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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Colorado travels to Oregon. It's the battle of Bo vs Prime Jr. Buffs vs Ducks. Do bisons trample those wee birds? Or does the quack attack rodeo the hairy behemoths? It's Prime love fest vs an actual Power5 football team. Who ya got, Prime lovers?
  2. Lots of coaches cash in, but it is usually after a record of winning at major institutions. Prime is cashing in without establishing anything. A few wins over cupcakes. He has made Colorado all about him. Successful coaches cash in -- Saban, Smart, Kelly, Harbaugh, etc. Sometimes mediocre coaches get lucky and cash in. Jimbo is the prime example, but Gus is another, and so is Harsin. If it were any other coach who came in at Colorado, would he be getting this kind of lavish slobbering love? I mean really, if the new Colorado coach was Goober Pudrunk and he had come in and won the first 3 games over cupcakes, would the media be going crazy like they are now with Prime? IMO, he has not yet earned anything. Show me wins over USC, Utah, Washington -- or even Washington State and UCLA -- THEN I'll begin to believe he is legit cashing in.
  3. Rule of thumb in college football is "talent wins." Thus UGA, Bama and LSU win most of their games because they are stacked 3 deep with top recruits. But there's also the contrary. Sometimes (and that is really just sometimes) coaching wins even with less talent. And it is reality that Jimbo has a roster that has as much talent as the best teams in the SEC, but he is a crappy coach running old schemes and under-motivated, under-coached players. Does that level the prospects for Auburn on Saturday? The talent view says we get clobbered. The coaching view says we got a chance. But not much of one, IMO. Collie hankie wavers by 14. I sure hope I'm wrong -- in the positive direction for the good guys.
  4. As to the OP, our "fan base" is huge, several hundred thousand at least. I would not speculate about the viewpoint od several hundred thousand fans. As to the folks here on AUF and a couple of other discussion boards, yep, there is not a lot of optimism regarding the A&M game. There is HOPE. But not conviction. I think everyone KNOWS that this is a rebuilding year. CHF and his assistant coaches have worked their butts off to recruit the best players they can wrangle, and coach them up. But as others have pointed out, there is a big discrepancy in talent. Auburn has some really, really good players. Auburn is not stocked 3 deep with NFL prospects. As to A&M, we are about to find out if coaching up a big bunch of good players can win against a poorly coached bunch of elite players. The rule of thumb is that talent wins. But in this case, can coaching win?
  5. A team that has won a few games against cupcakes. But he's the talk of the world of sports. And he's cashing in. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/deion-sanders-secures-sunglasses-deal-160318977.html
  6. With LSU and UGA coming up, I am so begging for a win in College Station. A wimpy collie doggie as a mascot. No cheerleaders of the feminine persuasion. A stadium full of drunk ROTC kids with white handkerchiefs. That said, the A&M QB is performing among the best in the SEC in passing. The Auburn QB, um, nope. Even Samford stuffed Auburn RBs. With Auburn defense relying on "depth" ..... As a former administrator in big organizations, I'm hoping for the best, but preparing the worst. A&M by 14
  7. Am I overreacting? Colorado has played nobody and squeaked out a couple of Ws. Once they hit conference play, they are mincemeat. I mean, trampled in the dirt. Next Bama coach? hahahahahahaha Not a chance. NOT. ONE. CHANCE. Bama has a QB problem, but much worse, they have an Offensive Coordinator problem. This guy is in way over his head. He has no clue what to do with UA talent. Bama will struggle this year. Am I over-reacting? UGA still has more talent than most any team in the U S of A. But notice who their offensive coordinator is. Familiar? They will struggle. They will not repeat as national champions. Am I over reacting? LSU came out of the gate unprepared, but they have a very solid team. I'm thinking they will win the West again. Auburn cannot beat LSU. No team in the West can beat LSU. Am I over-reacting? Ole Miss comes to Auburn. Home game for our Tigers. It is said that Kiffin has Auburn's number. This is a tossup even in Jordan-Hare. Am I over-reacting?
  8. Plus they lost their best players from last year to the NFL and graduation and portal.
  9. I have no dog in this fight, and I am not a Prime fan. Still, I kinda expect the Buffs to recover and pull out a win But if State pulls off the win, I would not cry my eyes out. Because I really do not care.
  10. May not last, but Colorado State is playing even early in this game. I expect the Buffs to pull away, but fun here at the beginning.
  11. No matter how it starts out, this is a non-game. Still waiting for the buffs to play a real team.
  12. TN was in the redzone over and over. Just couldn't get into the endzone. It's been 20 years since TN won in The Swamp.
  13. No, but I did hold positions at the VP level at 2 different universities as well as department head positions at other universities before that, as well as teaching graduate level courses at two universities.
  14. Apparently some who post here never attended Auburn (fact!) and others never attended classes like English 101 (fact!) because, welp, fratness.
  15. Another endless endless endless word salad. My apology, but are you capable to creating cogherent segments, like maybe paragraphs? I'm not meaning to be disrespectful. I'm sure you have really meaningful insights. But personally, I'm just not up for digging through a post of 1,000 verbiage with no coherent structure.
  16. Sorry, but this is 10 gazillion words with no paragraphs, no coherence, just run-on. I'd love to know what you have to write, but have no patience for this. Sorry.
  17. DL, especially Harris, played pretty well against Cal. The chewing out after the UMass game certainly got their attention.
  18. Um, like IN PRACTICE all of the right wing anti-abortion states. States are being sued for this, but in many other right wing anti-abortion states, OBGYN doctors are fleeing because they cannot provide care -- even life saving care -- to pregnant women.
  19. I was not intending to *lecture* anyone. I was simply trying to present an alternative perspective to the one posted by LPTiger, which was totally negative. Yes, my comment about promoting Auburn academics was aimed at the (admittedly few) aspects of Auburn academics that actually stand out nationally and internationally. I mentioned Wikipedia, Apple, but there is also astronauts and fisheries and the raptor center/Vet school. And now that Auburn has not only a pharmacy school, but also a (kinda) medical school on campus, why not promote those? I love Auburn. I support Auburn and donate to Auburn. I'm not *lecturing* anybody. I'm simply saying that there are good things about Berkeley and there are good things about Auburn that are never promoted.
  20. Have you seen California coeds? Great fun!
  21. I lived in SF during the 90s (much different from now) and as an academic, I spent a lot of time on the UC campus. I think this has not changed much over the years. 1. Yes, the outside of many buildings look bland. But if you actually go inside, you find that they are amazingly beautiful. For example, the Berkeley main library looks pretty plain from outside. Inside it is marble and classically beautiful. Add to that the tradition of the annual naked streak during exams -- yes, naked coeds running around naked in the building -- this is definitely NOT Auburn. Better? Worse? 2. Berkeley theater complex features performers and productions from around the world. I'm thrilled that Auburn now has a performing arts center. So far, it's just pablum from Nashville and a couple of generic road shows. 3. Berkeley campus town has wonderful shops. A real record store, meaning you can actually buy LPs. Real bookstores that have troves of historical texts, actual literature, as well as the current blather, not just text books and a few best sellers. Restaurants -- Ethiopian, authentic Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, Korean, West Coast Pizza, etc. Auburn = zero. Wine shops with wines from around the world at reasonable prices. Auburn = zero. Pubs that have beers from around the world, many on tap. Auburn = zero. Liberal? Yep. Berkeley ain't right wing Trumpland. As for sports, the Bay Area is dominated by Pro sports. But as for Berkeley, they turn out for Directors Cup sports -- gymnastics, volleyball, swimming, water polo, tennis, rowing, etc. And they are good at those sports. They are always in the Director's Cup contention. Auburn? Nope. Different from Auburn? Yes, of course. Better/worse, well that is a matter of how homie you are. After graduating from Auburn, I lived in Houston, SF, NYC etc. There really is a whole world outside the deep south. I've lived in Alabama, Kentucky, Texas, California, New York, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Colorado, Seattle ....... there are good people everywhere. There are positives everywhere. It is myopic to view the rest of the world through one lens. And that is multiplied when encompassing the rest of the world -- Europe, Asia, South America. If all you got is "I'm a homer," you are not Auburn. Auburn is a national and world brand. Not just some homie caricature? Apple = Auburn = international. Wikipedia = Auburn = International. Going to Cal Berkeley, Auburn should have been presenting its worldwide/international achievements. Apple, Wikipedia, etc. Instead it was just "We got some guys who play football." I got nothing against football. I love Auburn football. But on the national stage, I think we need to present Auburn as a world class academic institution. Not just some homies who play football. JMO.
  22. Historically, all the way back to ancient times, and original into Biblical times, the mother ALWAYS took precedence over an unborn fetus. ALWAYS! That continued throughout the middle ages and the Renaissance and into the Victorian era. A fetus has NEVER been predicated over a woman's rights until the right wing fanatics started marching. There is no historical precedent. There is no Biblical precedent. It's just right wing crazoid propaganda crap.
  23. (1) Glad to have Texas and Oklahoma joining the SEC. Yes, they will be bringing some more competition to a conference already defined by serious competition. (2) Bama getting beat by Texas means absolutely NOTHING as per the Iron Bowl. This year's Auburn team with Thorne ...... well, that game is a long time away.
  24. Not sure why all this "daughter" crap was inflicted upon us. Asante played one helluva game. He earns my defensive player of the week, no matter who wears the danged seat belt.
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