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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Personally, I don't drink much beer. Maybe 2 6-packs per YEAR, like one beer when I cook Mexican. And when I do drink a beer, it sure ain't gonna be anything from Anheuser-Busch or Miller or whatever. So I really don't give a crap whether wingnuts at either end of the political spectrum want to shoot beer cans or boycott. I DO get angry when the wingnuts at either end of the political spectrum begin threatening individuals at companies, calling for violence against them, their families, their kids. Hey, it's business. It's marketing. It's about sales. If you want to buy, then buy. If you don't want to buy, then don't buy. But threatening violence against individuals, families, kids, just because you don't like an ad? Nope! Not acceptable.
  2. If he can attend class and make his grades (which is a huge questionmark given his track record) I'm interested to see how he can do against SEC competition.
  3. I'm not sure what the issue is with Mikey. Alabama AG has said they will prosecute any MD who provides abortions. Federal regulations specify that MDs can and will provide abortions to military personnel. Why woukd the Federal Government want to put people in a state in which they cannot receive federally mandated health care? And to think that Tuberville's continuing blockade of military promotions is not an issue -- well, the official blabber may say otherwise, but Space Command is a military agency. I call BS on that one.
  4. So now Cruz and Blackburn are threatening Anheuser-Busch with some sort of Congressional "investigation" about advertising to under-age kids. (1) They have no authority to "investigate" anything in the Senate, and (2) There was no marketing to under-age kids. But of course, playing to the radical right base, this nonsense is political drugs.
  5. Alabama laws and Tuberville had everything to do with it. It is not a "Democrat boondoggle." It is Federal decision making based on the political policy regarding abortion and women's rights.
  6. This is just a topic for discussion. I put it her in Smack Talk because I know it will devolve into hate messaging. But I'd prefer to keep it civil. Can we keep it civil? So -- and this is just my opinion -- DeSantis has dug himself into a no-win hole. 1. Disney is going to make the best business decisions possible. Which means, their national/global best interest. Disney is a global powerhouse. Even conservatives who have kids are not going to go anti-Disney. DeSantis cannot go "boycott" on Disney. Suicide. 2. Disney is a huge corporation. If a state passes laws/regulations that negatively affect business, the corporation adjusts. Thus Disney cancels the $1 Billion plan to build a new campus in Florida. A huge number of Disney employees who would have been forced to move to Florida rebelled saying they'd quit. The decision against this move costs DeSantis/Florida labor for building a $1 billion complex, plus 2000 people averaging $100k+ annual salary sales and taxes into the Florida economy. 3. Censorship of books and speech in schools. By definition, censorship is government squashing free speech. Okay, anti-woke. We don't want anyone with a brain hearing that some other people are not heterosexual. We don't want schools talking about slavery and current discrimination. 4. Government dictating research and development at universities. Plus, faculty can't criticize right wing political ideology or sponsor activities that might include ideas that are reprehensible to far right folks. 5. Appointing/assuring that utra-right-wing people are in control of school boards and other decision making bodies. Okay, so that's enough. I'm thinking DeSantis has ZERO chance in the GOP primaries. I'm looking for alternative views regarding DeSantis. Does he have a chance of supplanting Trump as the GOP candidate?
  7. By Trump, who was, yes, the Bungler in Chief.
  8. This is just for discussion, of course. The U.S. issues warnings for U.S. citizens to avoid travel to some countries. Not just the obvious countries like Russia, North Korea, China and Afghanistan, but other countries that are not friendly -- Syria, Belarus, etc. So it is not unusual for the U.S. to suggest that U.S. citizens consider avoiding some countries where they could be at greater risk.
  9. Um, just curious, what do you mean by "Bungling Biden wouldn't have placed this in Alabama anyway"? Putting it at Huntsville was the original plan. It was destined for Alabama until the Alabama wingnuts went ballistic.
  10. Countries that we consider our allies -- economically and socially and politically aligned with the U.S. -- have issued warnings in their countries for their citizens not to vacation or travel in the U.S. The countries? Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, France, and Canada. Of course there are other countries warning against travel in the U.S. as well. Can you guess why? Welp, if you've watch the news over the past couple of years, it will be no mystery. This article cites gun violence, but of course it is not just gun violence. Attacks against ethnic minorities everywhere are rampant, hate crimes, and political/social laws and violence against people who do not look like white Anglo-Saxon heritage or speak fluent English are constantly in the news. https://www.yahoo.com/news/countries-gun-violence-problem-shooting-us-canada-france-australia-193643802.html
  11. I understand that CHF is desperate to fill the gaping holes in the roster left by Harsin, so yep, grab a dude. And I sincerely hope he does well at Auburn. That said, raiding the "Mean Green" which went 7-7 in the AAC for multiple players does not inspire the kind of gushing adulation I'm seeing here at AUF. Yes, I hope they can contribute and even become superstars. I guess I'm hoping our coaching staff is seeing magical potential that other teams missed, leaving them at North Texas rather than a major power 5 program. Best of luck to them all.
  12. Due to Alabama's restrictive abortion law and Tuberville's one-man crusade that is blocking all higher level military promotions, it looks like the home for the U.S. Space Command may not be based in Huntsville as originally planned. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/biden-admin-may-halt-move-space-command-alabama-abortion-law-rcna84336
  13. Ya know, I've been following (and supporting) Auburn football for a very long time. By which I mean, I'm older than most everyone on this board (well, not counting Golf who is the AUF Methuselah) and I've been contributing to my Alma Mater for a very long time. So nobody can accuse me of being a Negative Nellie. That said, I've always tried to be objective, not sucked into crazoid fanzoid mania. CHF has done a terrific job trying to fill holes and create depth and buttress the remnants of the Harsin era. And he's pulled in a number of promising guys as well as some depth dudes. Is Auburn, therefore, going to be beating on the doors of the SEC West elite? Um, well, I'd LOVE to see it happen, but realistically I just don't see it. YET! Give CHF a couple of years, and there is a chance. But not 2023. JMO.
  14. I was chuckling when reading the updated OP with all the "DONE" notations. CHF ain't done! At least, I'm sure hopin' he ain't done! hahaha
  15. So, this guy has a good Spring Game? Does no one consider Auburn Spring Game performances and how those translate into season performance? Am I the only one wondering, ok, the dude caught some passes in the Spring Game at a program being slaughtered with transfers and processing, a guy likely trying to escape? Ys, I know, I'm the outlier. I've put on my tin foil hat and 13 pairs of underwear ---- fire away.
  16. This is not unusual. The guys want a read on how they are perceived now. I really don't think either are going to receive top grades, but if their thinking is G-league is a better paycheck than NIL, well, it's now a different world of BB.
  17. Family members of every single rich, famous, powerful, notable person always endeavor to benefit from family name. It's not just in politics, it is in every realm of human social and economic activity. The children and other relatives of businessmen and movie stars and sports figures. Down to your local family-owned business and local politician. Kushner and the Trump kids lined their pockets with hundreds of millions based entirely on the Donald's name and power. Every person in the Bush and Kennedy families became bazillionaires simply by trading on their family name. The House Republicans are doing their damnedest to find even a shred of concrete evidence regarding the Bidens. So far, they got a big nuthin. Absolutely nuthin. Their press conference and report was a lot of bluster with the message, "we got nuthin, but we are still lookin."
  18. I get a laugh out of the fanatically righteous conservatives who thump their Bible and proclaim that marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. The End! Obviously, their knowledge of the bible is deficient. Here are the acceptable forms of marriage according to the bible.
  19. He's got the size. Can he actually move at that size? hahaha Damn, we sure need the depth and a guy that big can sure clog up works. Inside the 5, jumbo line, yowsa!
  20. CNN is trying to re-position itself as more centrist, trying to shed their longtime left-leaning media persona. If you look at their website, their opinion listings includes both conservative and liberal columns. IMO, it was absolute idiocy to host a program that just enabled Trump to spew his endless lies, smear, and hate. And fill the audience with Trump sycophants. That said, as usual, Trump just can't help it. He outright admitted he took classified documents and intentionally kept them. That counters the effort by his lawyers to create a fantasy to cover for him. Special counsel and prosecutors will use his own words to prove his culpability. And also, the timing is not going to be that helpful to Trump in the long run. Election day is long off. CNN can now claim they gave him his opportunity to address the American public and they can now decline to offer him any similar platform closer to election time. What I find sadly humorous is the entire messaging of Trump. (1) I am being attacked by everyone in the world. I am the victim! So give me money. (2) I am a hugely rich gazillionaire. But I am the victim! So give me money. (3) I am a crook, a tax fraud, a grifter, but I am the victim! So give me money. (4) I am a misogynist, a racist, a convicted sexual predator, but I am the victim! So give me money. At every turn, he claims to be the victim and begs for money. And this is the man half the country wants as their president. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad.
  21. He's dumb as a rock and evil as a demon. GOP Sen. Tuberville blocked 184 military promotions in his ongoing abortion fight with the Pentagon. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/25/sen-tommy-tuberville-blocks-military-promotions-abortion-pentagon/11737649002/
  22. Waiting for actual evidence of **anything**
  23. We need all the OL help we can get. Muskrat -- medium-sized semi-aquatic rodent . Well, okay, he's a bit small for an SEC lineman. Personally, I'd prefer (credit Princess Bride) Rodents of Unusual Size. hahaha This is HUMOR, okay! Sorry, I'm not intending to be negative. I'm happy CHF pulled him in. We need all the help we can get on the OL. And this young man seems to have some talent.
  24. Well, the size of the ball is certainly different. How about we merge the two! We play football with a small round ball. Receivers have baseball gloves, improving their chance of actually catching the damn ball and not fumbling it. 😁
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