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Everything posted by AURex

  1. I have zero interest in NFL. I did not watch the game. But seeing the final score, I am convinced that Taylor Swift and her gazillion followers, RIGGED the outcome of this game. Yep, it is all about the Swifties. It's their deep state sports power -- it was their fault -- It was all about her. Right? I didn't watch the game. Were there any good commercials?
  2. And "SEC teams" includes bottom dwellers Vandy, Missouri, and Arkansas. Those teams add a lot of road losses to the cumulative record. The expectation is that Auburn should be better than middling in SEC conference play.
  3. Yes, that's what I'm saying. A "neutral court" game is NOT a home game. It is a ROAD game. And all tourney games are "road" games.
  4. Anybody who tries to say a tourney game away from home is somehow a home-like game -- I call BS. If you are not playing at home on your own floor, it is NOT a home game. And the past few years, no matter how many games we've won at home and against crappy tams like Vandy, Auburn has NOT played well in non-home games. And that includes tournament games. So, yep, here we go again!
  5. ALL tourney games are road games. Neutral court is a Rroad game, not a home game.
  6. Here we go again. Just like the past few years. Win at home. Tank on the road. So with all the home wins and wins against bottom-dwellers like Vandy, non-conference wins against powder-puffs, Auburn rings up a good record. But loses on the road to middlin teams like Florida and Miss State. Thing is, come March, all tourney games are ROAD games. Once again, like year after year, Auburn just can't seem to pump it up and win on the road. Vandy? hahaha Where is even one road win over a team that is above middlin? Auburn has a truckload of "good" players. And I love my Tigers. But fact is, this is another year like previous years. A good overall record with nothing after the regular season. Am I being too harsh?
  7. Auburn has not won at FL since 1998. Past is not present, but this will be tough.
  8. Thing is, if you are the ordinary person and see a work crew disassembling a radio tower and loading all that stuff on a truck, you'd probably think it was legit. Like, the owner of that stuff decided to pack up and go or whatever. 99.9999999% of people would not know that the tower and equipment belonged to WJLX, and even if they did, would they have thought anything suspicious was going on? I mean, who steals a frigggggin radio tower? And would they even know it was a radio tower? This is one of those things where most everybody just assumes that, whatever is going on, it's legal and fine.
  9. Local radio station WJLX in Jasper hires a local company to go out and clean up. They find the gate open. The door to the building open. All electronics, including the radio transmitter, gone. And the 200 foot radio tower GONE! Police investigating but no clues announced so far. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/alabama-station-disbelief-200-foot-radio-tower-stolen-rcna137877
  10. It's been really good to see Tre's growth as an on-floor leader. When he's in there, the team moves the ball, looking for openings all over the floor, especially inside. He doesn't try to force his own game, lets it come to him. Aden is still in his freshman struggles. He's used to being "the one" so he spends a lot of time dribbling around trying to find his own shot instead of orchestrating a team offense. At least, that's the way it looks to me.
  11. I had other obligations early so I watched the game on delay. But I saw the entire game. Seems like Bama took far fewer shots from 3 than usual. They were driving to the basket a lot more than I expected, where Auburn bigs were dominant. What was that all about. Usually Bama is pumping 3s. Was the Auburn perimeter defense really all that good? Of course, I was really excitd for Auburn beating Bama to a pulp inside.
  12. Also scary to realize that Trump doesn't know the difference between Haley and Pelosi. Trump and Bident are BOTH really old candidates. One is an evil wannabe dictator, sucking the toes of Putin, Kim, Xi, etc. The other is just your grandpa, an old dude trying to be a real U.S. President with the help of staff.
  13. As far as beating them it should be very simple. Score more points than them! DOH!
  14. I'm all-in on Baker-Mazzara. That young man can make a difference. And you know what? Bama knows that. Problem is, Bama sucks as defense. They are all about offense, and especially fast response offense. Make a basket, they are off to the races. Miss a shot, they are off to the races. So the keys to beating Bama, IMO, is (1) offensive rebounding, (2) getting back fast on defense, (3) perimeter D, and (4) moving the ball (not dribbling around) and making those open shots. Auburn has the players and the system to do that. So it's all about execution. WDE!
  15. State legislatures will be tripping over each other rushing to make university athletes exempt from state taxes. Up until now, it is the coaching staff, especially head coaches, who have benefited. Just look at the base salaries, incentives, and buy outs for these guys. They are mega-multi-millionaires just for walking into the building. This will have to change. If you are paying coaches a gazillion dollars a year, where are you going to get another gazillion dollars to buy a roster of 4 and 5 star athletes? Yes, there are deep-pocket donors. But are their pockets so deep that they pay a coaching staff $15 Million a year and then have to pony up another $15 Million or more for athletes? From what I've seen proposed, the typical athletes are not going to be paid much to begin with. Like $30k per year. But you know that is not going to last. You want a Olympic Gold Medalist like Suni Lee on your gymnastics team? You want a Kessler or Jabari on your BB team? You want a real QB on your FB team? That is not small change, and at some point the deep-pocket donors are going to step back and say "enough is enough." I don't know where this is going, but I do know the world of college sports is headed for a really big change.
  16. What a brilliantly amazingly insightful pronouncement of meaningless crapola. Tell me if any other football coach in the SEC -- DeBoer, Elko at A&M, or any other SEC coach -- would say anything different. Or any coach in the Big or ACC. Yes, our goal is to win championships and here are the staff an players to get us there. Yep. They'll get us there. Okay, I'm all about supporting my Tigers. I am not a Negga Nellie. I love my Tigers. But I'm also all about dropping stinky messes on BS propaganda like this article. I know it is between seasons, even between practices, so there's really nothing much to write about. But sometimes it is better to STFU rather than write cow dropping loads like this. I'm not interested in truckloads of word salad BS. I'm interested in actual newsworthy factual information. And in the future and then later I'm interested in results. Insider information. On the field results. Not moronic wanderings. Okay, I have my tinfoil hat on and my raincoat. Go ballistic! hahahaha
  17. He's going to challenge his guys to step up.
  18. I have also been making my donations to Auburn to the academic programs for quite a long time, not athletics. I was a swimmer, but I was first of all a student and my primary reason for being at Auburn was education.
  19. Yes. And also SpaceX and all other high tech industries receiving federal R&D funding are out of Texas, and all of the huge biomedical research companies and the health sciences centers (hospitals, clinics, Medicare & Medicade programs, etc). The easiest way for the federal government to convince Texas that secession is a bad idea? Cut off ALL federal funding. Hundreds of thousands of people, maybe millions, would flee the new independent autocracy of Texas in short time. Raise taxes, but with dwindling population, still not enough tax dollars to keep the new country afloat. The whole idea is a typical crazoid MAGA political talking point. But ya know, even Abbott and Paxton are not stupid enough to actually try it. Or are they? hahahaha
  20. There is increasing pressure on universities to change the way college sports are treated. A recent ruling by the National Labor Relations Board in the New England area ruled that athletes are employees of the university, not amateur student athletes, and therefore they can unionize and can be paid for playing their sport. The SEC and Big10 have joined up to draft new rules regarding college athletes in Power5 programs, especially in regards to NIL and athlete revenue sharing by the universities. I think the old idea of student athletes and amateurism is going to completely disappear in the next few years. Schools with lots of money will pay athletes nice sums -- the better they perform, the more they earn. The schools with less money will have lower pay scales. But the one thing that NCAA and the federal government will require through Title IX is that athletes in all sports must receive a share of the money. Gymnastics, golf, swimming, soccer, T&F, etc -- It's going to be complicated. And it will emphasize even more that college sports are a minor league prep ground for future pros in all sports. I wonder how this would change the dynamic of sports on campuses over time. If the athletes are no longer invested with a university, able to jump from school to school at will, a constant churn of players who, from what I've seen, could play at the college level indefinitely, year after year after year after year at many different schools so long as they are taking classes -- this could be a real quagmire. There would obviously need to be contracts involved, likely similar to pro sports, with base pay and performance incentives, buyouts for top athletes for changing schools, etc. Would students, alumni and especially donors adjust to this new world of college athletics that is more like pro sports? I ask this because a lot of fans of college sports (including me) have little or no interest at all in pro sports. If your university baseball team is no different from your city minor league team, etc, will they be pumping dollars and excitement into the current team, which may be completelt different from last year's team and completely different from next year's team? I don't know the answers to any of this stuff. The way all of this sorts out is just speculation at this point, but there is one certainty. Change is coming and it is going to be disruptive. Just having a couple of new teams in the conference is nothing compared to what is coming down the road in the next few years.
  21. Hey guys, give Mr Officiating a break. He's an "Expert" and we need more experts her on AUF. Seriously, I'm okay with anybody's Quasi-Nega-Nellie vibe. If they are just calling it as they sees it, I don't see criticism of team play as necessarily evil. Not everyone assesses all the nuances of BB the same. That said, I sure was glad to see Auburn awake from their somnolence to actually play BB in the 2nd half.
  22. Still, to maintain even the same level of funding for state government, Texas would have to raise taxes for their new country. More importantly, IMO, is that a very large portion of Texas business/industry would skip out. NASA, Tesla, all the computer tech companies, all the big medical companies. Sports? No longer part of any U.S. conference/league. Education? No more accreditation or funding for higher education. Even if the U.S. federal government said "okay, bye", I just think it would be a total disaster. Economy? They have some cows and some oil, but they'd be competing on an international market. Tourism? Nope. Borders? Then Texas becomes a foreign border. Can't bus immigrants into the U.S. and ALL of those immigrants are their own problem. I think even Abbott and Paxton are smart enough to not go there. Maybe.
  23. When I read this article yesterday I laughed out loud. PJ FunnyBunny. I never encountered the series because never had kids, but when I looked up PJ FunnyBunny, I just cracked up. Just looking at Kiffin, I'll forever start laughing. He is indeed the great PJ FunnyBunny! hahaha
  24. A woman holding a little baby in her arms gets on a bus. The bus driver says, "Wow, that's an ugly baby." The woman is outraged, but says nothing. As she takes an open seat, another passenger sees that she is upset and asks why. The woman answers, "That bus driver was so rude and insulting when I got on." The passenger says, "Go right back up there and give the driver a piece of your mind. Here, I'll hold your monkey."
  25. Finally a quad 1 win, although a pretty weak quad 1. But every win counts and the upcoming schedule is brutal. So glad to see our guys break out in the second half.
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