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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Agree about Kansas. That program should be in double death penalty with no parole for 50 years. Even beyond LSU for NCAA violations. Under investigation for years and years. NCAA might pretend to penalize them when Self is 99 years old and retires.
  2. Unfortunately, this is a civil trial, so he cannot be sent to prison as a judgment. Ya know, I actually lived in NYC at the time of 9/11. He was on the board of the organization I worked for. He was an azzzz then. Now he's a clown.
  3. I get excited over big commits. My brother always brings me back to earth. These are kids. A "commitment" is not binding. Until they sign a LOI and fax it in, they do not exist. Sign 'em up! And WDE!
  4. I was unable to watch Arizona vs Purdue because on the Peacock network, which I do not subscribe to. This was one of the reasons the PAC12 went down. The PAC12 contract basically closed them out of the major sports networks. Enjoyed seeing UK dump on UNC. And Creighton dump on Bama. NCState may give Tenn more than they expected. Of course, my real interest is our Auburn Tigers vs USC Condoms tomorrow.
  5. Best of luck to RA, wherever he lands. He gave his best at Auburn. Maybe that will pay off elsewhere.
  6. Blue bloods? Not eager to take on UConn, Duke, UNC, Kansas or UK right now. Not blue bloods, but yikes! Already lost to Baylor. Take on Arizona or Purdue? No thank you! We just ain't there yet. Maybe in a couple of months.
  7. Golf was there. That's even before my time. hahaha
  8. I'm old. Pro "Sweetness" Walter Peyton Mr Forever George Blanda The terrorizer Dick Butkus Jim Brown College Billy Lothridge Bo Pat Sullivan
  9. Asking for actual evidence is "skipping through la la land"?
  10. Please provide some examples. Not right wing extremist conspiracy crap. Actual real news stories.
  11. Okay, I be old. "Sweetness" Walter Payton George Blanda
  12. AURex


    ??? Bama in the College Football Playoff. Bama currently #1 in recruiting. Yes, it SUX! But it is what it is.
  13. hahaha Indiana was definitely flummoxed by the KD. hahaha
  14. This was like the perfect storm for Auburn. With Jonni stifled, everybody else stepped up and maxed out. 48% shooting from the floor, 48% shooting from 3. Six guys in double figures. Damn! If Auburn could do this every game, what an amazing season it would be! Okay, reality might intercede, but hey, I can dream, right?
  15. I'm not sure who you've been listening to, but it is 100% absolute BS. Cite one single quote by one single Democratic politician at any level denying the existence of God. Not an accusation or generalization by some right wing propaganda source. An actual quote from a Democrat. Local, state, regional, national. One quote of "there is no God." Or an actual reputable statistical research publication that supports your claim. Not some survey of evangelical Trumpists. A legitimate national survey of the American population. Duh, there ain't one. There are multiple research studies that indicate your opinion is not based on actual data. There are actual research studies that reveal that Democrats support the Constitutional protection of all religious adherents. Not one single research study that I've seen indicates that Democrats do not believe in the existence of God. If you have a reputable research source or an actual quote by a Democrat, let's see it.
  16. Um, I'm curious what track record you are basing this opinion on. This is his only HC gig so far and he's only a couple of years into it. Gauging his ability to win against Cheater U Michigan is not exactly apples to apples. I have no favorite here. I've disliked Tosu since the days of Woody "Hate" Hayes, and to me Michigan with Harbaw is like "Bama of the North." Bundle them up with Pervert Penn State and you got a really lovely playpen. And beginning next year they'll have the mighty Condoms from the PAC12 to make it a foursome! hahaha All of this falls in the W.T.F.Cares bucket.
  17. I certainly agree regarding FT shooting. Everyone should be in the gym shooting FTs every single day. And sooner or later, CBP will be awarding PT, especially late in halves, to those who can make FTs. The big mystery to me is the player CBP pulled in at guard who was draining 3s like the second coming of JJ Reddick or Marcus Howard. He's had one (count 'em, ONE) decent game. He gets his minutes, he just cannot seem to get the ball in the hole. Terrible shooting percentage. He needs to be taking some of the pressure off of Holloway. And I don't buy the fact that he was previously playing lower tier BB. He's getting his shots. He's just not making them. That said, I agree with the observation that, hey, they will gel and improve in the coming months or not gel and be a mediocre team. One or the other. hahahaha
  18. People are asking the same thing about Ryan Day at Ohio State. Beats everybody except Michigan. Thing is, 99.99999% of programs would love to have their record.
  19. There's a big bunch or experienced, good QBs entering the portal. But I doubt any are at the top of the list for our coaching staff. Really good OL and DL -- gimme some of those!
  20. FSU with their #2 QB but that really nasty defense. UGA with their pablum offense and stout defense. I got FSU !!! Maybe just wistfull hoping because I am truly sick and tured of UGA (and Bama). How about you?
  21. As is obvious, a few teams just do not need to pump a gazillion dollars in NIL to land top recruits. Bama, UGA, Michigan. But Auburn sure does need to do that in order to try to recover from the potato famine.
  22. Personally, I don't enjoy Nashville much, but I'm glad for the extra practice time for our players. Will CHF and staff really pump the team for a win? Or just practice all the 2s and 3s for next season? Maryland is a good match-up. Like Auburn, they lost some that they probably should have won, but they played Michigan tough and it was closer than anyone expected -- like Auburn vs UGA and Bama. On paper, Auburn should win. Being a bowl game with CHF being kinda CGM2 -- welp? As for playing Robby, IMO, only if he's changing position. We need to get him out of the QB mix. Let Thorne go wild for awhile, then gimme more Geriner.
  23. Ahem ..... this was a truly disappointing outing by my Tigers. And I've already asked a week or two ago about our outside shooting, which was supposed to be spectacular with the addition of Jones. Hoping the team will gel in the coming weeks.
  24. Don't forget that bowl games are an opportunity for more practice time for players, especially those behind starters. FSU will have their #2 QB ready. He looked good before the nasty targeting that kept him out of the Louisville game. He'll be back for the bowl game and eager to show out. FSU defense is legit. UGA could end up with a 2-loss season. 😭
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