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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Mel Tucker suspended, but likely to be fired.
  2. Here in Eastern time zone, it is 12:30 AM. I've run out of gas, I'll watch the second half tomorrow,
  3. Not sure what I was expecting, but this ain't it.
  4. Not only does he not live in Alabama. Not only has he single-handedly made sure that the U.S. military has no leadership. For the first time in history, the U.S. has no leadership atop its armed forces due to this one miscreant. Now he's decided it is wrong to have poetry on Naval ships. Welp, this is a practice that goes back a LONG time. It's not "woke" it is just military moral and long time history. Can we get this retard out of office? He is not only an embarrassment to the state, he is a danger to our U.S. military and the security of our country, because of his brainless-retard activity.
  5. I don't really care what the incentive was. I like Auburn playing Power5 teams from around the country. It raises the visibility of Auburn. Cal will be going to the ACC in the future. Then we have a home-and-home with UCLA. By the time those games are played, UCLA will be a member of the B1G. As a fan, I like these Power5 non-conference games. Not only to watch. But also because playing big-name teams from across the U.S. is great for recruiting. You not only get to play the best of the SEC, you also get to play on nationwide TV against big name Power5 schools around the country. Auburn needs to continue scheduling games against good Power5 teams around the U.S. Yep, the Penn State home-and-home was a disaster because of .... welp ... Auburn ain't a tater school. But I loved playing Oregon and Kansas State. Can we get UNC or Miami or Washington?
  6. The Cal #1 QB injured his non-throwing shoulder in their first game. He could be available to play, but may not run as much as he normally would. But their #2 QB performed well. Auburn was really curb-stomped by the UMass starting QB. Their offense ate up the Auburn defense with him at full speed. HOWEVER, he was injured at the end of their scoring drive. Immobilized after that. And when the UMass #2 QB came in, Auburn began blitzing like crazy because he was not the running threat. Cal presents a different situation. 1. Their defense is a lot better than UMass. 2. Their OL and RB are better than UMass. 3. Their #2 QB looks better than the UMass #2. That said, I'm really hoping -- 1. Auburn held back a LOT against UMass offensively. I want to see Fairweather eat them up. 2. Auburn's defensive coaches chewed azzz and maybe the DL and LBs will show up. 3. Auburn's special teams look a lot better than Cal's. Will it matter? I hope so. I'm not sure why Auburn is so heavily favored by the odds-makers. Playing in Berkeley, very late at night, with time lag, I've got this game as a toss-up. I HOPE Auburn exceeds all expectations and blows them out of their own stadium! WDE!
  7. In other words, invest in Fox New stock. Run like hell fro anything Fix News says. Welp, I can go understand that. Give Murdock your money. He needs it.
  8. And BTW - the Berkeley campus is really quite beautiful. Walk around some. Funny anecdote -- some years ago, there was this male student who never wore clothes. Starkers. Well, ya know, there is no dress code in Berkeley or on campus. Nobody ever complained if coeds were naked in campus town or on campus. But this guy was just persistent -- every minute naked. That didn't go over so well. A big problem for the university administration, because nudity was considered akin to freedom of speech. They finally came up with dome minor dress code requiring students to wear clothing in class. This caused a big uproar among students -- even though they always wore clothing to class -- about discrimination and authoritarian control over students. I don't know how this was resolved. I do know that nudity is tolerated in campus town and during certain events. Of course, one of their biggest stumbling blocks was nudity in artistic performances, like in theater, but also International Body Painting Day and World Naked Bike Ride and such events. Trying to find a balance. Of course, this is not an issue in the South, where any nudity, anytime, anywhere, any reason, is gonna land you in prison. It's a different worls, not just in California but in the rest of the world outside the deep south. 🙄
  9. I am not predicting a Cal win. But I am saying that Auburn is in no position at this point to get big headed and consider this a gimmee. I've ben seeing AUF predictions all summer long listing this as a sure-fire Win. Okay, Cal is not top of the PAC12. But, oooops, Auburn is not tops of the SEC. This game ain't a gimmee.
  10. I'm suggesting you enjoy the really excellent cafes and restaurants in the campus town area, visit the amazing bookstores that are the equal of any university town in the US (Ann Arbor, Madison, Boston, etc). And rather than spending time in SF, enjoy a few days in wine country -- Napa, Sonoma, Santa Rosa, etc.
  11. Cal QBs (both of them) and RB looked good in their cupcake game -- same as Auburn. Cal OL looked much improved over last year -- much as Auburn. Cal secondary looked much better this time, as did Auburn's. A night game in Berkeley is a VERY LATE NIGHT game for Auburn. This is not a gimmee. Auburn really needs this game, because games vs SEC teams ...... meh.
  12. I lived in SF during the great fun 90s and being an academic type, I enjoyed my time in Berkeley. One of the great university towns in the U.S. An amazingly beautiful campus. In sports, they are elite in Director's Cup -- the kind of sports that the SEC schools pay little attention to. But as a sideline sport for us guys, the coeds are beautiful. I mean, yes, beautiful. All of that is non-football. But for Auburn fans traveling to Berkeley, there are some awesome international restaurants (the Ethiopian restaurant is A+) and incredible bookstores (Moe's is one of the very best nationally) in the campus town area. And of course, being in the Bay Area, restaurants featuring great California wines should not be missed. Wish I could afford the trip. WDE!
  13. He left the previous game with an injury to his non-throwing shoulder, but he is a dual-threat runner. That said, his backup played very well last game. Their OL played better than in past years, and they have a decent RB. Their defense looked good. Of course, that was a cupcake game, just as Auburn played a cupcake game. This is not a gimmee. Cal will be ready. Traveling across country, will Auburn? I sure hope so. Auburn's front 7 on defense is going to have to step up much better than they played against UMass.
  14. Yes, I remember, you are CHF.
  15. I watched the game and here's the thing. This was no on Dabo. It was on the offensive skill guys who over and over and over just screwed up. Clemson will win a whole lot of games this season and the ACC will be between then and FSU. That said, this upset win was so much fun to watch! Go Blue Devils!
  16. Ya know, he earned his PT as #2 last year. He really screwed up in the off season. Other guys have stepped up, and even if he's cleared to play, I'm not convinced he will be #1. He has not earned it under CHF. If he is never cleared to play, welp, it's not like the RB room is empty. Our other exceptional RBs will be just fine!
  17. AURex

    LSU vs FSU

    First game of the season, Auburn gets annihilated by either one of these teams. We got work to do.
  18. Prime rebuild at Colorado vs complete rebuild at TCU. That Sanders kid is really, really good. The TCU rebuild was not as potent -- or the Prime coaching motivation was better. Either way, I concede. Credit Colorado with a win. Good for Prime, but that said, I am still totally happy we did not hire Prime as Auburn's HC.
  19. A win is a win is a win! And there was a lot of good going on for our Tigers. A few notes as we wait for the real pros here at AUF to give their analyses. 1. Lots of jabber during fall camp about up-tempo on offense. Didn't see it. 2. Geriner was so obviously a better passer than Robbie. If Thorne goes down, I expect him to be in there. Robbie is still just a running package. 3. UMass was clearly overmatched, so Robbie scored easily in the red zone. That may not happen against decent SEC defenses. 4. The OL looks MUCH improved, although we will know more against Cal. 5. Dammmmmm, do we got us some RBs? Even if Hunter is gone, no drop off IMO. All these guys looked mighty fine to me. Of course, that was with good blocking up front against overmatched UMass. Still, I loved our RB play. Let's hope our OL is as good going forward as it looked today. 6. First team Thorne + starting receivers, just 60% completions. This is not gonna win against top SEC teams. 7. Auburn defense did a good job attacking the UMass crippled QB, blitzing. Less effective when working against healthy QBs. Still, the DL was playing well and DBs did pretty well for a first game. The LB play was not so impressive. Work needs to be done here. A lot of plays out of position. Missing some key players on D, so hopefully will be better as they return. Well, that's just the off the wall observations of an old dude who has been watching Auburn FB since the 60s. Let's hear what the pros have to say. WDE!
  20. This is no longer the mouth doing his mouthy thing. Yes, TCU is completely rebuilding. They've pulled in a lot of guys from the portal. So has Dieon and the Buffs. 50% of the team is new. Mouth vs quiet rebuild? I'm going with TCU and I am extremely happy Auburn did not hire "too soon" Sanders.
  21. AURex

    Utah vs UF

    "He can recruit." I'm not convinced he can recruit. Look at the players he brought in who are playing this Utah game. Are these guys you would field for an SEC game? So glad Auburn did not hire this guy. Florida will be looking for another head coach after this year, if not sooner. I have nothing against Napier as a person, he's just in way over his head at UF.
  22. Corporations listening to customers? You mean like a few on X? You are a tolerant group? Yes, maybe. A group eager to respond and change due to customer comments? hahahaha Unless a class action lawsuit gets elevated in federal court, the corporations just laugh it off. Then if they lose a suit in court, the dimes they lose are ignored and they continue on.
  23. This is a NATIONAL STRATEGY for rescuing Social Security for our millions of beneficiaries and coming retirees? hahahahah BWAHAHAHA
  24. This is not about party politics. Both Feinstein and McConnell are no longer capable of functioning as U.S. Senators. They both need to be replaced ASAP.
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