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Everything posted by AURex

  1. "We ain't goin' nowhere!" Notice that the rear tire is flat and the opposing front tire is off the ground.
  2. This is a non-partisan post. McConnell and Feinstein are both incompetent to serve. Time to eject them both from Congress.
  3. On cue, an automatic right wingnut "what aboutism" that has absolutely nothing to do with the original post. hahaha
  4. There is a reason why DeSantis is falling further and further in GOP polls. It's not Trump. It's DeSantis.
  5. Politico is the best source for investigative political issues. Reuters covers International a lot better than our domestic channels. So does BBC. Bloomberg is heavy on the business side and more critical of U.S. social issues. CNBC tends right on economics and has some decent insights. Atlantic, Salon, and Slate tend to take on bigger social issues which right wingers don't like. Snopes will destroy any misinformation BS from the right or the left. Want truth. Snopes. Fox? Well, Fox is extremist right. I visit them all. I make my own assessments. I make my own decisions. I don't lick the toes of anyone.
  6. I'm on planet Earth. Are you? Do you understand the concept of "statute of limitations? "The same creeps" ... were the ones in power in the Trump administration.
  7. This song has nothing to do with the real divisions in our country. We are truly divided as a society --politically, socially, racially, and economically. The song is irrelevant.
  8. In any accusation, the #1 priority is SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE. So far, there is zero evidence. And the testimony of their superiors is .. Nope!
  9. If any statute of limitations has run out, it is only because the DOJ and IRS under the TRUMP administration could not find anything to indict him for.
  10. Coming from the left, if Hunter broke laws, convict him and fine him and incarcerate him as per the applicable laws. Unlike the right wingers, as a liberal I am 100% supportive of the application of the law to EVERYONE. As for all the right wing crazoids -- most of this is just an attempt to distract the public from ..... um ..... you know who .... who is being indicted and convicted and indicted again and will be more and more indicted. But the reality is, all of the Hunter stuff will not distract the public from Criminal #1.
  11. Right wing extremist "What About Ism" pops up automatically, as if that has anything to do with the issue being discussed. What about Ronald Reagan invading Granada because their university sucked? Well, okay, what about it? There is the case before our eyes. Where is the evidence. Welp ....... we ain't got no actual evidence. Kinda like all the "evidence" regarding Trump being robbed. There just ain't not evidence. Not one single shred.
  12. Two recent visits to UF. I'd hate to see him flip to the Gators. https://sports.yahoo.com/gators-end-dead-period-second-204557217.html
  13. I'm really curious. Year after year, case after case after case, we have conservatives and especially the ones spouting religion caught up in child pornography, child sexual assault, child abuse. Yet the extremists are ranting with zero evidence about how Democrats are trafficking and grooming and abusing children. Why do people accept that? This is the tactic of Trump and all criminals -- if you blame others first for a wrongdoing/crime and pound it into the public mind, when YOU do it, it will be passed off as the other innocent ones attacking the "holy ones." Having worked in the field of child abuse for 20 years, I have never once encountered a "liberal" or a LGBTQ+ person assaulting or grooming or enticing a child. But I have encountered endless cases in the news and the scholarly research literature, in the hundreds, maybe thousands, of conservative, religious, self-righteous, adamant extreme right people, who assault, groom, molest, sodomize, and traffic children. The research and the news are incontrovertible evidence. Yet the "true believers" refuse to process, accept or believe the truth. The latest example from Alabama. He is not an isolated exception. He just another in the endless list. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cole-wagner-alabama-abortion-arrested_n_64bea75fe4b093f07cb58c96
  14. This kind of stuff keeps flooding the extremist media and driving MTG and other wingnut Republicans to orgasms. But there is not yet one single shred of actual *evidence* regarding any of this blather. It's all "some guy said to some guy who said to some guy." DOJ or any other legitimate legal agency will say "Show me the evidence." It's like Trump's "They robbed me, I won." Let's see the actual evidence. So far ......... none.
  15. Reality is, kids in school these days -- even in middle school -- already KNOW the kids who are bi, gay, lesbian, trans, or introverted/horny. Trying to regulate what is actually TAUGHT by teachers LIMITS research-based information that could offer scientific guidance to youth about how to avoid remain safe. how to avoid rape/violence, how to avoid pregnancy, how to protect yourself, etc. Of course. we don't need THAT in our schools. hahahaha
  16. I'm thinking about all those skills they learned. Like how to pick cotton, how to harvest beans and peas and squash and cucumbers. How to devein shrimp and filet fish for other people to eat. How to help a white woman bathe and get dressed. How to help a man get dressed. How to work in a kitchen. How to be a subjugated woman for white men to ****. How to be a concubine to spew out more child slaves. How to be a stud to inseminate female slaves. How to fight each other for the pleasure of the owners. Yep, all those useful skills they learned. Along with how to endure being whipped and beaten, how to die by hanging. So many useful skills.
  17. hahahahaha! No court in the U.S. would accept this fabricated garbage as an actual legal defense of Trump in court. But it sounds like the sort of Trumpian frivolous filing to a court that Trump lawyers would throw out there to try to delay a case based on stupid mumbo-jumbo crap.
  18. I want improvement too. Everyone wants improvement. Apparently most everyone here has decided the one and only route to improvement is Thorne and that he is automatically anointed QB1 before even participating in a practice. Personally, I'm throwing my lot in with CHF and Fall Practice. Ima gonna letta himma decide based on what he sees in the OL, the TEs and WRs, the RBs, and the QB who fits in best with those players. My expectation is that we will see more than one QB in the first couple of games, along with multiple variations on the OL, before CHF and his offensive staff make their final decision on QB, OL, TE, and WR. JMO
  19. Bwahahahaha! Without my advice, you are nothing. NOTHING! hahahaha
  20. AURex


    Yes, can Alabama come up with a candidate who is not a retard, is not a racist, is an actual human being with an actual brain and an actual sense of integrity? Do we really want more of this dumbs**t representing our state?
  21. He was fired from Auburn. Can we fire him as an Alabama Senator? Actually, can we fire him as a member of the human race?
  22. Thanks, coach. There's more than 2 QBs in the room, plus if that OL sux like the last few years, running may be an option. Personally, I expect you (CHF) to play more than one QB in early games before settling on THE ONE! At least, I hope you will.
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