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Silver Donor
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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Entering this conversation late, but I'm wondering how conservatives (who proclaim their allegiance to freedom of speech) perceive the Florida government bans on books and on speech at universities (which has metastasized throughout red states.
  2. I was reading an article today on the Sports Illustrated Auburn site that seemed to indicate that Freeze knew that Montgomery had "issues," yet hired him as offensive coordinator anyway. It also seemed to imply that, for the most part, Montgomery is calling all the offensive plays -- although Freeze says he calls the plays when Robby is in the game. Freeze says this is an issue of "terminology" for the players. https://www.si.com/college/auburn/football/auburn-football-hugh-freeze-says-robby-ashford-payton-thorne-will-play-and-cannot-change-play-calling So first of all, I'm wondering why Freeze hired Montgomery to begin with. Was it just because he couldn't find anyone better? Or did he think Montgomery was really a very good offensive mind? Did he really believe Montgomery was a perfect fit for the Auburn offense rebuild? Or was it because he felt he could not be effective as both head coach trying to rebuild the entire Auburn team plus being the offensive coordinator as well, responsible for installing a new offensive scheme and coaching at that level along with all his other HC responsibilities? I guess my biggest questions are -- Will Montgomery be the OC next year? And will CHF take over the offense or find another OC who can actually put together a functional offense?
  3. They don't make the news because they are men. There is a huge gap between what is acceptable from men vs women in management. Having been CEO of several organizations, I will simply say it is a battle to hold men just as accountable as we hold women.
  4. Not defending her, because that's inexcusable. But I've had male managers who were just as bad or worse. Major azzzzhats. But they don't make the news.
  5. I am impressed that the defense is not only good, but playing their hearts out for our team. They are busting butt and they are impressing me every week, even when the offense is putrid (which is most of the time). The defense earns my respect every week, especially guys like Asante and Harris, who truly shine. I'm just saying that, in terms of projections for the season, most fans kinda expected us to be right where were are at present. I predict (and sure do hope) that the NEXT few weeks will be fun to watch for us Auburn fans. WDE!
  6. Before the season began, I had my expectations for the first year with CHF and his staff and the totally rebuilt team consisting of a huge number of transfers. My prediction was -- UMass - W Cal - W Samford - W A&M - L UGA - L LSU - L Ole Miss - L Miss St -- W Vandy - W Arkansas - W NM State - W Bama - L So my prediction was (and remains) a 7-5 season. To me, not bad for a total rebuild after Potato Famine. I know for many here on AUF, this is not good enough, but hey, we all have our own expectations, right? Have I been happy watching Auburn lose? No. Have I been disappointed in the play of many of the portal guys? Yes? Would I have liked better performance and more wins? Of Course! But in terms of our W-L record, we are exactly where I expected we would be. It has been a rough few weeks and I've cried and squirmed just like everyone else here. But the sky is not falling. I believe that Auburn will finish 7-5 in the first year of the CHF era. A bowl game is coming. And the future -- well, yes, more rebuilding. But I am patient. Many here at AUF are not. I'm willing to give CHF his opportunity.
  7. Scientifically, I understand the theory of entropy on a cosmic scale. I also know that human endeavors (such as organizations, intentional creation like art and literature and invention), as well as technology and science, work to counter entropy on local, human scale. As for politics as some sort of inevitable devolution into chaotic crazoidness -- that is not -- in any way -- related to the theory of entropy at the scientific universal level. Political idiocy might be derived from genetic DNA rooted in pre-historic, pre-communal strains of ancestry. But it surely has nothing to do with the concept of entropy. That said, since I do believe that sub-human crackpots mostly inhabit the political sphere, I can agree that political discourse tends to devolve into idiotic brainless blustering that has zero coherent intellectual explanation or resolution.
  8. Thank you for pulling all this data together. Yes, seeing this kind of data when Auburn sux big donkeyballs is good, but I'd love to see this kind of data when Auburn is actually playing well and winning a few games. I hope you will contibue to offer up the analytics.
  9. Whatever the "personal issue" -- whether a health issue, family issue, or whatever, I hope he can work things out. The Auburn D has certainly played much better than the offense this year, and especially the secondary.
  10. Ole Miss visits Auburn. A home game for our guys. Who ya got? #7 Penn State visits #3 Ohio State. Both are 6-0. Who ya got? #17 Tennessee (5-1) vs #11 Bama (6-1) -- Bama favored, but who ya got? #16 Duke (5-1) vs #4 FSU (6-0) - who ya got? #14 Utah (5-1) vs #16 USCe (6-1) - who ya got? Also on the menu Miss State vs Arkansas Oregon (5-1) vs Washington St (4-2)
  11. Donors are of the opinion that, because they give money to a university, they should be able to dictate the programs, events, course content, professorial stances, research priorities, etc. Yes, it is their money. But there are universities that support freedom of speech on all subjects and all political angles. Yep, some Jewish donors are now getting their panties in a wad because the university they graduated from actually allowed some students and faculty to voice an opinion they do not like. OMG. Someone said something they disagree with! This has been going on forever. Back in my day at Auburn, big money Auburn donors and board members were totally spastic with venom that students were allowed to protest the Vietnam War and allowed to speak out against the racist politics of George Wallace. I am not an anti-semitic defender of Hamas. I do support freedom of speech in academic institutions. And I also support the choices of donors to contribute their money wherever they want, no matter why they choose to do so.
  12. Um, if the number of representatives were reversed in the House, would a single Republican vote for a Democrat speaker? Of course not. Thing is (JMO) if the top D were elected speaker, he could pull together all Democrats and the moderate Republicans to pass bi-partisan bills. Extremist Republican crazoids like Jordan ...... nope.
  13. I keep under-estimating how putrid Auburn's offense really is. And as a result, I keep under-estimating how bad Auburn will lose. Ole Miss by 17
  14. So Payton is #10 on that particular list. As for passing, well, here were are with crappy OL protection and receivers who are like .... okay, terrible. But he is the #1 rusher on the team. hahahaha
  15. He's right. The best and brightest are no going to DC. I'm not sure how any human with half a brain could argue with that. I mean, just look at crazoids and shiiiiitheads like Tuberville, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, Gomert, Graham, Santos, etc -- and on the other side of the aisle Menendez. The best and the brightest are not going to DC. But fact is, the best and the brightest HAVE NEVER gone to DC. In the early days of our great republic, our presidents and congressmen were highly educated and totally tied into their national and state politics. Now, most of the DC politicians are total halfwits just spouting crap for ignorant people to applaud and contribute money for.
  16. And just to be clear, you are dead wrong. And just to be clear, I totally understand why Auburn is #2 on their list of right wing speech after the most recent mass christianistic spectacle we've seen on any university campus in many years. Just totally off in the extreme wings. Fire.org really gobbled that up.
  17. I love my guys, but the talent just ain't there. Ole Miss by 17. 😥
  18. Just to be clear, Fire.org is a right wing organization that funds/encourages right wing speech. Not freedom of speech. Only right wing speech.
  19. My question regarding the OP is, does Auburn have a QB who can be coached up, and given some studly receivers, and given an OL worth a shite, who can become an SEC starter? IMO, Nope! Can CHF and staff find a QB, an OL, and some receivers to make Auburn competitive in the SEC? Um ..... doubtful.
  20. Just curious, the Buffalo kids have games remaining with UCLA,Oregon State, Arizona, Washington State, and Utah. Can Colorado win enough more games to become bowl eligible? The way things work these days, it's just a matter of a popularity process. If they can win 2 or even 1 more game, hey, Buffs go bowling somewhere.
  21. It's not personal. It is for all who subscribe to this fantasy of a superman in the sky who talks to you. I have friends who are Christians, Jews, Hindu, etc. I only worry about the ones who are "hearing voices from god" or something equivalent. Religions of the world with the most adherents? Taoism, Shinto, Voodoo, Sikhism, Judaism, etc. Christianity in all its varieties ain't even on the top 20 list. Worldwide, only a tiny percentage subscribes to this fantasy, and no scientists subscribe to any of it.
  22. Gee, I sure hope so, but gee, I really doubt it.
  23. This is exactly what we expect in the deeply red states. It's not just about abortion. It's also about prenatal and maternal care. This is the "You be pregnant? FU" state. Alabama isn't the only one. Dozens of red states have abandoned women. It's too bad for you? Yep.
  24. The "instructions" of this god, however they eminate, are apparently eschewing from a source. Either from a conglomeration of fables collected in a book or from a random batch of polemic espousals blatted by posers who have somehow seen some sort of divine light. As for a superman in the sky talking to you, I really encourage you to get help. Mass murderers, serial killers, violent criminals, rapists and baby slaughterers all say that same superman in the sky told them to do it. Get help soon, I implore you!
  25. Yep, Alabama has a LOT of problems and problematic government critters. But Tuberville ranks at the top of the list of Alabama jackazzzzzes.
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