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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Trump, the MAGAs, and the right wing of America just assume that most shoplifters are Black and Brown, so it's a good idea to shoot them on the spot. They just assume that the gang shoplifting in a few cities represents "shoplifters" everywhere and they should all be shot everywhere, because, hey, that person took something and didn't pay. That right wing imagery is total BS. Based on actual data nationwide -- Fact -- Most "shrinkage" in businesses of all types and all levels is due to employee theft. Fact -- Around 75% of shoplifters are White. Fact -- The majority of shoplifters are White Middle Class Women in their 40s and 50s. Fact -- Shoplifting for most of them is a psychological disorder (kleptomania). So, what Trump is advocating, is killing white middle class moms with some mental health problems. Sounds like a great idea, right?
  2. Keeping tract of zoning decisions in towns across America is vitally important for those who plan to vote in 2024. It is especially important to keep track of all activities in VT, and especially Burlington. There is no state law prohibiting nudity in public in VT, and Burlington has enjoyed its fair share of naked folks wandering the streets. City code in Burlington states that, if you leave your domicile naked, it's okay to be naked. However, it is illegal to take off your clothes in public. So next time you are in Burlington, be sure to leave your clothes behind in your camper, car, hotel room or B&B, or you could possibly be given a ticket. Outside the city limits, at the beautiful recreation areas, romp naturally. Of course, caution is advised in winter way up there, as frostbite of the nethers can be painful for both guys and gals.
  3. What legal "precedent" is that? And what was he/she stealing? Not sure I follow you. Or is this another right wing "whataboutism" that we need to laugh at?
  4. Trump has vehemently asserted that anyone leaving a place of business with anything that was not paid for or rightfully theirs should be shot as they walk out the door. There are obvious problems with this idea, such as due process and actually verifying that they have stolen something. And the basic morality -- does a person deserve to die because they stole some baby food for their child or stole some socks because they are homeless in winter? But the really humorous side of this is that he exited the White House with lots of property that belongs to the Federal Government, the people of the U.S., including top secret materials that put our nation at risk and our informants in other countries in peril. I wonder if he would agree that he should have been shot on his way out the door.
  5. I don't see many games I'm inclined to watch this weekend. The most interesting might be LSU vs Ole Miss tomorrow evening. Other than that ...... I dunno. I know I will NOT be watching Auburn vs UGA. If Auburn actually does well, I'll watch the replay. Actually, it is beautiful weather here. A day trip to a state park with picnic lunch and a nice hike in our early fall mountain season ..... can't get much better than this. My streaming service saves all the games, so I can watch anything of interest another time.
  6. Is my memory screwed up? If so, correct me. We must remember who Tuberville's Republican adversary was in his election -- a child molesting perp. Tuberville is dumb as a rock and evil to his core, but Alabama voters decided he was a better choice than Jones. Which tells us a LOT about Alabama voters. As to his obstinance in the Senate confirmation procedure, the Senate has finally said FU and moved on to a process that will confirm military leadership. He blocked a process used for a very long time that enabled quick appointment of groups of officers. He blocked that process. So now the Senate will take up the painstaking task of voting on every single appointment individually. It makes his obstruction irrelevant, but it does require a lot of additional time for the Senate to approve each appointment. Hopefully, Tuberville will be voted out of office in his next election. He has not presented a positive image of the state.
  7. Of course, we all KNOW about the shite recruiting of the potato boys. We all know about the crappy OL recruiting of the Gus. And we all know that overcoming these deficiencies presents a very serious impediment for our current coaching staff. Continuing to cry about Harsin is baby-ness. Just quit it! The goal is to move forward with the guys we got ans the coaching staff we got. Wuit blubbering over the potato boys!
  8. Living in Knoxville TN, I am condemned to deal with Marsha Blackburn -- a Trump butt kissing US senator who might be even more deranged than The Donald, state legislators like this hypocritical GOP marching bozo, a large tribe of racist/sexist state legislators, and a state governor who is a Trump butt kisser. (And I'm further embarrassed that the governor is an Auburn grad!) Depressing and disgusting.
  9. "RBs could shine" is not equal to "doing terrible." I never said they were "doing terrible" or anything close. RB is our strongest offensive room. OL, especially with 2 starters on the bench, is not our strongest room. Is this too confusing for you?
  10. I really hate for this to happen. He was doing so well as @2 behind Hunter, and frankly, I would have liked seeing more touches for this young man. I suppose the old litany is "next man up," aqnd our RB room is deep, but I still hate it for him. He had worked hard and earned his spot.
  11. Yes, because he was eager to kiss the azzzzzzz of Kim, Putin, Saud, Orban, Erdogan, Lukashenko, etc. Let's March! 🤣
  12. Tuberville never served in the military, never served in any organization that supported the military, government or non-profit. Combined with his expansive ignorance of law, government, societal and social issues, and deep lack of integrity, it is no surprise that he has decided to follow the advice of an equally ignorant aide in this malevolent obstruction of due process for appointing military leadership.
  13. I was never a doubter about Battie. The young man is a baller. The Auburn RB room is deep and very talented. If there was an OL that could open holes and a QB who could play-action, these RBs could all shine.
  14. I underestimated the amount of Auburn ineptitude vs A&M and only predicted A&M by 14. UGA by 27.
  15. But only extramarital, and preferably with minors.
  16. That's not the only impeachment that should be happening. Clarence Thomas.
  17. Thorne vs Ashford. Is this a competition for worse? Or worst?
  18. I can't attend, but my eyes will be glued to the TV and my heart will be glued to Auburn! It is a good challenge early in the season.
  19. I guess I'm out of touch, because I'm not aware of any reputable sources considering Auburn a "sleeper" in the SEC. You can say that if TeamX just had blah-blah, they'd be dangerous. You hear that about teams all over the country. Well, Colorado played weak teams until they met Oregon. Auburn played weak teams until they met A&M. Auburn has no offense. Colorado has no defense. Great matchup! ** And let's be clear. This is not what I WANT for Auburn. I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see a lot more of wins this season. And the same for Colorado. So I'm just looking for a fun way to lighten up the conversation. Colorado vs Auburn. Who ya got?
  20. It's hard to OVERreact in the current circumstances. But here it is. Auburn is currently ranked 58th in the coaches poll. Colorado is 47th. Auburn and Colorado will finish near the bottom of their conference and play in the new Losers Bowl. Ya'know, this is not what I WANT to occur. I want Auburn to win a few more games, qualify for a legit bowl (even if it is a dumpster bowl like the Birmingham one). But since there is huge love for Prime here on AUF, this Losers Bowl could actually be sorta entertaining. Auburn has no offense, Colorado has no defense. Who ya got?
  21. I wonder if some deep-pocket company might sponsor a big "Losers Bowl" featuring Colorado and Auburn? Because both of these teams, built on 40-50+ portal leftovers, are not going to qualify for a legit bowl. But wouldn't it be a great marquee event? Maybe schedule it for a Tuesday morning in mid-December. Where is my yellow thing?
  22. I suppose, as an "excuse" we can say the two starters were out on the OL. In previous games, including Cal, the OL was pass blocking better. Of course, different level of competition. But A&M was basically shutting down the run as best they could and daring Auburn to beat them through the air. It worked for them. And I'm not sure that simply calling more passes on first down would have solved much. There were plays on which Thorne had open receivers and he had time to throw -- and he air-balled the passes. Brown dropped a perfect strike, I guess because it hit him right in the hands. Other times, Thorne was taking coverage sacks when he should have thrown the ball away. I'm actually not trying to be a negative nellie. I'm sure Freeze and Montgomery see all of the problems better than we do. But he's building a team from the bottom, with the best personnel they could round up, and the guys have not been playing together long enough to gel. It's going to take time. I just want to see the offense improve over the season. I know it will be hard to actually see improvement, because some of the upcoming games will be ... um .... difficult to watch. I just hope to see receivers running better routes, Thorne not air-balling so many passes, and better use of Fairweather.
  23. Finley or Thorne. Take your pick. Our OL just cannot pass-block and Thorne can't figure out how to get a pass away quickly.
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