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Everything posted by AURex

  1. AURex


    Because you still love Gus? Or bexause I'm confused why anyone still cares what he is doing?
  2. AURex


    Actually, I figured he would be out fishing, with a multi-million dollar home in the mountains paid for by Auburn money and campaigning against all vaccines.
  3. AURex


    Well, there is that. But still, he is not contributing anything to AU. Kinda like Harsin and the tater boys? I suspect Harsin is still receiving big payments from Auburn. Do I GAF where he is coaching now or how they are doing? Nope! Not one drop.
  4. It could also be complicated by the reality that the right wing base is populated by a lot of anti-Semitic neo-Nazi types who the extremist GOP Congress critters would not want to offend.
  5. LSU -- questionable defense, but scores a gazillion points Ole Miss -- questionable defense, but can score lots of points (or not) Miss State -- decent defense, can score lots of points (or not) Bama -- good defense, scoring more points as the season progresses Mutual opponents -- A&M beat Auburn by 17, Bama beat A&M. Can Auburn beat any of these teams?
  6. AURex


    So, was Malzahn's team (whichever one it is) playing Auburn? Was his team in a bowl game? I don't know, because Malzahn be gone.
  7. AURex


    Hmmm ... I now seem to remember that Malzahn is now coaching at some lower level Florida school. But I never can remember which one. South Florida? Florida Atlantic? Central Florida? North Florida? West Florida? South-Central Florida? Why is this even a topic here at AUF? He be gone. Like Harsin. Gone.
  8. Early -- Texas vs Oklahoma will likely solidify a Playoff spot (or LSU vs Mizzery if you are just looking for SEC Action) Midday - Bama vs A&M Evening - Kentucky vs UGA And for those of you with YouTubeTV who can watch any game any time, Notre Dame vs Louisville, Washington State vs UCLA, Ole Miss vs Arkansas , any game any time ...
  9. So, I'm just wondering how many of our AUF actually use doorbell video. Seems like a lot of crimes are captured by these doorbell videos. Do you use one?
  10. I'm cognizant of the extremist right wing, racist neo-nazi component, who give my posts red down-thumbs. They have their say. I have mine. As for these extremist wingnuts is ..... hahahaha You be da morons in da happy bowl of retards. hahaha
  11. Not true. I'm very familiar with California harvest seasons. I am also very familiar with Alabama harvest seasons. They just cannot function without migrant labor. American people just will not or cannot do the work.
  12. Building a Berlin Wall across the entire southern border is not a solution, even if it has armed towers along the way manned by brigades of neo-nazi fascists. They'll just come in by other means -- boat, plane, tunnel, different border Europe is also experiencing the same sort of problem with migrants trying to escape Syria, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. These migrants are desperate to escape crushing poverty, relentless violence, class warfare, drug cartels, hoping for a better life. Most of them are willing to work at jobs that Americans will not do or cannot do -- field work, sweatbox factories, hard labor.
  13. hahaha ya'll be babies. When I was a kid, I'd watch football with my dad on TV. I remember the great Tucker Frederickson, all 6'2" 220 lbs plowing down defenders. That man could ball !!
  14. You mean like the Republicans did during Trump administration when they sent the national debt deeeeeep into the depths in order to give a bazillion more dollars to the most wealthy Americans? Is that what you are thinking is a great idea? hahahahaha
  15. YOUR HOUSE! Does Biden determine the value of YOUR HOUSE? BWAHAHAJAHAJA!!!!!
  16. Goodbye. The debt is only an Issue when Democrats are in power. When Republicans are in power, debt is a non-issue. The Trump administration is an obvious example.
  17. Well, actually, Congress pushed money for this. White House had no options. It's not like WH actually wanted to do this. They had no choice due to Congress.
  18. This has NEVER been an issue and it has ZERO to to do with this discussion. Start another thread.
  19. Robbie can run. Thorne can pass and run. Receivers cannot catch. Blech!
  20. Over reaction? Way too early. But ... In the B1G ... Michigan, Ohio State, and Penn State will all play each other. Who is left standing? In the PAC12 ... Oregon, Washington, USC, Washington State, Oregon State. Who is left standing? In the SEC ... UGA, Bama, Kentucky ... who is left standing? In the Big12 ... Texas, Oklahoma ... who is left standing? What I do know, and this is my over reaction after watching our guys play UGA, Auburn will have a bowl game!
  21. His first day in court for the NY fraud case. Did he really order a truckload of McDonalds junk food for his staff? I know The Donald quacks McDonalds. But I'm not sure this news item is legit. Fact Check? https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-apparently-calls-in-massive-mcdonalds-order-to-new-york-city-courthouse
  22. Auburn played hard. Auburn put up a really good fight. I'm sure the game atmosphere and the way Auburn played impressed our 200 recruit visitors. I am really very proud of our guys. They never gave up. They fought to the last minute. But it was a loss. There is no column for "moral victories" in the history books. If so, the magical wins by Auburn over UGA and Bama would be "moral victories" in the history books for those rivals. So now let's see what our Tigers can do against those Bayou Tigers.
  23. I think "caught" is the wrong term. They weren't "caught." They were asked to return or pay for items. They did so. This is just more wingnut "what aboutism" trying to deflect from the primary issue. Trump has advocated killing white middle class moms because they failed to pay for trinkets from stores. But as to your "whata aboutism" -- if the Clintons should have been shot because they took some furniture, then surely Trump shoukd have been shot for taking federal documents, including Top Secret documents that put the nation and its allies at risk. He not only absconded with the property, he refused to return the property. But based on his advocacy of shooting those who steal, he shoukd have been shot on his way out the door. The whole idea of shooting people who walk out of a place, who MIGHT have stolen something, is way beyond American legal system. Our republic is based upon accused is innocent until convicted of a crime, and then justice rendered according to law. You don't just kill people because you THINK they MIGHT have stolen something.
  24. The Clintons returned or paid for upon request everything in question. There was no theft. https://www.factcheck.org/2016/05/the-clinton-furniture-flap/
  25. The OP is definitely bleak. And it explains a lot. But I'm going to remind that recruiting numbers is not the only problem. Recruiting OL players out of high school is one of the most problematic challenges. Yes, if you recruit a big crop of 5 star OL kids, at least some of them will work out for you. But also, there are 3 star OL prospects that turn out to be excellent as they mature and get coached up. So we need not only numbers, but much bigger numbers. And the reality is, if you can pull in some good OL players with a couple of years experience through the portal, at least you have some prior experience to work with. But equally problematic is recruiting WRs. Auburn has recruited a bunch of highly regarded WRs over the past decade. Some were fast with hands of concrete. Some were midgets, some were heralded TEs, etc. The guys in our current WR room were not dregs of the barrel. Finding WRs who can perform at the SEC level and become exceptional game day receivers is really hard. There's an element to success at WR that is not calculable in recruiting, not tangible or quantifiable. So I'd say, at this point, on offense recruiting needs to be on not only OL, but also WR, because as we've seen too often, our current crop is not getting the job done.
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