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Everything posted by AURex

  1. And that god communicates with you personally, I assume, telling you the "philosophy, ideas, attitudes, and opinions" that you will obey. Or are you just telling us that you justify everything you think, say or do with some sort of reasoning derived from the bible? Sorta, kinda, depending on which side of the political, social, racial spectrum you adhere to?
  2. Took the bait? No. I asked him to cite his source. Because there is no source. That is not taking the bait. That is challenging the assertion.
  3. Well, as to the OP, Friday game between Tulane and Memphis could be a good one. Saturday, Oregon vs Washington is the headliner! A&M vs Tennessee might be okay. Miami vs UNC, and USC vs ND, UCLA vs Oregon St, and Kentucky vs Mizzery could all be worth checking on.
  4. I understand that he is trying to do positive messaging to the players and to their families. Yep, they are trying hard, they are working hard, they are progressing, they are getting better ........ As for LSU .... um, huh?
  5. If I understand correctly (correct me if I am wrong -- citing legitimate sources, not wingnut crappola), the idea of Uniparty is -- everyone other than Trump and QAnon and all the other fringe folks. In other words, if you have a brain, you are Uniparty. 😄
  6. I find this entire thread really interesting. My mother was raised Methodist and dragged me and my younger brother off to church, including Sunday School. Even as a kid, I thought it was all just old stories, akin to Aesop fables. My dad was a non-believer, although he never criticized religion and always supported my mother's desire to indoctrinate us in orthodox Protestant religion. But he worked for NASA. He was a scientist. And like most scientists, he had zero belief in superman in the sky or miracles. Funny thing -- the head of the Dept of Philosophy at Auburn during my years there was Dr. Delos McKown. He was a former Baptist minister who had seen the light and become an athiest. He was a registered Humanist Minister, so he could conduct marriages and funerals. My GF and I decided to get married. He presided. He had us write our own vows. He specifically said that we could not mention Jesus, any god, or reference any Biblical text. Which was fine with us, of course. By now, my mother had converted to Mormonism. My wife-to-be parents were solid Midwestern Methodist stock. Nobody even noticed that our vows were totally non-religious. Fact is, if you guide children to learn, to seek truth, to evaluate evidence, they will find their own way. Which is why churches are losing attendees across the country, which is why the percentage of Americans who attend church or avow faith in a particular denomination, who are increasingly atheist or agnostic, is steadily increasing.
  7. Of course, you missed the actual numbers. They are closing 9 of 2,000 stores.
  8. Just curious why this is Smack Talk? Is there some political issue here?
  9. Wow! Target is closing 9 stores! 9 STORES! Target has almost 2,000 stores nationally. 2,000 !! And they are closing 9. OMG! It is Armageddon! Conservatives are apoplectic! Wingbut crazoids are screaming! 9 stores out of 2,000! Egad!
  10. That's like saying Saban has a house on a lake in Georgia, so he "lives" in Georgia. Tuberville doesn't actually LIVE in Alabama. He owns a house in Alabama. Know what? I own a condo in Las Vegas and another in Florida. That doesn't mean I LIVE in either of those states. Turberville lives in Florida.
  11. I'm sorry. Is there another investigation of Auburn? Can you provide a link to a reputable source please?
  12. LSU has really crappy defense, but they can score a gazillion points. Auburn can't score a gazillion points even against a crappy defense. LSU by 17.
  13. There are alternatives to Google Chrome. There are alternatives to Microsoft Edge. There are alternatives to internet providers eating everything you do. There are alternatives to being another guy in the endless number of other guys. You don't have to be owned by Google or Bing/Microsoft.
  14. Are apologies even a thing in recruiting? Kids be kids. An "apology" is an adult thing. Kids don't apologize.
  15. I'm sorry, but next season will be similar to this season, because CHF and staff will work their butts off for the few best HS kids they can find, and then work their butts off for the best portal guys they can lure to AU. It's gonna take 2-3 more years for CHF and staff to attract enough A+ highschool kids, and then another 2-3 years to coach them up for SEC play. I have confidence in CHF and his assistant coaches. But my expectations are maybe lower than a lot of guys here at AUF.
  16. Back in the late 1800s into the 1900s, there was a movement that opposed the rampant use of technology in factories and other workplaces to eliminate human work -- or even exploit workers. For example, children were used in factories to run machines that eliminated adult workers. Now we have AI chatbots replacing humans throughout service industries. We have AI deployed in medical settings. We have surveillance systems monitoring our everyday activities, from grocery shopping to walking down the street to driving. Automobiles are among the worst offenders, tracking everywhere we go. We have invasive government systems tracking every medical issue for everyone .... of course to identify women who receive abortions .... but it is everyone everywhere for every medical issue. And as for your smartphone and online activity, everything we do, every site we visit, every message we send, every post we make, is captured, recorded, archives, used, sold. Your logins to your bank account, your online purchases, your posts to X or Instagram or Facebook or Yelp, the pictures you upload, the pictures you download, the news articles you read ........ everything. How do you feel about this? Are you in the camp of "I ain't done nuthin' wrong so you can see my weeny if you want to" or are you in the camp of "this is the realm of 1984, of the surveillance state, of the neo-nazi fascist overloards taking control of our lives"? Are you a Luddite -- avoiding as much surveillance as possible? Or are you of the "It will be someone else, not me" group?
  17. With Suni no longer competing for Auburn, despite her support, this really IMO hurts our recruiting. Yes, I think our coaches work their butts off trying to attract elite gymnasts. But the competition is fierce for those top ladies. I've been so distraught reading about Suni's health issues. She was such a great gymnast, such a great athlete for Auburn. So sad that her medical issues have become such a burden for her. She's **maybe** not done competitively, but certainly done competing for Auburn. 😢
  18. In Baton Rouge ....... at night ..... ugh! LSU by 17. 😥
  19. Well, if FOX say it, it MUST be true, because ..... FOX! I think I'll wait for a legitimate news source.
  20. Lots of comments saying "they are beatable." Well, okay, are they "beatable" by Auburn? Folks were saying A&M and UGA were "beatable" too. I suspect that the Pigs and the Cow Bells are our best chance of the coming crop. If we can win one of those two, plus Vandy and NMSU, Auburn will probably go to the magnificent Birmingham Bowl !! Win both Pigs and Bells, maybe even better. Pull off an upset or two against LSU, OM, Bama, maybe a real bowl game! Unlike Gus and Mr. Potato Head, CHF may actually try to win whatever bowl game Auburn gets in order to bolster high school and portal recruiting.
  21. If Auburn is going to get any SEC wins, I agree, those are the two most likely possibilities.
  22. AURex


    Now I'm hurt. Really hurt. 😥
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