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Everything posted by AURex

  1. WOW! With a BA, MS, PhD and Postgrad Cert, this is the most totally SHIITE-HEAD crap I have ever encountered. One cannot even begin to counter the load of crap spewed in this OP. Just amazingly total BS.
  2. I don't have you on Ignore. I have you on Laughitron! hahaha
  3. Back to the point of this thread .... I'm not sure what this thread is really about. Congress cannot impeach someone who has not committed "high crimes and misdemeanors" while currently in office. Not sure what the "high crimes and misdemeanors" are that Biden has committed while in his office as President. Congress cannot impeach someone for activities when he was not in his current office. All of the accusations regarding Joe Biden pertain to activities (alleged, not proven) that supposedly occurred when he was not in any elected position. But even if they occurred back when he was a Senator, it is not impeachable now, because he is no longer in that office. ???? I just don't get it.
  4. For convenience, here is a direct link to the Auburn MB performance. https://youtu.be/36yFOtgxGlk Yes, a fine performance by the Auburn MB. WDE! And an example of just how vapid and droll the music of Metallica really is. So, additional kudos to our MB for creating a performance that overcame the crappy music to impress!
  5. According to Trump, there was no need for a civil war. Lincoln was obviously an incompetent president. Just some talks between the anti-slave Union and the slavers of the South could have avoided war and maintained a peaceful coexistence between those who considered ownership and torture of humans vs those opposed slavery just a matter of negotiation. hahaha Trump, the great negotiator. hahaha https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/06/politics/trump-civil-war-negotiated/index.html
  6. As anyone with half a brain would. That does not anoint her as some sort of Liberal, only as a human with some functioning brain cells. Look at her track record and her published articles. She is a conservative. I suppose by today's standards of right wing extremism, she could be considered center-right, but she is definitely a conservative, and her opinions about DEI are just right wing talking points dressed up in literate robes. My academic advisor at Auburn was a Harvard graduate professor, editor of a solidly conservative academic journal of economic/political policy. I truly loved him as an academic and an advisor, but disagreed with him on many political issues. I stayed in touch with him for many years after leaving Auburn. He passed away a few years ago and I was so saddened. I used to read Buckley. Such a great writer. Brilliant! Erudite and incisive! But of course, most of it was right wing anti-democratic nonsense. But it was so eloquently presented. I loved disagreeing with most of what he ever had to say. hahaha Weiss is not in the world of Buckley. She's smart and her articles are often well crafted. But she is no Buckley and certainly not a convincing voice for the common slobber of anti-DEI arguments. JMO, of course.
  7. I thought AUF had a POLICY regarding never attacking or disparaging individual players. This kind of nastiness is unacceptable. These young men are playing their hearts out for Auburn. They lay it on the line game after game for Auburn. CBP makes decisions regarding who gets playing time, who is on the floor, who gets pulled or receives less PT based on performance. Nasty SHIIIIITE from so-called "fans" like you are just not acceptable. Where are the Mods?
  8. She got her first big gig at Wall Street Journal. Not exactly a bastion of liberalism. She was then hired by NY Times when the Republicans came to power to try to balance the liberal-lean of NYT editorial staff. Then she rebranded Common Sense as Free Press, a self-described center-right conservative media company. She was then associated with the University of Austin, a conservative-aligned private university that has been described by some as a similar scheme as Trump University, with nebulous goals, no credible academic standards, and lacking accreditation. You can disagree, but I consider her fully and solidly conservative, and her views on DEI as typical conservative BS, albeit better presented than the common MAGA extremist slop.
  9. There are SEC teams that have already played actual real quality opponents, losing some and winning some. Then there are teams like Auburn that have played a weak pre-season nonconference schedule and look good, but without being really tested. (e.g., Auburn played Baylor and lost, but has not yet played any other nationally ranked quality team.) I'm very optimistic about Auburn, but have some concerns. For example, when our guys are throwing bricks from outside, what happens if the other team has stout defense and quality bigs inside? That's Tenn and Florida. And when speed and offensive firepower line up against our guys (Kentucky and Bama), can we score enough to win? Personally, I like the rotation of Aden and Tre. B-M and Williams have been very solid. Jonni taking 3s is kinda worrying. KD is an unpredictable wild card every time he steps on the floor. I wish Jones could achieve his hype as a 3point sharp-shooter. We could sure use him in that role, but he isn't there (yet?). So, JMO, Auburn's potential depends a lot on who shows up against a particular opponent. Game to game consistency is not there, although depth certainly has helped so far. I kinda expect Auburn to finish 4th in the SEC, but am hoping for better! WDE!
  10. hahahaha The earth is flat and nobody ever went to the moon and the Titanic was not a real ship. Hitler had great ideas and was a great leader. The Civil war had nothing to do with slavery and was just a disagreement about states rights. Climate is not changing. Video games cause killings People of Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Island, any other origin, are "replacement" threat to destroy the U.S. The U.S. was founded upon Christianity and must destroy the infiltration of all other religions. Democrats are all pedophiles and sex traffickers Library books and drag shows convert kids (and adults) into trannys, homosexuals, and child molesting perverts. Vaccines cause measles, cholera, polio, smallpox, dementia, DNA damage, autism, dengue fever, Alzheimer's, scarlet fever, strokes, heart disease, atherosclerosis, pimples, genetic damage, and a thousand other ailments. The U.S. will be saved by an uprising of "patriots" on xxx date, which keeps changing endlessly. Trump will save us from ...... whatever cranks you are into of crazoid hateness. A Trump dictatorship is the wet dream!
  11. I spent 35 years in academe and 15 as a full professor. Harvard really screwed up by not vetting her publications. A very large percentage of scientific and other scholarly research publications are full of plagiarized content, fabricated data, and fantasy conclusions. It was the responsibility of the search committee and research faculty in her discipline to scour her publications for BS. So, personally, as an academic, I was for ousting her simply on the grounds of plagiarism and academic fraud.
  12. I feel confident that CBP recognizes exactly what kind of players he needs to be competitive going forward, and is digging into every nook, cranny and corner to identify and recruit players who can fit into his team. Will he find a Kessler or Okoro or Okeke to just come along and say "howdy, I'm here"? Somehow, I think it may be more difficult than that. And we know that he struck out on the over-hyped Traore. Maybe he won't find a troop of bigs to bludgeon opponents. But I don't doubt that he's working on it.
  13. Yes, Arkansas on their home floor is going to be a really tough game. They have a couple of really remarkable wins already this season at home. They also have some real weaknesses, including being totally inept defending the 3. So the game may depend on whether Auburn is making 3s (as we have been lately) or throwing up rocks like ...... I want to forget that game. And I understand CBP wanting to make sure everyone understands that this game will be really hard fought -- which it will be. I'd just like more positivity -- we have the talent, the depth, the strategy. We will go into this gamer prepared. So we are positioned to win!
  14. With the idea of an OC who was big into recruiting and game planning, but not game-day play calling, one that I would want to consider is Jake Peetz at LSU. He was an assistant under Saban, has coached with the Carolina Panthers, LA Rams, Washington Redskins, Jacksonville Jaguars and Oakland Raiders. And he was OC at LSU before Kelly arrived with his crew. With that kind of experience, I would hope he could recruit. He certainly has the NFL cred. Montgomery was really not being paid like OCs at most competitive Power5 universities.
  15. No? If there were 12 teams in the CFP this year, do you think there would be another 4 teams in the semis and finals? I don't really see any other teams actually breaking into the final four. Oregon? Good, but they lost to UDub twice? UGA? Well, they lost to Bama and only squeaked by a couple of others. FSU? Well, if they had their star QB, or even their sub-star 2nd string QB, but with a 3rd stringer? Ohio State? Penn State? Clempson? IOle Miss? Personally, I don't see the 12 team CFP actually changing anything. This year, FSU would habe been slaughtered, no matter who they played, even with all of their team (other than their QBs). UGA, if matched up with Ole Miss, might have made it into the final four -- maybe. I'm fine with opening the CFP to 12 teams, but I really don't think it would make a modicum of difference in the National Champion result.
  16. Frankly, I do not like CBP popping up and spouting *We are going to LOSE games." I don't want that kind of attitude. I want the attitude going into SEC play of "We are going to WIN EVERY GAME" and "We have the team, we have the scheme, we will win!" Okay, so maybe Auburn doesn't win every game. But I want the team (and CBP) going into every single game thinking and proclaiming to his players and to the fans "we will win this game." Every Game! I want to hear fro CBP and every player "We will win this game!"
  17. Caddy has proven himself as a recruiter. Auburn has had a stable of excellent RB talent for several years -- even during the Harsin potato famine. If he decides to leave to advance professionally, I am 100% in his corner. If he is pushed out, I can only think it is (1) a bad look from the perspective of fans and donors, and (2) really stupid from a coaching perspective, because he has pulled in top talent and coached 'em up, only to be saddled with shiiiiite on the OL. That's my personal opinion and I'm sticking with it.
  18. Isn't this the 2nd time Chiz has been ousted at UNC? Or is my memory garbled?
  19. No matter how Weiss "portrays herself" -- If you read the published articles by Weiss and look at her positions on issues, she is stout conservative. There is no center-left in any of her screeds. You can call yourself anything you like, but the things you say and do define who you are.
  20. ^^^ This ^^^ If congressional Republicans want a *different* set of laws and regulations regarding immigration (legal and illegal), it is *their* responsibility to enact those laws and regulations. Instead, they are just posturing, screaming loudly to their MAGA base, and launching an impeachment proceeding on the person who is simply implementing current law/regulation. The Republicans don't have a solution. They just have a megaphone of negativism. Just like with Obamacare. No alternative for a decade, just blustering hate.
  21. Three points: 1. Bari Weiss is a staunch Conservative, so it's not as though she's offering an objective opinion on any of these issues. She's just another conservative attacking anything that can be labelled so-called "woke" by the increasingly extremist Right. 2. Twenty years ago, politics was still dominated by moderate conservatives (center right) and liberals (center left). Now we live in an era in which the loudest voices and much political rhetoric is extremist on both left and right. 3. Right now, DEI is a counter-weight to the right wing extremism that has been attacking our democratic values -- White Nationalism; book banning, hate speech, and right wing efforts specifically aimed at stifling free speech; the MAGA fascist political movement; religious intolerance (Christian/evangelical nationalism); right wing anti-intellectualism, disdain for science, antagonism towards educated "elites"; systematic attacks on anything extremists consider "woke" in education, the military, business, etc. The right is attacking DEI because it is the only balancing voice amid the thunderous cacophony of right wing extremism. We don't need to do away with DEI. We need to embrace it, protect it, expand it. Otherwise, there is no counter-weight to right wing extremism that is attempting to take over our country and destroy the principles that are the foundation of our republic.
  22. Stocking up on receivers at this rate, some are surely going to rise to the top. And maybe help recruiting more/better QBs as well. Is Auburn going to become WRU?
  23. LSU had a defensive staff? Who knew?
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