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Everything posted by AURex

  1. FBI did NOT ignore the Congressional request to see the documents. The FBI offered to let committee members view the documents at FBI HQ, a secure location. This is common practice when a federal "asset" (spy) could be put at risk. This happens all the time. It is common practice. FBI says that there is no verification of any information provided by the supposed "whistleblower." Nobody in the Administration will do anything just based on some dude spouting unverifiable claims. Some sort of verification is required. So, since it is common practice to have sensitive documents viewed in a secured facility, as FBI offered, why would these Congressional Republicans decline the offer? Why would they keep referring to a whistleblower they cannot actually find, much less produce? So what happens if the Congressional committee files for contempt of Congress? (1) Will the DOJ prosecute the head of the FBI? hahaha (2) Would a court rule in favor of the committee after the FBI offered to let them see the documents they want to see? hahaha It is all Republican games, which they admit, is simply to try to support Trump and undermine Biden in the forthcoming election. Just showboating.
  2. If Auburn goes 7-5 -- well that's a winning season, right? If Auburn wins more than 7 in CHF first season, with pretty much half the team replaced by portals (mostly 3 stars), I'd say that's better than I expect -- and I would be really happy about that!
  3. They got no "whistleblower", they got no evidence, they got no authority, they got nuthin. They are just making sheet up, playing to the Trumpist base. They got nuthin.
  4. So glad to hear that this young man is returning. With the returning guys and new additions (and departures), I am really optimistic about next season.
  5. hahahah -- As always, for conservatives, any topic turns into WHATWABOUNTISM. hahaha
  6. Personally, I prefer going to a 9 game season for the SEC. Why? First, strength of schedule. We are moving to a 12 team playoff system. Teams with a high SoS have a better chance of getting into the playoff mix even if they have a couple of losses because of stronger SoS. Second, in terms of home attendance, schedules that include more home games vs SEC teams are more likely to fill the stands. Finally, if we can keep our Iron Bowl and UGA Longest Rivalry in the South, this is not only pulling in our Auburn donor dollars, it is crazoid ESPN revenue for Auburn. As for games against cupcakes? Not so much. I vote for the conference 9 game season. The Big10 is going that direction. Let's make sure the SEC keeps pace with ESPN $$$.
  7. Had a friend at Auburn who burped constantly. I mean, like every 3 seconds. Burp. I feel so sorry for people who encounter these kinds of health issues. To the general public -- they laugh. But to those who are suffering the malady, it is no joke. I don't laugh at Bo. It is a medical problem. I hope he finds a solution!
  8. My wife has a serious interest in ancient archaeology/history, which was one of her areas of study at Auburn, and I've really picked up on that myself. I'm not the expert she is, but I constantly see these articles about new archaeological finds in Egypt. More tombs, more artifacts. Yet we have not really wanted to travel to Egypt ourselves. Why? From our info, it is quite dangerous for Americans. And also, many who have gone are disappointed with what they've been able to see. Have any of you gone to Egypt in the past decade or so? And what was your experience?
  9. I'm not doubting that the young man can play. I'm not doubting the potential recruiting interest by our coaches. I'm just not sure why "maybe the best white dude" and "we really want a good white dude here" is a factor in this. Seems like, to me, we would want to recruit the absolute best players we can get. And I'm all about that! What does "white dude" have to do with anything? I'm just asking for clarification, because this is not the political forum. Just asking about the issue so prominent in the OP about him being a "white dude." Tell us about that, Cole. Why is that an issue for you?
  10. I'm hoping this young man has finally got his schiiiiite together, because he could contribute!
  11. I am elated, but frankly sort of surprised. Damn, what a great run this is.
  12. The young man can play and we need ANY young men who can play. But I'm confused by "... let's be real we really want a good white dude here." Please explain what you were intending to say here.
  13. Florida is the 3rd largest state in the U.S. In the 130 years since it became a state, there has never been a President elected from this state. Never a President even born in Florida who lived elsewhere. Plenty of Floridians have run. Some with national cred. Askew, for example. Graham was the best national candidate until he was eliminated due to health issues. Does DeSantis have an tiny inkling of a chance? IMO (and it is just my opinion), Nope! Not a chance. Is Trump a Floridian now? No matter. Does does Trump have a chance? Nope! Not a chance. Florida Man. I love all those Florida Man posts. Such fun. Not Presidential material. JMO.
  14. hahahaha -- I'd sure like to see your list -- hahaha
  15. I'm an Auburn alum and have been a fan for many, many years. How many? I was on campus during the last few years of Shug's tenure. Over the years, there are other coaches I liked and respected, others I didn't. Ya know, probably an unpopular choice, but in terms of winning percentage overall and in the SEC, it's really hard to ignore Terry Bowden. Yes, he inherited good players and he left in disgrace, but his overall winning percentage was above 72%, and his SEC winning percentage was 67%. Of course, that was only over 4 1/2 year period. But teams played fewer games back then. In terms of winning percentage, he did pretty darned good. Too bad he screwed up and got sideways with the Admins. I don't think any other Auburn coach in the modern era can match his record. That's just numbers. In terms of the coaches I personally liked best, I think Shug tops my list. And as much as I abhor his politics, Tuberville had a pretty good run, so I give him cred for that.
  16. Harsin is unemployed. Retired to hunt and fish and shoot and lift. There is no other story.
  17. Let Fox tell us about American history. Like, in olden days, the Southern Democrats were the racist party, lynching and killing and enslaving, KKK, and Jim Crow continuing enslavement. Then, suddenly, the REPUBLICAN party adopted all of these Southern discriminatory politics and, suddenly, the Democrats became the party of the working man, the minorities, the disadvantaged, the unions, etc. FDR and the New Deal and the presidents who followed. Fox ---- yep, they know history, and they tell their viewers how magical the neo-Nazi right wing Republicans are -- how they are going to save us.
  18. To think she was a school teacher, pushing this sh*te to kids. But sadly, this is what we've come to expect from GOP.
  19. ??? Comparing apples to oranges. Productivity in the minor leagues ain't equivalent to productivity in the majors. I HOPE that our new recruits will perform well. But the assessment in the OP doesn't really tell us anything.
  20. This young man is a hoss. CBP pulled him in and gave him some coaching and some play. I would hope that, if he dies decide to move on, the benefit of playing for Auburn attracts other young guys.
  21. Give us the evidence to support your assertion. Prove it to us. We be waitin'. And by the way, plumb by definition = "A weight on the end of a line, used to determine water depth." Not sure what that has to do with this discussion. Time to sign off on this one, Mikey. You got nuthin.
  22. Thanks for the list. It's definitely hard for most of us to keep up. And I do genuinely appreciate your ongoing efforts here, Zeek. You are an AUF hero. So, when you say "This includes nine of the eleven projected offensive starters and at least 5 of the defensive starters." I'm wondering why these are so-called **starters** before even fall practice? Where does this projection of "starters" come from. Is this your opinion? Or some Auburn assistant coach opinion? Or somebody who said it based on some guy's sister's, boyfriend's cousin's, brother's opinion?
  23. 1. Space Command is an Agency within the Department of Defense, mostly Air Force. It is military. Tuberville has blocked all higher level military appointment and promotions based on his one-man abortion crusade. Space Command cannot recruit top level personnel and function properly without senior level leadership. Tuberville is making that impossible. 2. Federal regulations specifically require that federal/military agencies/locations/bases will provide female members with maternal health care, including abortion when doctor and patient determine it is the proper decision. Alabama has decided that politicians are medical experts, and will prosecute any doctors who perform abortions. This is contrary to federal regulations. Space Command was scheduled to move from Colorado to Huntsville, because, yeh, NASA = Space. But due to those two issues, the MILITARY have advised against moving to Huntsville, and the Biden administration is listening to the MILITARY recommendations.
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