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Everything posted by AURex

  1. One of the founders of Moms for Liberty is a convicted sex offender, loves him some group sex and into rape. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/a-florida-gop-leader-a-moms-for-liberty-founder-and-allegations-of-group-sex-and-rape/ But of course, this is exactly what we expect from the fanatical right. They love their pervoid religious leaders. Moms for Liberty -- destroy the free speech rights of the rest of the country in order to impose their ultra-conservative ideology on the entire country.
  2. If I were looking for total autocratic dictatorial rule in the U.S., yep, it would be between these two guys.
  3. Okay, I am really happy with how well Auburn has played against its preseason opponents (let's ignore Baylor). My question regards scoring, and specifically shooting from outside. I'm not looking for anyone to shoot 70% from 3 -- hahaha. But I'm still not seeing the kind of outside production that I expected with the players CBP brought in over the off season. Living in fantasy land based on all the recruiting vibes, I was just expecting Jones and others to be pumping in 3s constantly. So yes, I'm thrilled with Aden. But can he carry the outside load by himself? When will his teammates begin chugging 3s?
  4. Personally, I'm not an insider privy to the discussions among the coaching and recruiting/evaluation staff, but me (just being me) has a focus on both lines and the WR position. A QB to compete with Thorne is on my board. But just throwing around invites to QBs like Uiagalelei - I just don;t see it happening. Maybe I'm not reading CHF and his priorities correctly.
  5. "These guys met as teenagers, became the greatest duo in music history. " hahahaha Um, Lennon & McCartney, Simon & Garfunkel, Steely Dan, the Everly Brothers, Ike & Tina Turner, Sonny & Cher, Eurythmics, The Carpenters, the Righteous Brothers, Richard & Linda Thompson, Loggins & Messina, Ashford & Simpson, Black Keys, Tears for Fears, Jan & Dean, Sam & Dave, Indigo Girls ..... They are down the list ...
  6. Excuse #1 - We ain't got the talent. Against NMSU? Really? That's your excuse? NMSU has more talent than Auburn? Excuse #2 -- Auburn players disrespected NMSU. Considered them a cupcake. Did not consider them a real competitor, so Auburn didn't show up. This is the coaches "throw the players under the bus" excuse. Excuse #3 -- Auburn coaching staff just did not prepare the team for NMSU, instead spending all practice time on prep for Bama. Yep, gonna prep for Bama and WTF with NMSU?
  7. After my "The Sky Is Not Falling" thread that confidently predicted Auburn would beat NMSU and come into the Iron Bowl with a 4 game winning streak, I am in the dumps. There will be no Kick Six. There will be no Miracle at Jordan Hare. There will be no "moral victory." Bama by 31+ Yes I hope I am wrong, and I will gladly eat a dozen crows, but ...........
  8. Auburn already paid for this loss. Auburn paid NMSU $1.85 MILLION to drop by and beat our azzzzz.
  9. I really liked reading all of the perspectives from the refs -- all of their perspectives on the play, how they saw it. Thanks for posting this. Now if we could just have Saban shiiiiiiiting his pants! hahahaha
  10. This was a really good team effort! I'm still waiting for our magnificent, spectacular, awesome, 3-point shooter (you know who he is) to actually begin jacking some 3s. Because that was not tonight. That said, great win. WDE Tigers!
  11. Right WingNut R House Chip Roy says “One thing. I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing — one! — that I can go campaign on and say we did,” he said. “Anybody sitting in the complex, if you want to come down to the floor and come explain to me, one meaningful, significant thing the Republican majority has done.” Welp, thar ya go! All the stuff he supports -- total anti-abortion, cut Social Security, cut Medicare, cut Medicaid, cut SNAP, etc. All of his positions are extremist right wing. So .... Give me one thing I can campaign on.
  12. IMO, not a bad hire, but a REALLY BAD bucket of money to start with, and then a REALLY BAD TRUCKLOAD.OF.MONEY as a follow-up. But ya know, PTB do crazy S***T. Like for example extending Gus with a TRUCKLOAD.OF.MONEY!
  13. This will, unfortunately, be a semi-final for the CFP. Neither team is as dominant as they have been in past years, but both are still formidable. The SEC Championship Game should be a good one. I have no favorite. I dislike them both intensely. A couple of weeks ago, I would have picked UGA based on total team talent and play. But Milroe has come on and I now consider it a tossup. As for everyone else -- either Michigan or tOSU will be there. They dominated their weak conference and one of them will be undefeated. But in the CFP ...... meh. Then there is a whole herd of teams competing for the next two spots. Could FSU, Washington, Texas, Louisville, or Oregon beat UGA/Bama winner? Could tOSU or Michigan? Personally, I think the BAMA/UGA SEC Championship Game is the de facto national championship game. And I hate it!
  14. Whew! Scary subject line! Thankfully none of them are returning here! From the Boise State discussion boards and news articles, they were happy to see him leave. And after the disaster here at Auburn, especially his total disinterest in developing donor support in this age of NIL and his utter contempt of recruiting, I really cannot see any university hiring him even as an offensive coordinator. If they do, I'm thinking they are complete idiots. Both Kellen Moore and Brian Grubb would be better choices, especially for recruiting and most likely for donor/fan relations as well.
  15. Sigh! Yet another discussion that starts out on one topic (in this case, abortion and the Republican Party) and within a few posts is all about Trump. Let's be clear-eyed. If Trump runs on an anti-abortion platform, he will lose bigly. If he sidesteps the issue (as he is trying to do now) but supports anti-abortion candidates, those Republican candidates will lose bigly. Republicans are going to lose control of the House and the Senate because of this one issue. And if the Democrats tie Trump into the Republican avowed intention to ban abortion nationally, he will lose bigly as well. Even in red-leaning states, abortion (and especially Republican laws condemning children, victims of rape and incest, and doctor/patient efforts to protect women's lives) trying to criminalize girls and women for traveling out of state for health care -- these are poison for Republican candidates. Yes, Republicans have gerrymandered states to the point that votes no longer count in elections. But this autocratic policy-making will corrode their hold over time.
  16. Let's be clear. (1) The majority of Americans support abortion, at least in cases of rape, incest, child victim, and medical risk to the mother. (2) Historically and that includes Biblical times, the well-being of the mother was always protected over a fetus. Always! That includes all Christian times. That also includes Medieval era when the Church ruled, including early Protestant era. (3) In common law, a living person always takes precedence over some hypothetical maybe future person. This was the practice in America in the years of the Founding Fathers and the early century of our country.
  17. Clemson, Miami, Duke, Southern Cal, UCLA, Rutgers, West Virginia, Iowa State, and Maryland all have the same record as Auburn currently. 6-4. I think these are all among the likely opponents for Auburn in a bowl game -- unless Auburn gets lucky and upsets Bama, in which case, at 8-4 with a big signature win, Auburn would get bumped up to the next level. The bowl needs to have an SEC tie-in and be looking at SEC teams with a mid-tier W-L record. . So that includes the Liberty Bowl, the Texas Bowl, the Music City Bowl, the Gasparilla Bowl, the Duke's Mayo Bowl, and the Birmingham Bowl. Personally, I'd love to see Auburn play USCw or UCLA. This would be a major sell for recruiting! And the coaches would have no problem getting the team fired up for that one. I'm just not sure which bowl would host that game. The Gasparilla Bowl and Birmingham Bowl usually end up with SEC teams that barely qualify. I think Auburn gets a better bowl than either of those. I figure most likely -- Duke's Mayo vs Clemson, Duke or Miami (all ACC), or Music City vs Rutgers or Maryland (both Big 10), or Texas Bowl vs Iowa State or West Virginia (both Big 12).
  18. Any bowl game is a bonus because of the added practice time. And a bowl win for CHF in his first rebuild year would be great for recruiting. Let's go bowling! The bowl needs to have SEC tie-ins and be further down the pecking order for a 7-5 Auburn team. The SEC tie-in bowls include Liberty Bowl, Gasparilla Bowl, Texas Bowl, Duke's Mayo Bowl, and Birmingham. The Music City Bowl is the other option. There are SEC teams with stronger records than Auburn vying for these lesser bowls -- Missouri, Kentucky, A&M, Tennessee. A&M may have the inside track on the Texas Bowl. Tennessee may have the inside tract on the Music City Bowl. Auburn may be perceived as "too good" for a repeat at the Birmingham Bowl. I'd be very happy with the Music City Bowl, since Auburn has never lost in that bowl game. Wisconsin maybe? The Duke's Mayo vs an ACC team would be a challenge for our Tigers, but the idea of Auburn vs Clemson might appeal to the selection crew for its potential TV audience. Whatever, Auburn 7-5 going into a bowl game should be a great start to the CHF era at Auburn.
  19. I contributed my original post "The Sky Is Not Falling" on Oct 22. I know a sizable number of AUF contributors were skeptical, and many had dire predictions going into the Arkansas game after the pigs beat the gators in the swamp. But I've stuck with my original prediction. Could NMSU next Saturday be a trap game after the big win over Arkansas? I hope not and predict not. I think the coaching staff will have the team prepared and our guys will play hard for another win. Can Auburn upset Bama in the Iron Bowl? Well, crazy things have happened in the series -- the kick six, the great comeback. But talent-wise, I think it unlikely. So I'm sticking with Auburn having a 7-5 regular season for the first year of the CHF era. Hopefully a bowl win. The sky is still not falling!
  20. Well, I'm in the same boat as you on this. I contribute to my academic departments, not to the athletic program. I leave that for the deep pocket supporters.
  21. I'm not sure if his suspension includes the Championship game. I don't know if that is considered part of the regular season for the Big10. But being absent for both Penn State and Ohio State - is that really an issue. Because UM offensive and defensive coordinators already have all the signs for OSU and PSU. And Harbaugh will be leaving for the NFL after this season. So he will not feel the pain. UM will feel the pain. Am I crying?
  22. Michigan head coach Harbaugh has been suspended from gameday coaching for the remainder of the regular season. He can still coach at practices. The Big10 suspended Harbaugh for violation of the league's "sportsmanship" rule, which applies even if Harbaugh had no knowledge of the sign-stealing activities, because head coaches are held responsible for the activities of staff and players. UM and Harbaugh attorneys have appealed to the courts for a stay, which would allow him to coach on Saturday vs Penn State. Article reporting the Big10 action here The University of Michigan Board of Trustees actually had a discussion regarding withdrawing from the Big10 if the Big10 took action before the NCAA investigation is completed. Article reporting that follows on the article linked above. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. (Is my sarcasm font working?)
  23. I agree with that observation that, in the endgame, you gotta make free throws. You gotta make free throws or you die. And making free throws under pressure in the endgame takes real mental toughness. Auburn ain't there yet. I'm hoping they will be soon.
  24. Prime likes it when his players get in fights during practice. He says that other coaches break up fights, but he encourages them to go at it. He takes notes on who is winning in the fights. And he wants everyone involved. What's your opinion? Have the players beating each other to a pulp in practice? Or Stopping the fisticuffs and coaching players in game-day restraint and sportsmanship? Or what? Here is the article If you're taking part in one of Deion Sanders' practices and you find yourself part of a skirmish with teammates, you better get involved or you're going to get an earful from the head coach. That's what happened in August when he scolded players for walking away while a fight was going on. "If one fights, we all fight," he told them. So it should come as no surprise that Sanders commented this week during the Colorado Football Coaches Show that he likes seeing his players mix it up during practice. "We’ve had a great week of practice. We had a couple of fights, which I like," Sanders said. "It's a great thing. I always want to know who won because I keep records. I don't break them up. Some coaches break them up. I don't. "Some guys fight hoping for the break up. No, we’re going to let you go. I love it. They've been getting after it. It's almost like a rededication. It’s almost like a refocus. I love where we are. We've had great practices this week, offense, defense, as well as special teams." Sanders would sure like to see the effects of that practice aggression turn into results on the field. The Buffaloes are 4-5 and have lost five out of their last six games, including their last three. They face No. 21 Arizona on Saturday and finish the regular season against Washington State and No. 18 Utah.
  25. I'm not buying "the refs killed us" story. As others have mentioned already, Auburn tightened up and couldn't take the pressure of a strong opponent in the endgame. Every team faces an opponent who makes a strong run - or at least tries to. Auburn was unable to stiffen their backbone to beat it back. This will change! With more experience and coaching-up, Auburn will compete more strongly when other teams make an endgame run. It is a matter of learning and mental toughness and competitive will.
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