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Everything posted by AURex

  1. This would involve (1) a very large reduction in football-related revenue, (2) moving away from our Southern roots, (3) abandoning our longtime rivalries, and (4) confronting a drastic dropoff in NIL and recruiting cred. In other words, what a total crock of dooooo-dooooooo.
  2. This was a Baylor team that lost most of its best players, so they are rebuilding. This is an Auburn team that lost 3 of its 5 starters, so it is a rebuilding team. Yeah, blame it on the refs. Reality is, Auburn just did not do enough to win the game. This is a learning experience for our Tigers. How to win even when the odds and the refs are against you. CBP can open their eyes.
  3. As an atheist, I accept his request to be buried upside down as a recognition that he knew just how loathsome a human being he was.
  4. This is a rebuild for Baylor and for Auburn. Baylor lost a lot of firepower from last year. Auburn lost a lot of defensive strength from last year. From the UAM warmup, Auburn is still terrible shooting from outside. And now we are breaking in a new crop of players defensively. Baylor is trying to figure out their team as well. Whoever wins, it's not like this is going to affect standings or rankings or NCAA tournament bids. But I woukd sure like to see the Auburn newbies go ballistic! WDE!
  5. You've posted on other AU sites. So please don't bother me again with insane accusations.
  6. I use DuckDuckGo as well for my homepage and for most searches. Why? It uses the Google database of sites, but has its own search engine and none of the Google tracking and invasive capturing of all my online activities. I never stay logged in at Google, Facebook, Amazon or other surveillance/tracking sites. I always log out everywhere I go. I use Firefox web browser -- never Chrome or Edge -- because they capture everything you do. I use Adblock Plus and Ublock Origin to block all Ads and pop-ups (because they are often planting cookies and tracking you). I'm careful about what I write in emails, because email "services" like Gmail, YahooMail, Hotmail, etc -- all scan every word in emails and sell your content to advertisers and identity theft outfits. When you say "I don't care, I got nothing to hide" you are basically saying, "yeah, I don't care if my identity gets grabbed or my accounts get stolen." My brother had his Amazon account grabbed. The perp charged $4,000 of stuff from Amazon, all charged to the card my brother had on file with Amazon. Everything was sent to a different address. He contacted his credit card company and blocked the charges. But Amazon was uncooperative. They demanded he pay the $4,000. He refused. They cancelled his account. He can never use Amazon again and they are still harassing him about the $4,000. Protect your identity, use available apps to block invaders and use a secure browser like Firefox rather than a tracker/scraper like Chrome and Edge.
  7. You have asked that same question in other threads.
  8. We all know Saban is a d**k. But it's not tampering if the kid is not being recruited. It's kinda like, if CHF said to Pegues after the loss to LSU "Wish you has stuck with Auburn." Not tampering.
  9. I was at Illinois with Lou Henson as HC of the BB team. Lou won 1/3 of the games against Bobby Knight. I was present for quite a number of his crazoid outrages. Knight was a nasty, bully, thug. Most coaches hated him. He even got into it with John Wooden, one of the most even-tempered, respected, great coaches of all time. A loathsome human being. Yes, plant him upside down so we can all shove burning stakes up his behind!
  10. You keep posting this question in various "All Things Considered" threads, where there are many threads about movies, music, photos, etc. I realize that you are new to AUF (and other Auburn sites) What is it about "All Things Considered" that confuses you? There are also Politics threads that have nothing to do with Auburn sports. I'm sure we can help you figure it out.
  11. Mattingly was a Navy test pilots, then very active as an astronaut, flying multiple Apollo and Shuttle missions including a space walk. He graduated from Auburn in 1958 with a BS in Aeronautical Engineering. Much more about him here -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Mattingly
  12. There are some teams out there desperately in need of a win who will be playing their asses off trying to salvage their season or get to a conference championship or whatever. I'm thinking that there are games this Saturday that are ripe for upsets as a result. Notre Dame at Clemson -- Clemson is 4-4 and people have been writing them off. But 2 of those losses were in overtime and most of their losses (including to FSU) were due to fumbles in scoring position in the red zone. If Clemson can actually hold onto the ball, they'd probably have only one loss. Can Clemson pull off the upset of Notre Dame? LSU at Bama -- LSU has one of the most potent offenses in the country. Unfortunately, their defense is porous. Bama defense is good, but not dominant like in the past, so LSU will put up some points. But the Bama offense has improved and will likely score well against the shabby LSU defense. I expect a high scoring game. Could LSU pull off the upset? Washington at USC -- Washington struggled for wins in its last two games. USC has a good offense, but their defense stinks. Still USC is desperate. If UDub plays the way they've played the past 2 games, could USC pull off the upset? Oklahoma at Oklahoma State -- Sooners have barely pulled out 2 games, then lost last week. The Cowboys are unhappy about their forever-rivalry disappearing with Oklahoma moving to the SEC next year. So they are desperate to show the Sooners a farewell they'll remember. Can Oky State pull off an upset? A&M at Ole Miss -- The Aggies have under-performed again this year despite overwhelming talent. Ole Miss has only one loss and would have a shot at the West championship if LSU beats Bama. But A&M is desperate and has a pretty good defense, especially up front. Could A&M pull off the upset to try to save Jimbo's ass? What are your predictions on these games? PS: I don't realistically think Missery upsets UGA or Arkansas upsets Florida. And I'll skip Vandy's chances of upsetting Auburn, which is not zero, as this is in the Rivals column.
  13. Back in the day, the World Series was like a huge sports thing here in the U.S. of A. MLB was America's Sport. I'm old enough to remember that. But in recent years, MLB has fallen way behind in viewership. Football, basketball, esports (yes esports) and even soccer pull more eyes than MLB. Does anyone actually watch MLB anymore? How do you stay awake?
  14. If Auburn plays the way they did in the 1st half against Miss State, Auburn wins by 21. If Auburn plays the way they have against every other SEC opponent and in the 2nd half against Miss State .... ugh ..... maybe Auburn by 3?
  15. I'm glad he was selected as Speaker. He is the perfect Republican for all Democratic candidates to campaign against. 1. He was ringleader in Congress of overthrowing Electoral College to re-install Trump as President over Biden 2. He has been staunchly opposed to all abortion, no exceptions 3. He and his wife equate gay/lesbian with beastiality and incest, and wants to make gay marriage/sex illegal 4. He considers a wife as a slave/subject to a husband and opposes the concept of marriage equality 5. He is eager to make cuts to social security, medicare and medicaid 6. He wants to cut funding to the IRS, which has recovered hundreds of millions in unpaid taxes since the bill passed that funded more IRS staff to pursue tax cheats 7. He considers the Kentucky Noah's Ark that has humans and dinosaurs coexisting together as true 8. His concept of government is a "Christian" theocracy, with the concept of "Christian" being evangelical right wing extremism. These are just a few of the Speaker's extremist positions that Democrats will latch on to in their campaigns in 2024. They will campaign on pro-choice, marital equality, women's rights, protecting Social Security/Medicare/Obamacare, etc.
  16. He never uttered it because that was never anything the Democrats wanted or espoused. Even the most progressive Democrats never proposed defunding the police. This was just a tight wing propaganda campaign.
  17. There are definitely some intriguing ones this weekend. LSU's high powered offense vs Bama's all around strength (now that they are settling into their latest team). Boy, woukd an LSU win make the SEC West interesting. ND facing a desperate Clemson - which will suffer another embarrassing loss? Can Clemson upset overrated (but still pretty good) ND? Under-performing but supremely talented A&M vs the fighting Kiffins. This one is a potential upset IMO. Longhorns without starting QB vs K-State with the B12 in play? Sooners have not looked good the past 2 weeks, but Oky State is not loaded. A rivalry game. Coukd be fun! Can Missery upset UGA? I don;t think so. In the battle of the bottom dwellers, if Auburn plays the way they did in the 1st half of the Miss St game, Auburn wins easily. If Auburn plays the way they did against every other SEC team so far and the 2nd half of the Miss St game ....... look out!
  18. I've never heard or read a quote by any Democrat advocating to defund the police anywhere, anytime. But I've encountered a lot of Republican attack ads claiming that Democrats want to defund the police. And all the "fact check" articles I've read bear that out. Funny thing, though, if you delve into the Libertarian literature, there is a lot about how police and security forces should all be private enterprises (along with most government public services like fire departments, water and sewage, etc). Because, hey, unbridled capitalism is the solution to everything. 😬
  19. "Is it a bad look that we always fire coordinators?" (1) We don't *always* fire coordinators. (2) It's a far worse look when the offense or defense plays like crap and you keep the coordinator.
  20. These 5 are not simply "claimed" by Auburn. These 5 championships are listed in the NCAA Record Book, which recognizes championships selected by various sports/news sources at that time. So there is nothing to get "roasted" for.
  21. Pandemic remote schooling was a disaster. Teachers are going online saying that students are years behind from where they should be in math, literacy, writing, rhetoric. That is NOT on the school systems. That is on parents.
  22. Um, what would you say is the alternative? Are we (the fanbase) going to be rioting at Toomers Corner, burning trees and dumping lemonade? Will we have sit-ins on campus where we all cry like babies? Should we all write vitriolic letters to the Board and Administration demanding to MAGA (Make Auburn Great Again)? Do you think our deep-pocket donors have been happy with the situation in recent years? Unless you are one of those who pump millions into the Auburn Athletic Fund and NIL, trying to move Auburn football forward, is there an alternative to patience? Come'on man. As Auburn fans, supporters and donors (are you a donor? I bet not), we can get on boards like AUF and whine. But reality is, we have no choice. We have no option. We are patient or we curl up in a fetal ball and die.
  23. Thing is, with the state of today's education system, most kids do not want to read anything more demanding than a TikTok or IM post. If it is not required reading in school and not discussed in class, they are not going to read it.
  24. It was never easy for Black actors to find success in mainstream media back in the day. Richard Roundtree worked his way out of black exploitation (SHAFT) into legit mainstream movies and TV. A fine actor. RIP man! https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/24/entertainment/richard-roundtree-death/index.html
  25. There's the old notion that you can win with less talent -- you get your 3 star guys and "coach 'em up" and you scheme to the advantage of the players you've got, and you win even if the other team has more talented players. It's the old "coach 'em up" idea. Well, the theory sorta ignores that programs with a lot of talent can also "coach 'em up" so you aren't going to win those games. The games you win are against the programs with equal or lesser talent that don't "coach 'em up" as good as you do --- or the rare cases like A&M where the talent is overwhelming, but they coach 'em down. What I'm hearing in this thread is that a lot of you are of the opinion that Montgomery is not only working with less talent than some of our SEC opponents, but he (and his assistants) are not coaching up the skill players we have and not scheming to the advantage of the skill players we have. Personally, I hope CHF can find a better OC for next season -- to go along with the somewhat improved talent he's recruiting and able to get through the portal. Who would that new OC be? I dunno. That's a different thread! hahaha
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