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Everything posted by AURex

  1. That is true, and it is deplorable, and I am truly on board with this, BUT, it really has nothing to do with the OP, which was about maternal/natal/neonatal mortality -- i.e., death in childbirth.
  2. AURex

    Utah vs UF

    A large contingent of AUF folks were eager to hire Billy Napier. I wasn't interested from the start and I'm SO glad we didn't. Yes, Harsin and the Idaho taters were losers. But Napier woukd have been just as bad, except harder to get rid of. Florida is gonna be looking for another head coach by the time this season is over, if not sooner. Florida is US Prime recruiting territory, and he fields this team? I ain't crying for Florida, I'm just rejoicing that we did not hire this guy.
  3. True, and it also applies to cancer drugs and also very common drugs prescribed for high blood pressure. And a 90 day supply of the blood thinner Eliquis, which helps reduce the rusk of blood clots and stroke, costs $2,000 for a 90 day supply. I was glad to see this on the first list of drugs Medicare will negotiate prices on, since I have to take it. There is no generic, so hey, they charge what they want to charge.
  4. The child mortality rate in the U.S. is among the highest of all economically developed countries. The reason it is so high is because of poor access to reproductive health care, pregnancy counseling, abortion services for at-risk women, and postnatal care. OB-GYN units in hospitals around the country have been shutting down, OB-GYN doctors have been leaving states, and restrictive abortion laws are increasing mortality rates. You can just surmise the states with the highest child mortality rates. And if you think those states are going to do anything about it, I'd suggest that just ain't gonna happen. I'm now retired, but I worked in medical centers and health institutions for decades. It is such a sad state of affairs. The U.S. has become a 3rd world country in regards to child mortality. We all know why that it.
  5. Pharma companies have been dumping truckloads of money into the pockets of Congress-Critters of a certain species for decades to keep Medicare from permission to negotiate prices. Their reason, politically, has always been "free market pricing." This despite the fact that every other country in the world negotiates prices -- welp -- because they have universal health coverage and their federal government likes lower drug prices negotiated by their health agency. It is just plain good politics -- except in the U.S. The concomitant blockade in the U.S. has been the U.S. patent system. Pharma companies patent a drug and have total autonomy in setting the price because competition and negotiation are not allowed. Then as the patent is about to run out, they do a minor reformulation and patent that. Having worked in health sciences institutions for 3 decades, I saw it in action, including the unfortunate patients dying because they could not afford the userous greed of pharma companies and the politically disabled federal health care system.
  6. Personally, I'm expecting AU to pound UMass. That said, UMass and their opponent NM State are bottom dwellers. If Auburn does not win by 30+ points, I'll be getting worried.
  7. So we already have threads for the games this weekend featuring future Auburn opponents, so lets create another thread because ....... okay, you tell me.
  8. Okay, I'm kinda previsioning because I really don't think Hawaii can hang with Vandy for an entire game. But I may be wrong. Either way, we will play Vandy and Vandy has ... um .... risen to the occasion. Actually, historically, the Auburn-Vandy series is TIED at 21 each. And Auburn lost to Vandy 2 of the last 3 times they played.
  9. Lawyers met with the arresting officers and their reported height and weight were presented to save time and effort on the part of the arresting officers *ahem* in order to expedite the process. hahaha My brother is 6'3" and 240 lbs, and Trump definitely looks fatter than my brother. But of course, according to him, he is in great health, an amazing specimen, in terrific shape -- if you like rotund as a shape hahaha. Let's be honest. Trump is a profligate liar. He can't help it. He lies about *everything* no matter how inconsequential. He is a pathological liar. So it would be no surprise for him to report that he is 40, 50, 60 pounds lighter than his real weight. He has always claimed to be 6'3" but given his proclivity for exaggeration, I'm waiting for actual evidence. I'm 6'2. My brother is 6'3. Stand next to us Mr Trump. Let's see.
  10. Auburn opponents -- UMass beating up on New Mexico State. Auburn plays both. And Vandy beating up on Hawaii. Let's pretend Vandy has never beat Auburn ... hahaha
  11. Really excited about the prospect of landing this young man. Reality is, he's a 5 star athlete, and the other major schools who were recruiting him will not just walk away. They will continue working at him. Yes, I want him to be an Auburn Tiger. Every year. a commit or two flip away. Every year Auburn flips a player por two fro another school. This is the real world. I really hope we can hang onto this young man. He's a real game-changer!
  12. Self reported. 6'3" 215 lbs. hahahaha Add another 40 lbs.
  13. No, my family has pets and we love and care for our pets. Your azzholistic response suggests I don't care about pets. Get your shiiiiite together, fifty. And BTW, my pet can beat up your pet. 😅 Well, unless you have a godzilla. In that case ..... Never.Mind.
  14. I'm still going with YouTubeTV. Not just for sports, but for everything else. It is the cable replacement, but less expensive.
  15. You mean like Giuliani and Powell and Eastman and Cheseboro and all of the others? hahahahaha
  16. Here we go again with right wing whataboutism. Let's change the topic because we don't actually have a single shred of evidence.
  17. I'm sorry, why is this in the Football Forum? Put it where it belongs - in All Things Considered. And no, I'm not anti-critters. I'm pro-football forum.
  18. Waiting for one single shred of evidence from the GOP extremists. Evidence. Not implications. Not some dude who knew some dude who heard about it from some dude. Evidence.
  19. U.S. Rank's 125th in Literacy. And 54% of Americans between age 16-74 read below 6th grade level. As a life-long academic, I don't give a shiiiiite about your politics. This is unacceptable. And it drops on BOTH parties as culprits in allowing the American educational system to fail completely. This is not about anti-woke or trans-rights. This is about actual education. Do kids learn math, reading, history? Not ideological bullshiiiiiiit. Actual factual reality.
  20. I fully, totally, 100% accept the results of this poll. Trumpists are cultists. Figure in all of the other information sources -- family, media, church -- they are crazoid fanatics.
  21. As a life-long academic at some our country's elite universities, I can say that going to Wake is a definite step up academically. I don't hate on UGA academically (yet), but UF has been one of the best academic universities in the SEC for years, and they are destined to fall as a result of the DeSantis crazoid political program. (not program, program.)
  22. The Republicans in every state are already doing everything they can to strip voting rights from Blacks, from women, from educated voters, and from young Americans. And their slobbering toe-kissing fidelity to the autocratic vision of Trump confirms their desire to destroy democracy. He's just one more marching in the fascist jack-step.
  23. The old-fashioned notion that [politicians elected by your local constituency are going to look after your welfare ..... welp ... forgetaboutit!
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