouraging to the athletes of visiting teams. Judging in gymnastics, and a few other sports like diving and equestrian, are totally subjective, and thus corrupted by biases. Those biases are most obvious when visiting the home venue of competitors. I can see why great athletes like Suni could be discouraged by the inherent bias of judging in SEC competition -- and as a result deciding not to return for final eligibility. I love the competitiveness of our Tiger Gymnasts. They train and work so hard, they compete so hard. I know they understand the unfairness of the SEC competitions. I think they accept the biased judging because each competition enables them to work harder on perfecting their skills. So when the time comes for competition that is not so biased, they will be ready, experienced. WDE! Go for it!
  14. This is all an issue of mismanagement by the Federal government (both D & R) regarding procedures for dealing with classified materials. I'm beginning to think that the National Archives should be charged with responsibility for sorting and boxing all materials of all government officials (in Congress and in Executive) to retain all documents that are government property. These documents should never leave the Capitol and Congressional Buildings. There is no *reason* these materials would need to be "taken home" or otherwise taken out of the core facilities of the Federal government. I'm now waiting for the National Archives and DOJ to look into classified materials from the Bush/Cheney administration (i.e., all that "evidence" of WMD in Iraq), and whatever Bill & Hillary might have stashed away. Instead of political posturing, Congress needs to legislate reforms to the entire way in which classified documents are handled within both the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal government.
  15. Well, in his few appearances early in the season, he didn't accomplish much. But I attribute that to his injury and inability to practice much with the team as a result. He has a real upside, so a redshirt certainly makes sense. We'll definitely need him next season.
  16. Auburn RB room is exceptional in terms of individual talent. Problem is the OL group, which (at this point) is questionable -- again. I'm really hoping CHF and staff can fix that. With an SEC caliber OL, our RBs could bust azzzzz.
  17. I agree. Just looking at the Auburn schedule, I'm thinking 7-5 is pretty reasonable. Thing is, if Auburn can put together an OL that is competitive in SEC play, and if Auburn can put together a DL and LB group that can compete at the SEC level, and if RA or some other QB can step up and play SEC ball, Auburn might pull in another win, maybe 2. But for now, I'm at 7-5.
  18. Funny thing is, after Gus was fired and Harsin arrived, Auburn players were going on about how much harder S&C workouts were under Harsin, and Harsin was going on about how Auburn would be bigger, stronger, more fit than opponents. So now, 1,000% tougher than Harsin ..... wow, that's really .... okay .... haha What I want to hear from players is that they are being physically challenged more than they ever have in the past. But in the end, I want to see the results on the field. Not just physical. But mental toughness, resolve, dedication, commitment, refusal to give up. Posing with a big muscle is irrelevant. Dominating your opponent on the field is the goal. Let's hope the new S&C program helps Freeze and his staff get us there.
  19. After watching the SEC vs Big12 Challenge games today/tonight, I think it is pretty obvious that the SEC is not a powerhouse league this season. Missery looked really good and they have been playing well lately. Tennessee looked solid. Other than that, I'm not seeing much to get excited about. Bama is really good when they are hot, but mediocre when they are not. Based on recent play, A&M might have a team. Otherwise, I'm not seeing much. I don't know how deep the NCAA tourney committee can go with SEC teams, but personally, I really wouldn't load up on SEC teams.
  20. CBP is doing the best he can with the players he has to work with. Fact is, there is just not a lot of talent on the floor for our Tigers. No matter how CBP does his mix-n-match shuffling, it's just not going to succeed against the better teams in the SEC. One plus, I suppose, is that the SEC is really weak this season. Tennessee is the most consistently solid. Bama is scary when hot, average when not. Mizzery may be the best team down the stretch and could actually win the SEC tourney. Other than that? Although I'll be glued to my TV pulling for Auburn every minute of every game, I just don't foresee many more wins for Auburn this season. Might squeak into the NIT to be eliminated early. CBP's recruiting board looks awesome. My eyes are focused on the future.
  21. Freeze and staff are busting azz on the recruiting trail and I am seriously impressed. That said, there is a lot of undertow to overcome, from Gus through Harsin, there is down current to battle. I love how Freeze and staff have fought to make up ground lost. It will take a couple more years, I think. A good season in 2023 woukd sure boost the recruiting success.
  22. I don't understand why Bama is being discussed in this Auburn/A&M thread. Totally non-related and OT. Anyway, our Tigers just dominated by A&M. I was surprised the difference in score was not greater. AU really had nuthin' offensively or defensively. Aggies deserved the win. I'm not sure CBP can do much more with this group of guys. IMO, it's not an issue of effort, it's about the talent. And I'm seriously concerned that, once we hit the final stretch in SEC play -- Tenn, Kentucky, Arkansas -- wins are going to be even harder to come by. I'll always be be screaming for my Tigers. I'm just not real confident about the rest of the season.
  23. I'm not sure why this thread is going on so much about Clempson. Yes, of course, Clempson is Auburn by the Lake. But still, renaming buildings at Clempson is completely irrelevant to the issue of building names at Auburn. As always, f**** Clempson. I'm only interested in what we do at Auburn.
  24. JMO, but it looks like we were lucky not to pull this guy into Auburn.
  25. I don't watch much pro football, but I did watch the game today. “Felt like football,” Burrow said. “It was fun.” No, it's not as much fun as FBS football -- it's like any fall weekend a dozen FBS games each week would be better than watching any NFL game. But still, it's good to see young QBs come into the league to supplant the old, the mediocre, the over-paid QBs who still plod along on NFL rosters. Of course, that's just my opinion as a guy who rarely watches NFL.
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