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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Sorry, sarcasm is lost in discussion forums. I'm actually interested to see how Thorne works out for Auburn. The 60% completion percentage is not impressive, even with all the easy tosses. The W-L record is not eye-popping, as MSU went 5-7 last year just like Auburn. That said, actual game experience against very good teams counts for a lot. And I'm thinking Auburn's offensive coaching staff can maybe bring this young man along to be a decent SEC QB. I sure hope so! And my apology for the sarcasm. I'll try to avoid that in the future.
  2. I'm not sure any economic policies have "defeated" Reaganomics. It seems that 100% of Republicans still adhere to the evil concept of "supply side" economics -- i.e., give as much money as possible to the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations with the hellish lie that the money will "trickle down" to the 99.9999% of Americans. We saw this most recently in the Trump administration's huge give-away to the rich and the corporations. Thing is, the Republicans still chant out this evil concept and the stupic, uneducated still gobble it up.
  3. So, okay ... they are not a computer ... Yep, I'm lined up with the commenters who don't know the difference between there, their, and they're. hahahaha
  4. I'll be thrilled if he can produce. I don't count stars. I look at size, athleticism, skill set, experience. Welcome to Auburn and good luck young man.
  5. I'm just asking, because this seems to be a recurring issue. QBs who have had YEARS of coaching under different coaches, including summer camps with very experienced coaches. And I'm betting every one of those coaches were emphasizing the same thing -- footwork, shoulders, arm, read, lead, etc. So, why are we still stuck with QBs who cannot figure out how to set their feet, position properly, read, and lead? Yes, we've had sh***t OLs, but even on the run, there are basics of body, position, angle, etc. By this point, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, no college level QB, should be just chunking balls and wishing/hoping/praying. Why should CHF be expected to start all over again with incompetent QBs? Well, except that's what he inherited. Just chunk it and hope QBs. Will a transfer be able to step in with an actual skill set to lead Auburn in the toughest division of the toughest conference with an annually tough schedule? Looking for a miracle? There ya go.
  6. OK. Another guy. Welcome to Auburn. Not being negative, but I have really high hopes for CHF. I'm waiting for the 4 and 5 star players to begin appearing in the "commits" and "signees" news. Too soon for that? I guess so. He takes the best he can get for now. Short, light, but ...... athletic. Depth. OK, I've got my tinfoil hat and full body armor on -- blast away!
  7. Ya know, we see a lot of new items about people in sports who are charged with assault, domestic violence, etc. Not always against women, but so often it seems against women. And not always males, but sometimes females as well, like women coaches. Not always coaches or admins. Is it because media scrutiny focuses on these perps? Like, this is rampant in society, but if a sports figure is involved, it gets extra press? Or is it like the misogynistic culture of sports? Or is it the authoritarian position vs subservient position of athletes/students? This has been going on for decades, esp in gymnastics and swimming. I saw an article recently in which a movie director was asked about the infamous "casting couch" in Hollywood, e.g. Harvey Weinstein. He said it is still pervasive, but not just in movie making. In the business world as well. Women are still expected to put out to move up. But we see a lot of it in sports. We've had our own scandals at Auburn. And it is rarely a month goes by without something hitting the fan around the country. I'm not covering for the Bama azzzzz. I'm glad he has been called out. I'm just wondering why this seems so prevalent in sports.
  8. So, am I understanding this correctly? Harsin ran off the majority of those recruits. A few more are now departing because ??? CHF is not listing them in the 1-2 rotation ??? Did I understand that right? I appreciate and applaud their contributions to AU and wish them well wherever they end up.
  9. Um, abortion is minutia for you? Death penalty is minutia for you? You are knee-jerking, but the word "specifics" is in there somewhere? Sorry, I don't comprehend. If you are anti-abortion with exceptions or anti-death-penalty with exceptions,. just say so. Most of us here are not ***knee jerk*** anything.
  10. Sorta, kinda true -- only higher performing students qualify for entry into top universities. HOWEVER, there are universities that accept students with lower grades. And even the lowest scoring students are eligible for free education in top quality technical university programs and end up in high-paying jobs for skilled positions, like union factory and corporate support staff. Nobody is left behind. With universal healthcare, universal maternal/paternal support systems, etc, every citizen is a CITIZEN deserving respect.
  11. I saw a quote (sorry, I can't remember where) of CHF saying that the portal was "slower" than expected. Well, fast or slow, there ain't much time left in the current window. And the pickins have been kinda thin so far.
  12. I've always been a fan of Big Cat Weekend because it is about families and social activities, emphasizing the theme of Auburn Family. So I'm hoping this year will be a great weekend for Auburn.
  13. Among Democrats, I'd be excited to see Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer run. She has solid creds and a track record supporting liberal & centrist positions. But she has expressed no interest. As for Republicans, it's really hard. I'd go for Cheney or maybe Romney, since both are centrist and unafraid of the MAGA horde.
  14. I miss hanging out on Haley Square with a group of hippie girls in little halters (or alling out of them), getting high, and cheering on our team with more mind-altering celebratory chemicals. Because ...... hahahaha ...... not conformists. I know, this is not what was expected.
  15. Yes, I know, Michele Obama would not be eager to launch a campaign. But I will say, and I'm am very convinced, if she were to declare that she was running for president right now, she would blow Biden out of the race and would slaughter Trump in the general election. No contest.
  16. As always, when there is no logical or evidence-based argument, start throwing out a bunch of irrelevant BS to try to deflect. On Point -- This politically appointed official intentionally altered data. That is a FACT! He did it. Your political defenses are irrelevant. He changed scientific data to mislead others, misconstrue what the scientific data actually showed. I don't give a rat's azz about any of the other politically motivated sheeeet you guys are spewing, your what-about-isms filling this thread. That stuff is irrelevant. The man, a political appointee, is supposed to be the voice of medicine/science in the state He fabricated data to intentionally lie to the public. There is no argument about the FACTS. He did it. Period. The end.
  17. Despite his many major achievements, there are questions about Biden. Age is a common criticism by those supporting a candidate only a few years younger. But there is one Democrat who could easily (and I do mean *easily*) beat Trump or any other Republican in 2024. Michele Obama It would be no contest. Moreover, she would be a great 1st woman president of the U.S. Of course, this is just my opinion. And I hear the wailing anguish from the right. hahaha
  18. The Illinois House yesterday passed a bill buttressing the ability of public and school libraries to rebut right wing so-called anti-woke pressures to ban books. The argument was that these anti-woke book bans are, in reality, government-perpetrated *censorship* targeted at minority and marginalized communities -- LGBTQ, Black, Native American, non-Christian, etc. -- along with institutionalizing government-decreed moralities. They are an attack on freedom of speech and undermine the professional efforts of libraries to serve the needs of all residents and all students. Libraries in the state that capitulate to banning efforts can lose their state funding -- not only motivation but also an argument to present to weak-kneed boards and schools. This bill is sure to pass the Illinois Senate and be signed into law expeditiously. Other states are likely to follow. The University of Illinois Graduate School in Library & Information Science (founded in 1893) has been ranked as a premier program in the country throughout its history and ranked #1 for decades. The home office of the American Library Association is in Chicago. Librarians have always been at the forefront of protecting freedom of speech and combating censorship.
  19. Alabama governor ousts a top education official over a book's 'woke concepts'
  20. I have not yet seen/heard any explanation for the motivation for this gang shooting. Were the guys PO'ed because they weren't invited? Was there some bad blood between the party-goers and the killers? Also, the media keep reporting that the shooters were charged with "reckless murder." There is no such legal charge as "reckless murder." WTF? Still a lot to learn about this.
  21. Um ....... game changer? ..... um .... show me.
  22. For those of us who do not follow every sports publication, website, blog and podcast in the world, would it be too much to ask to provide the original source of the article? For all I know, is this your own evaluation, or is it from Louisiana Joe Bob's BBQ Rant page. or is it from a legit sports source?.
  23. As one who studied (and received a degree from Auburn) in social and political philosophy, and who leaned into Libertarianism for years, my answer is unsurprising. 1. There is no actual "capitalist" country. 2. There are oligarchies and fascist states that pretend to be Capitalist but are more like #4. 3. There are Social Democracies of varying stripes that mix some Capitalistic economic policies with Social programs. 4. There are dictatorships/autocracies that are more heavily Socialistic with most economic policies state dictated. The U.S. and most of the Western world are category 3, although the U.S. is moving quickly into the #2 category. The most successful Social Democracies (in no particular order) are Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Japan, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Wales, and France. he U.S. is down the list, but still (marginally) in the 3 category.
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