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Everything posted by AURex

  1. The pandemic is no excuse. Knowledge/skills among students was falling even before the pandemic. It is a sad commentary on the U.S. schools. If you delve into the numbers, you find that white kids from wealthy families are performing well. The lower you go on the family income level, the worse the scores. Why? Well, of course funding for schools has *nothing* to do with it. School lunch programs have nothing to do with it. Availability of tutors and summer programs have *nothing* to do with it. Defunding of community social programs and crime deterrence programs have nothing to do with it. Let's cut off all social support services to kids in need and watch while the kids from well-to-do families (white) excel, while the kids from poor families fall behind. Then let's all scream loudly about EQUALITY pretending that white privilege does not exist.
  2. In a roadhouse bar, two very drunk women are screaming at each other. Why? Nobody knows or cares. They are just drunk women. Outside Auburn. Been there. As for these two crazoid women ..... hahahaha ...... republicans! hahahaha
  3. The offenses that Hunter Biden is being prosecuted for are almost never actually prosecuted for ANY OTHER US CITIZEN. The DOJ is prosecuting him only because the GOP wingnuts are going insane over the Biden family. The plea deal -- welp, for almost all Americans there would be no NEED for a plea deal. Pay the back taxes you owe, goodbye. But it is important to make a big show of this for the eyes of the wingnuts.
  4. I think CHF has worked his butt off to fill holes on the roster, and he's pulled in some good players. But I'm old. I've lived through a lot of seasons. I'm cautious. I'm waiting to see if a team made up of nearly 50% newbies can gel into a real, functional, SEC team. Although I'd be ecstatic with a lot of wins, I think Auburn will be lucky to have a winning season. I'll be present for every game, cheering on our guys. But that's my opinion. 7-5 at best.
  5. Republicans just don't like federal laws being applied to them.
  6. I was looking at the 2024 Oklahoma schedule and it really is tough. Auburn at Jordan Hare, LSU in Baton Rouge, Bama, Texas, Tennessee, Ole Miss -- DAMN! They get a schedule like Auburn has always had! hahaha Yep. Brutal! Am I sympathetic? Do I feel bad for Okies? Nope! Thing is, though, Oklahoma will clobber SEC teams in many other sports, so I feel absolutely no sympathy for them in football. They get their revenge in other sports.
  7. If players are stoned, they will not perform to their optimum capability. So being high will affect performance and consequently playing time -- just as would be the case if they are drunk. Recreational use? Pot is not a "performance enhancing drug" any more than alcohol or LSD or other psychedelics. Actually, it is a performance inhibitory drug" on the field or in excess off the field. SEC would likely have its own restrictions to conform with red state prohibitions. So, as for SEC teams, no matter what NCAA rules say, arrested for possession, you are in the dog house.
  8. Since many states now allow legal recreational use of weed, NCAA is proposing that it no longer be included on tests for prohibited drugs by athletes. University bigwigs will still have to approve, so who knows where this will go. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ncaa-marjuana-drug-testing-recommendation_n_648cf33be4b04ee51a9b9133
  9. This is a ***REALLY*** ***IMPORTANT*** ***ISSUE*** that we every one of us have nightmares about EVERY NIGHT because ..... damn ...... he's 4 years older than the mentally crazoid wannabe dictator who licks the toes of Putin and Un. Personally, I'm waiting for the next JFK to step up, capture the imagination, excitement and votes of our country, even if he is not perfect, just not a neanderthal or a nutcase!
  10. Amazing that a self-proclaimed Billionaire goes begging for money from his MAGAs because he is a victim of "MUTANTS". 🤪
  11. Yep, Republican "whatwaboutism" is all they got. Like, what about JFK? What about Woodrow Wilson? What about George Washington? Welp, okay, totally irrelevant. What about Donald Trump?
  12. I wouldn't drink Bud Lite if it was the ONLY beer at a BBQ. As for A-B, they made a marketing miscalculation. Do I care? But now the #1 selling beer in the U.S. is MODELO! hahahaha A Mexican-owned beer. hahaha Wingnuts being Wingnuts! hahaha
  13. So, yep, we got our own crazoid senator (Tuberville) blocking all military promotions. Now we got another crazoid Republican blocking all appointments as U.S. Marshall's. Yep, both of these Republican blockades really help our country. We gonna be super better now! hahaha https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/ohio-republican-vance-will-hold-justice-dept-nominees-senate-trump-cas-rcna89109
  14. Freedumb is it. We must censor Anti-Facists, BLM, LGBTQAI+ humans, the True Christian Word of Jesus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Pagans, or of course Agnostics and Atheists and anyone who believes in anything other than yer local evangelical fanatic preacher. It is critically important that the U.S. censors each and every mention of anything that somehow offends a single evangelical wingnut.
  15. Illinois governor today signed into law the first state law forbidding libraries from censoring materials. “Book bans are about censorship, marginalizing people, marginalizing ideas and facts. Regimes banned books, not democracies,” Pritzker said at a bill signing ceremony at a Chicago library. “We refuse to let a vitriolic strain of White nationalism coursing through our country determine whose histories are told, not in Illinois.” The measure, which takes effect January 1, says public libraries must adopt the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights or their own statement prohibiting book banning to be eligible for state money. The association’s Library Bill of Rights states that reading materials “should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval” or “excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.” https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/12/us/illinois-public-libraries-schools-book-bans/index.html In other news, a Utah school district has been forced to pull the Bible from the shelves because it is filled with pornography and violence. Now they are going after the Book of Mormon. In Utah! https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/03/us/utah-bible-ban-schools-trnd/index.html
  16. So is Fox "News". As to the OP, I'm waiting for evidence. Of course, that's not a requirement for House committees, but personally, I prefer to have some sort of solid verification.
  17. When Scarlett Johansson drops by for a visit, be ready. The FDA has approved this Over-the-Counter gel. Just rub it on and, BINGO!, you got a technologically advanced insta-wand ready to probe Under The Skin in search of horrific aliens to douse with human antidote. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/12/health/erectile-dysfunction-gel/index.html
  18. I still shoot film. I have a vintage Yashica that I love a lot, as well as a Canon T7 that I also love a lot. But I can't post my pics on AUF because, welp. yer granny would not approve, your Trumpist neighbor would not approve. Only "adults only" would approve, and that is not AUF. hahaha
  19. CHF has done an admirable job pulling players from JUCO and filling holes left by -- the previous coach. And history tells us, a few SEC coaches have done really good, really improving their team's performance in their first year. AND CHF is no lightweight in terms of previous SEC performance. All that said, with the teams on our schedule, and the holes needing to be filled, and the (I'm sorry) rather average level of players pulled in to fill those holes, I'm not looking at playoff contender this year. CHF has done great recruiting. But it ain't magic, and I'm sure he woukd agree. He still has a ways to go. Can he get there? Personally, I'm VERY optimistic. WDE CHF!
  20. I've read a lot about Shug over the years and he has always been my favorite AU coach. He was coach when I was at Auburn (yes, I'm old). Not only a great coach, but also a great man.
  21. I don't know where you live, but I'm pretty sure it is deep south white nationalist social neighborhood. 😐
  22. It's not just guns. There is a LOT of physical violence against people who are not white Americans, who have any sort of accent. They get beaten on the sidewalks, harassed in restaurants and stores, condemned on social media, etc. There is a lot of verbal harassment/intimidation/assaults in public places. It is the culture of white nationalism that pervades the New Right, affecting not only foreign visitors to the U.S., but also U.S. citizens who don't look white enough. Whatever the reason, when other countries, especially our most favored economic and social allies, advise their citizens to avoid the U.S., it affects our country economically (and I would personally say socially). Most tech companies seek tech talent from India, Taiwan, the Scandinavian countries, etc, on H1B visas. If their country is advising their most talented people to avoid the U.S., that affects not only tourism, but our economic success. And have you looked at the percentage of students at our better universities are from other countries? Even an average public university like Auburn. They pay out-of-state tuition, keeping tuition lower for Alabama students. If those students are advised bot to come to the U.S., instead go to top universities in England, France, Italy, Sweden, Finland, etc -- that is our loss. White nationalists can assert this is not a problem for the U.S. I call BS on that. It is as problem, and they are the cause. Not guns. Cultural racism. When you have thousands of "Karens" (male and female racists) socially enabled and running wild in public, people from other countries do not feel safe here.
  23. Christianity involving Jesus is equally full of foolishness. They are NOT different. But okay, I've donned my tinfoil hat and wartime armor, so blast away.
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