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Everything posted by AURex

  1. An interesting question. I would suspect that commits who have not signed a LOI and decommit will be subtracted from the recruiting grades. But as to players who signed? Were they early enrollees who practiced with the team during bowl period? Then I'd suspect those woukd not be removed from the recruiting grades even if they now decide to jump ship. This is just conjecture on my part. I guess we will find out after NSD in a few weeks.
  2. So there's a glimmer of hope for the good guys? I sure hope so!
  3. The toothless NCAA plods along with investigations and allegations interminably with little substantive results. Michigan? Multiple serious violations. Penalties? Kansas basketball? Talk about a cesspool of violations over many years. Penalties? LSU? Multiple sports, multiple violations. How long did that crap drag on, and to what end? I'll probably die of old age before anything comes of this from NCAA. That said, just the NOI could give UF an out to get rid of Napier without a hefty buyout.
  4. Not dissing on Kite. Welcome to the AU Family young man. But ya know, Bama has already lost 13 portal transfers, including 5 star OL and 5 star DB, both of which started this past year and are high on our want list, plus a flock of other 4 star guys. They are going to Texas, UGA, A&M, etc. Ya know, we could definitely have used some of those guys. Just sayin'!
  5. Another win by big margin over an SEC bottom dweller. I'm not being negative. For every team, there are games that you ought to win and Auburn is winning those games convincingly. I love the starting 5 ONE and the starting 5 TWO that CBP has put together this year. The team stays fresh and can work hard on defense, and whoever has the hot hand gets their time on the floor. I'm not sure how he got everyone to buy into this scheme, but it sure is working so far. Can the good guys play strong enough to beat the best teams in the conference? UK and UT? I sure hope so. WDE!
  6. It's early in the season. Auburn hasn't played any of the top SEC teams and the non-conference schedule was weak. So there isn't much to go on at present. I'm eager to see how our guys do against the better teams in the SEC -- UK, UT, MS,OM.
  7. Saban will still be active in the athletic department, especially in recruiting. With Saban recruiting and Deboer and his assistants carrying team prep, game planning, and player coaching ....... ya know, I'm Auburn deep, and as much as I hate to say it, I could see this being a solid hire and a good transition for Bama. Unlike a lot of the critics here who automatically assume doom for the Tide, I fear there will not be much of a drop-off. The bigger issue will be the incursion of Texas and Oklahoma into the SEC. That's going to be disruptive for all SEC teams, including Bama, LSU, UGA and yep, our Auburn Tigers. Still, I'm not expecting Bama to suddenly drop away. The program has stockpiled a huge crop of talent, and reality is, talent wins most games.
  8. If you believe in a god, Christian or other, then it is obvious that the god created and has anointed every single person! Not just Trump. But evangelicals seem to have flocked to him as their savior. As have the sexual assaulters and poossy grabbers and oligarchs and monarchists and fascists and white supremacists. He has pulled together a seriously large assemblage of bottom dwellers, degenerates, and marching right wing cultists. All of whom believe Trump is their savior. He's a threat to democracy and in an era of nuclear weapons, an even greater threat to humanity. In an age in which everything (technology, communication, social change) move at a pace a thousand times faster than during ancient times, the fall of the Roman Empire was slow, incremental. In the era of Hitler, the destructiveness of fascism and social calamity was faster. In today's world, the decline and destruction is likely to be much more rapid. Fascism in the guise of Trumpist cultism is remarkably similar to Hitler's rise to power, but with much greater technological and social power. Hitler also called upon the support of his god and himself as the chosen one to lead his cultist followers to their rightful position of "power" under his dictatorship. All hail Trump. Pooosy grabber, women assaulter, business fraud, white supremacist, fascist, admitted wannabe dictator, hilarious religious icon.
  9. Personally, I'm thinking, if the courts rule in Trumps favor on this issue (which I doubt) ... Biden has Trump assassinated and then resigns. He cannot be prosecuted according to Trump's lawyers, because he would not be impeached and convicted, since he was no longer president. Then the 2024 presidential race is wide open. Yes, even Biden coukd run because he had not been convicted of a crime even after having Trump assassinated. Ahem! The Trump world. Sigh.
  10. The problem is that the millions of MAGA moron followers of Trump actually accept this crap. Polls show that evangelicals are no longer listening to their pastors, they've accepted Trump as their savior. This is just laughable but frightening idiocy for the increasing percentage of Nones.
  11. An illiterate nonsense post that no one can interpret. Suggest you get sober and try again to present a coherent post.
  12. This thread (and every thread I've seen at other sites) is just a bunch of idiotic innuendo. There's no substance, nothing actually reported, no factual information. I thought AUF had a policy against unsubstantiated rumor. Shut down this thread of crazoid speculation. If someone has some actual facts, come back later with it. As of now, this is just BS crap with no evidence or even insider semi-factualism.
  13. So, the lawyers for Trump argued in the Appeals Court that, as president Trump could order Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival (like Biden), then if not successfully impeached, he would be immune from prosecution after leaving office. So if the Appeals Court and the Supreme Court agree that a president has unlimited, complete immunity like this .... Biden could have Trump assassinated, then resign from the presidency, and **** all you MAGA gumps! hahaha What a load of shiiiiiiite Trump is dumping on the American people. It is disgraceful how millions of retards (and educated Republicans as well) suck the toes of this crackpot.
  14. Trump Corp fraud trial has already convicted Trump Corp of fraud. The current trial is only to determine the extent of damages the Trump Org will have to suffer. Attempts to deflect to Biden ......... totally irrelevant in this case. As for Melania, she's gamed it perfectly. She lives the life of a billionaire queen and doesn't even have to hold his hand. hahaha Good on you, girl!
  15. Yes, I know that Auburn has won games. I also know how A&M and (gasp, crappy) LSU came back to make it scary. Yes, I know Auburn is moving up in the polls. But let's face it, Auburn has not yet faced any decent teams. Baylor (loss), A&M (win at home). I'm not a negga nellie. I'm just trying to be kinda objective. We haven't played the better teams in the conference ....... Kentucky, Tennessee, Bama, Miss State, Ole Miss. Even UGA is playing better. As the old saying goes, on any given night .... The way Auburn has been slacking off in the second half, playing with no intensity, no rhythm, no focus down the stretch .... combined with CBP refusal to call time outs and make adjustments when other teams make runs ....... Rankings right now make me nervous. Auburn really hasn't proved anything yet. Waiting and hoping! WDE!
  16. Pretty much every thread (football or basketball) degenerates into garbage/smack. So why would we need a separate thread? hahaha
  17. Best wishes to Caddy in his next position. He is a good coach. IMO he will benefit from experience in offenses beyond Auburn.
  18. Oooops! NCAA just dropped big penalties on FSU for recruiting violations. Would Bama want to go with Norvell Now? I think not. Is Bama left with Dabo or Kiffin? hahahaha How much fun woukd that be?
  19. Lanning is not leaving Oregon Kirby would only leave UGA for a pro gig Carroll would not drop down to college Bellichek ditto Sark - why would he leave Texas? Deion at Racist U? hahaha Kiffin has too much baggage and a completely different coaching/recruiting philosophy Dabo only won when Venables and Elliott were running the show and he can't figure out the portal Muschamp dried up failure as a HC Deboer - why would he leave Udub? He'd use Bama interest to bargain for a new contract Vrabel - a prime hire in the NFL not likely to drop to college Norvell - Crappy situation at FSU so he'd be happy to leave, low buy out, Southeastern recruiting Franklin - not on your list, but SEC experience and solid (if unspectacular) performance at Penn State I would be really thrilled if they were to hire Kiffin or Dabo. Quick decline with either of those guys. I woukd be nervous if they succeeded in luring Vrabel. But I think they will end up with Norvell.
  20. I'm happy that he found a new home. Wish him well. Bye!
  21. A lot of speculation. Here are my thoughts. Saban exits with a record of 5 wins 7 losses at Jordan Hare. WDE! Brian Harson is available! hahaha Dabo Swinney -- Nope! The rise of Clemson to national power occurred when he had his 2 great coordinators, Elliot and Venebles. Since they left, Clemson has tanked. Dan Lanning -- He's guided Oregon to a solid team in the PAC12 with hellu defense and Bo Nix, so I consider him a contender Kalen Deboer -- Got Washington to the CFP, but no SEC experience at all. Lane Kiffin -- The crackpot has cleaned up his act and built a credible team at a 2nd tier SEC school. Offensive guy who, I'm sure, would love to be HC at Bama. But not a great recruiter, preferring to go portal. Steve Sarkisian -- He is a known coach at Bama and his Texas team beat Bama this year and went to the playoff. Kirby Smart -- Obviously successful at UGA and probably the #1 target for Bama, since there are rumors he is thinking about leaving for the NFL. UGA has become Bama2. James Franklin -- He was successful (as success is defined at Vandy) so he has SEC experience, and has a good record at Penn State. But has been unable to recruit at the level of Michigan and Ohio State, Mike Vrabel -- surprisingly fired as head coach of Tennessee Titans, but has had a very fine overall track record. But would he want to jump into the cesspool of college recruiting, NIL and NCAA s***? I doubt it. But Bama has money and he'd be able to continue the elite recruiting that Bama depends on and pull in pro coordinators. Mike Norvell -- Took over at FSU and rebuilt the program to elite status. Very unhappy with being trapped in the ACC. My personal thought / pecking order, just my opinion from the outside -- #1 Kirby Smart. After all, taking over from a very successful Mark Richt, Smart has built a power 5 powerhouse. But could Bama lure him away? Frankly, I think not. #2 Norvell because he's proven success at the top power 5 program level and could be eager to leave FSU. #3 Dan Lanning, because his defense has become elite and he's losing Bo. Rumors on the discussion boards is that Lanning is their first choice. #4 Sarkisian, who has pulled a moribund Texas program up to elite. And can also pull in players from Texas Of course, I'm not privy to the kind of insider information that the BAMA search committee has access to. And I'm sure Saban let the university know that he was planning to retire long enough ago that their recruiting team has already been at work. Go Harsin!
  22. Having worked in the realm of child abuse and victim abuse for decades. I am happy to see evidence come out regarding the monster Epstein. That said, the names on the list -- so far -- are just names on a list. There is nothing released so far that implicates most of tyhe people on the list of actual crimes. Of course, there are many who are uninterested in actual evidence but just wnat conspiracy theories.
  23. Auburn outside was just non-existent. The inside was really tough, but HA, KD popped in 14 points! Overall, an ugly game, but we can expect more ugly games going forward in SEC play. WDE! .
  24. He seems to have real versatility, and given his size, a good get!
  25. It's perfectly OK if Trump and his family received millions from foreign governments. No problem. If a Biden family member received a nickel, obviously that is a HUGE issue deserving of HUGE congressional investigations and HUGE noteworthy press releases and HUGE congress critter blabbering.
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