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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Baker-Mazara has been my favorite player since early in the season. Glad to see him do well as a start against UGA. That said, what a weird starting lineup against UGA, what an unusual defense, what strange configurations of Auburn players on the floor. That aid, with all the fouls called on our starters, thanks to CBP to getting cmbinations of players on he floor who could WIN this game! WDE!
  2. This guy is the very definition of "quack". A quack is a "fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill" i.e., "a charlatan or snake oil salesman" I'm sure he loves his Florida big bucks salary that he receives for french kissing the butt of DeSantis. He receives much more for his role as a DeSantis government quack than he could ever earn as a bona fide practicing physician. I'm surprised he has not yet lost his license to practice from the American Medical Assoc and other legitimate medical practice societies. He is an an Abomination.
  3. There is no real *meaningful* argument here. A court of law at any level, including a state court, must adhere to *LEGAL* precedent and render a decision on *LEGAL* law/precedent. A court (at any level) cannot just arbitrarily plop some sort of notion into a decision that is not (1) rooted in the U.S. Constitution, or (2) rooted in previous court precedence (like federal and SCOTUS actual decisions, and (3) not supported by science. To just spit out some religious crapology as a basis for a decision is NOT within the scope of LAW. We already saw this when Alabama Supreme Court Justice was thrown out TWICE for his religious crapology. There is no LEGAL or MEDICAL or SCIENTIFIC basis for asserting that frozen embryos used for IVF are "persons." It's a totally ridiculous notion that is not even supported by any sort of Biblical text. This ruling will obviously be contested and overthrown. And if the idiot Bama government lawyers decide to pursue it further in the federal court system, it will be trashed. There is no LEGAL basis for this ruling. Just typical Alabama religious fanaticism imposed upon our citizenry. Another reason to vote these crackpots OUT.
  4. Many states and cities pass laws/regulations that limit public carry or the presence of firearms in public places. In fact even Republicans have been known to block weapons at their rallies and courthouses. This is not a de facto defiance of the U.S. Constitution or the SCOTUS interpretations of the constitution.
  5. The entire discussion of ABORTION is irrelevant to IVF. Look up the definition of abortion, legal and medical. 1. Induced termination of a pregnancy with destruction of the embryo or fetus 2. Any of various procedures that result in the termination of a pregnancy Tuberville is too stupid to understand law and science. And religious ideations that are not even founded on biblical text are not relevant.
  6. All of these team stats include J Will, who played extremely well in a lot of games. With him out, the stats are pretty much irrelevant at the moment.
  7. As a former swimmer, what I did NOT hear was that our goal is National Championships! A return to Auburn glory days as a national; contender.
  8. My brother keeps wanting to try to put this all on CBP. Like, he just finds guys and lets them run around and do whatever they want, not running disciplined plays on the offensive end. not taking care of the ball, throwing away passes, etc. I'm thinking instead, CBP pulls in the best guys he can lure to Auburn. They aren't the superstars that end up at UNC, Duke, UKY, Kansas, but they are the best he can lure to football school Auburn. Sometimes he gets really lucky and ends up with a final four team. Other times, he has superstars but they don't gel as a great team (Jabari/Kessler). Thing is, when your team is made up of players who were good at a lower level, fact is they are now playing against teams at a higher level. And truth -- teams often get better as the year goes on. Kentucky today is not Kentucky of 6 weeks ago. Can Auburn rebound and beat Miss State at home? I dunno. If the MSU big man is healthy and playing well, well, that's a big problem for Auburn. Personally, I'm hoping the guys can get their shiiiiiite together and play out with a good showing in the SEC tourney and get past round 2 of the NCAA. Is that realistic?
  9. Bwahahahaha! Who will buy these no-brand shoes? Actual BB players? Nope! Kids who want to look cool at school? Nope. Actual athletes playing in minor league sports? Nope. Humans who intend to actually wear the shoes for any reason? Nope? MAGAs wanting to show off their Trump trinkets to other Trumpists? Yep. People *investing* in a Trump product hoping to resell it for a profit someday? Yep. Would anyone actually wear these things in public, other than a MAGA going to a MAGA rally? Nope! hahahaha
  10. Sad going forward. He has been so important for our team in recent weeks. But also, for him personally. I know he is really concerned about not being able to play going forward. I hope this is a minor issue.
  11. Curious. Would Tucker have asked anything different today than he did last week? Just asking for a friend.
  12. I hope so. I think so. Go Tigers! As for Tennessee in Knoxville? Well, that's more challenging.
  13. What do you want me to say? Stuff like -- Everyone played great. Every Auburn guy shot lights out and rebounded like madmen and created lots of turnovers and blocked endless Kentucky shots and made all those Kentucky 5 star athletes look like dorks? It didn't happen! I'm sorry if reality is hard for you to bear. This Auburn team is good, but not great. It is not bound to win the SEC Championship or make the NCAA final Four. If I'm wrong, I'll eat crow here in public on AUFamily. And frankly, I HOPE I am wrong. I love my Tigers. I would love to see another magical run by Auburn. And if that happens, I will be delighted to eat crow. Raw. Feathers and all.
  14. "iam knows all about it. i think he has bidens phones tapped" I know you are dealing with a bunch or medical probs and nibbling a lot of goodies. This is .... um .... not so coherent my friend. Come back where you are less ozone.
  15. Fact is, Kentucky just has a lot more talent than Auburn. Auburn is a team made up of discards, neglects, ignoreds, and midgets. Even with their #1 inside man out for the game, Kentucky still outplayed the entire Auburn team convincingly beginning to end. There was no question tonight which team had the better players. And on nights when Auburn cannot find a hot hand among all of the 11 guys who get trotted out there on the floor, it is tough going. I love my Auburn Tigers. But I am a realist. This team, like so many other CBP Auburn teams, is destined to lose early in the SEC Championship and will not go any further than second round in the NCAA tourney. I'm not crying or bitching. CBP has brought Auburn to respectability and I love our guys. But this team is not going far in the NCAA. All of that said, any time you have Jay Bilas on site, you can count on Kentucky bias. He slobbers UKY. It is sickening.
  16. UKy is kinda like Bama. They can pump up a LOT of points quickly. But their defense is not really there yet. Let's hope Auburn's A team shows up, plays some D. and makes some outside shots. If so, Auburn wins going away. If not, ....... meh.
  17. This is unintelligible, aubiefifty. Your drugs have set in. 🤪
  18. Not sure why this kind of misogynistic perspective has anything at all to do with his ability to attract players and win games. That said, I think he is not in the "dream recruiting spot" as Saban.
  19. With zero proof about Biden. None. Zero actual proof. Just a bunch of MAGA idiotic BS. But endless loads of true actual verified proof in audio, video, court cases) regarding Trump.
  20. On paper, Auburn should win this game. Of course, on paper, Auburn should have won the Florida game, and the Miss State game, and the App State game. So, let's see if Auburn shows up with their A game. WDE!
  21. I'm not sure why Auburn is such a big favorite. USCe is 21-3 overall, 10-2 in SEC play. They beat Tennessee in Knoxville. They beat Kentucky. The question is, will Auburn bring the A team that beat Bama, or the F team that got slaughtered by Florida? Even if Auburn brings the A team, this is not a gimmee. USCe is a really good team.
  22. Well, he apologized, but it is STILL linked on his website. hahaha
  23. Showing my age, I was around when Mengelt vs Maravich (look it up) at Auburn was a thing, so don't give me shade about my long support of Auburn basketball. Dictionary definition, a "road game" is any game played by a team at a venue that is not their home venue. A "TRUE ROAD GAME" is defined as a game played at an opponent's venue. Thus, tourney games are road games while games played on an opponent's court are "true road games." Either way, fact is, Auburn just does not play well away from Neville Arena. Yes, we can win games at home. But the record away from home against Quad 1 teams sux. We are going to find out if our Tigers can really stand up against the best in the SEC. We got USCe, Kentucky and Tennessee, with a rematch against Miss State. As to games away from home (i.e., road games) ...... so far Auburn is not looking good. This just looks like another season of Auburn getting beat in the SEC tourney and the NCAA tourney. Seeding is irrelevant. The Tigers look to be limp on the road. And if you have a different opinion, well, okay, you have a different opinion.
  24. I miss the days of the Bud commercials with the lizards, the Tabasco commercials, etc. I never watched the games, but I enjoyed the commercials. Now I think companies are afraid of offending anyone -- politically, ethnically, socially -- so let's have a dog lick the face of a horse! Yet, there's a magical, feel good, politically correct commercial
  25. I guess my contribution got nuked because it wa BAMMERS!
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