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Everything posted by AURex

  1. 🤣🤣🤣 We are good now, boss! 🤣🤣🤣
  2. You are CHF and make the decisions regarding who will start at QB and you've already decided who will be the #1 QB for Auburn for the upcoming season, without even seeing them in camp. Well, then, ...... OKAY BRO! hahahaha
  3. NO, I said that anyone who is not subservient to APPLE cannot access Apple news stuff, so I asked for a post that included what was in the Apple news. I'm sorry if you confuse requests for news content with attacks on you. Not everything is about you.
  4. Payton Thorne has not even been thru a real camp at Auburn. I do not accept that he is the AUTOMATIC starter, so I would not have him on this list at all.
  5. I was not asking you to be subservient to ME, I was asking for a legit source. So thank you for providing that.
  6. I'll buy it and eat it when it is less expensive than slaughtered animals.
  7. The article is blocked to anyone not subservient to APPLE! Repost the content please.
  8. I'm always hoping that these guys who are kinda 3s and kinda 4s are really solid with our coaching staff and can be coached up as real SEC competitors. I'm positive on this kid in hopes he excels!
  9. The problem is, (1) Libraries are created and intended to meet the needs and interests of ALL of the community they serve. And (2) the biased interests of one or a few individuals cannot/should not block that purpose. And (3) any demands by a government agency/body to block access to materials is BY DEFINITION censorship and is condemned by the U.S. Constitution as an abrogation of freedom of speech. The right wing courts (aligning with right wing politicians) have decided to ignore the Constitution in some red states. The OP pertains to the law in Illinois, which protects libraries from the right wing terrorist attacks of a minority who endeavor to obstruct the role of libraries in their mission to serve ALL of the clientele within their domain, and it penalizes libraries/community governments that censor public library materials. Note that the Illinois law pertains to PUBLIC libraries, which receive a large portion of their funding from the State. It ensures that constituents with a specific set of beliefs cannot eliminate free access to information, literature, or media based on their ideology or beliefs. And it also establishes that local governments must comply with the principles of the American Library Association that specifically require that libraries (and librarians) must represent the entire community and must not remove library resources based on ideological beliefs, or lose state funding.
  10. What is on your menu for this 4th of July holiday? And what will be your entertainment selection -- a movie? some music? A crowd drinking? As for my home, well, I do most of the cooking here, but I do allow wifey to contribute her specialty. This year brunch is "depression" drop biscuits with hot sausage patties, bacon, cheese, eggs, butter, sausage gravy and various jams/marmalades. For dinner it is charcoal grilled chicken, corn on the cob and zucchini, macaroni salad, sour cream slaw, and Southern seasoned pinto beans. Music -- I detest the 1812 Overture which is Russian music commemorating a Russian war. So wifey and I selected a bunch of music, both classical and popular. As for popular, Summertime (from Porgy & Bess), American Pie, American Garage (Pat Metheny), R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A., Rockin’ in the Free World, America (Simon & Garfunkel), The Times They Are a Changin, This Land Is Your Land, I Shall Be Released. Mixed in with -- Rhapsody in Blue, Fanfare for the Common Man, Fanfare for the Common Woman, America (from Bernstein's West Side Story), Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Appalachian Spring, Barber's Adagio for Strings, Gould's American Salute. The movie choice is "An American In Paris."
  11. Nope. Provide a source that is not extremist right wing crazoid conspiracy propaganda.
  12. The "extreme left" did not coin the word. It dates back to the 1930s. Maybe you should quit relying on ultra right wing conspiracy crazoid sources for your information.
  13. Damn, JLaw is awesome in "No Hard Feelings" not only due to the nudity scene that is getting so much press, but damn, she just nails the comedy scenes throughout the movie. She transcends the material. A fine actress.
  14. hahaha -- A-B really did not think through their marketing. 1. Bud Lite -- halfwit bottom dwellers looking for the cheapest beer they can find. 2. A-B marketing idiots not understanding who is actually buying Bud Lite. See #1.
  15. Auburn Black enrollment is about 5%. Yet we are supposed to be the state institution -- the university that serves *all* of Alabama's constituencies, including minorities. But now we are supposed to ignore race. So yeah, let's go. 99.9999% white. As for trying to give a boost to kids who do really well from marginalized high schools -- well, ya know, FU and goodbye.
  16. So, InSaniteris has now said that he would eliminate four Federal agengies altogether. Just wipe them out. Department of Commerce Department of Energy Department of Education Internal Revenue Service https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/desantis-says-eliminate-four-federal-agencies-elected-president-rcna91733 PS -- I escaped Florida in 2016.
  17. One of the most important line positions in tight games, but rarely given a scholarship from the beginning. I hope he can prove himself. Really glad he's coming to Auburn!
  18. Um ... I have never watched this program. Um .... I will never watch this program. Um ... I hope they hook up, have lots of kids who attend Auburn!
  19. Link to legitimate information source. Not some conspiracy, right wing, nutto fringe source. An actual legit news source or research publication in which any drag entertainer chants "we are coming for your children." Never happened. Never would happen. It's entertainment. The most famous drag group in the U.S. is the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. They do lots of shows, appear at a lot of events, raising money for charities. Men in drag have been around for many centuries. Heck, even in modern times, just look at Monty Python and Benny Hill tv programs, Mrs Doubtfire and Some Like It Hot movies. There are lots of pervs out there grooming children with dire purposes. Wanna know who most of them are? Religious leaders, sports coaches, scouting leaders, and family members. Not drag entertainers.
  20. I think most people are not aware that Gibson guitars has a lab at Auburn. That is where Lior is seen working on his guitar. He chose the woods for his neck, but it looks like the neck was lathed using the Gibson template. The body is not a standard Gibson template with that quadruple cutaway and really thick body. A nice guitar for his first effort. I'm sure they will improve as he learns more about woods and resonance and such.
  21. I have actually worked in the field of child abuse for 20 years as a researcher and I'm familiar with the entire field of actual research. Which, of course, is different from the world of political posturing. 1. Drag shows are not luring children into any sort of dark world of homosexuality or "grooming" them for predators. 2. Kids enjoy drag performances in the same way they enjoy puppet shows and circus clowns. In fact they perceive drag performers much the same way they perceive clowns. They KNOW it is make-believe, they KNOW it is fantasy, they KNOW it is just for fun. To them, it's just costumes and play acting. They KNOW that. It is ***fun **** for them. There is nothing sexual about it. Just fun.
  22. #1 Humans with education know the difference between there, their, they're and whatever your "thier" is. Maybe it was just a typo. I'll accept that it was just a typo. #2 Not exactly. Yes, it may be true in school districts, especially in states that provide substandard support for schools in poor counties (cough cough, ahem, ahem). But if you look at the public schools in states that have adequate funding for their public school systems, you see that students of all races, ethnicity, religious denominations, and sexual-orientations are much further along academically and socially. Wanna know where the top students in the best public and private universities came from? Hint. It ain't privatized education or home schooling.
  23. Despite President Biden's support for his own son, he has not and WILL not ever contradict the decisions of the DOJ or IRS to prosecute his son. POTUS Biden will let the agencies do their work without getting involved. And that said, historically, the DOJ and IRS have rarely (almost never) actually prosecuted in cases like this Biden kid. But they are doing so now in order to placate the Republican wingnuts who are slobbering crazy to try to find SOMETHING, ANYTHING to hang on anyone in the Biden family.
  24. So, players lost during the Harsin regime and players added by CHF trying to fill the holes from the Harsin regime, Yep, we are better off. As to whether the new team (about half CHF newbies plus Harsin leftovers) will be "improved over last year"? Well, that remains to be seen. I sure HOPE so!
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