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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Just because students protest against a U.S. policy does not mean they are enemies of the U.S. or terrorists. I was active in the civil rights protests and I protested against the U.S. Vietnam War. I was not a terrorist. I was not un-American. In fact I supported our military fighting in Nam and after the war have always supported our Veterans. But I protested the war. Check your U.S Supreme Court rulings regarding the American flag and the presentation of flags of other countries. A different flag is NOT a terrorist act. Even hoisting a Russian or North Korean or Chinese flag is not a "terrorist act" in our country. Wingnut propaganda gets you nowhere with this crap.
  2. Hahaha -- welp, me too, but the 2nd one stuck. 45 years now and counting.
  3. Hey, no prob, man. I make a lot of posts that others decide to whack me for. I been slapped up and down -- as have a lot of AUFamily. Occasionally I even admit that I effed up! hahaha Good on you, my friend.
  4. 1. The issue here is that peaceful protests are a Constitutional right of all Americans (yes right wing and left wing), but violent protests are not protected speech (including both right wing and left wing). Once protests (right wing or left wing) become violent (taking over buildings, destroying property, destroying property, killing people), it is justifiable to use force to curtail them. Whether neo-Nazis in Charlotte or protesters at Columbia, violent protest is not acceptable. 2. You cannot deport U.S. citizens. Yes, I know, Trump says you can. He is wrong. 3. A protester is NOT a terrorist. That is right wing extremist crazoid rhetoric. Look up the definition of "terrorist." That ain't protester, even if the protester has a sit in or breaks a window. And Bragg's office will prosecute those who broke the law as his office does for all other crimes in NYC. Yes, I know you hate Bragg because he is prosecuting your orange god, but the fact is, all crime is down in NYC despite what is trumpeted and Bragg is doing his duty at all levels in this huge city.
  5. I think you missed the humor of my post.
  6. libertydaily.com Yep, I'm going to eat up that giant smoking steaming cow plop of wingnut misinformation. How could you even think of posting something from that extremist far right QAnon source? Definition of zero credibility. Might as well post some crazoid BS by Alex Jones.
  7. So, in other words, we should withhold opinions regarding CHF for a couple more years, because he needs to cycle out more players and *hopefully* pull in and coach up better players. Is that what this thread is about? The dream of delayed gratification? 🤪
  8. Dye - 71% game record, 72% bowl record Bowden - 73% game record, 67% bowl record Tubs - 68% game record, 63% bowl record (2004 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! And all those wins over Bama!) I love Shug as a coach and as a man and as a great representative of Auburn. If I had to pick my *favorite* coach, it would be Shug. But he was not the best IMO in regards to outcomes.
  9. I am sad to see the demonstrations becoming more extreme and violent on some campuses. I am not anti-semitic, but I do distinguish between Hamas terrorists and the Palestinian populace, and I am so upset by the IDF slaughter of innocent Palestinians. But violent protests are not acceptable on our university campuses. It is an ugly look to send in police in riot gear, swat teams, militarized units. It is an unfortunate decision by universities to expel students. But however much I support the Constitutional right to peaceful protest, this is not what we are seeing on some campuses, and it must be addressed. I have a post-graduate degree from Columbia. I am so distressed that the university has landed in this position. I wish there was a better alternative for dealing with these violent protesters, because I am certain that most protesters are not supportive of their aggressive actions.
  10. Auburn already generates athletic revenues among the very top in the country. Auburn has one of the richest athletic departments in the country. Championships? Well, basketball SEC but NCAA? Golf? SEC (go tigers!). How much money did they receive from the athletic department and NIL? Equestrian? SEC. Nationals nope. But that's not even an NCAA sport. I fail to see how dumping more and more and more dollars into the athletic department is going to win more championships. I donate annually to the academic programs that I studied in during my years at Auburn. I no longer donate to mediocrity.
  11. As per my original post, I support peaceful protests. I was opposed to bringing in militarized crusaders in response to peaceful protests. Now, protests and anti-protests have become more violent and unfortunately must be dealt with in a more forceful manner. So unfortunate. My perspective is influenced by the fact that my wife was a student at Kent State when the guard decided to start shooting at peaceful protesters and killed a student. And of course my own experience demonstrating against the Vietnam war. As long as the protests are peaceful (as they still are on most campuses) this is an issue of freedom of speech. If the protesters initiate violence, that's a different issue. Personally, I do not care if outsiders join a student protest. It is still freedom of speech. It is only when protesters initiate violence that the issue becomes more complicated. If students have a sit-in in a building, that is not violent. If they are breaking windows, destroying stuff, that is violence. Of course, as we see, crazoid wingnut government officials (on both sides of the aisle) tend to get their panties in a wad and call in the swat teams and militarized units just to demonstrate how tough they are.
  12. From the chatter, he seems like a good get. Is CBP hot on his trail?
  13. Not all college athletics. 1. Ivy League does not offer athletic scholarships, although they do have preferred admissions for athletes in some sports. They have proven sustainability. 2. Sorry to remind, but hey, there are many sports that are not football or basketball. For many schools, the Director's Cup / Olympic sports are of greater interest - not just in terms of school support, but also fan interest. 3. Auburn needs to field a beach volleyball team with buckets of NIL for the Livvy Dunne's of beach volleyball. This is sustainable! Home & Home vs UCLA, Miami, Hawaii, San Diego State, NW Florida Women's College ..... I suspect there would be universal fraternity support. NIL would obviously be determined by the Livvy Dunne factor, so recruiting becomes more important than athleticism or skill. Who cares if they win or lose. Who cares if they are on the Mediocrity List? It's all about the "form". And the athletes can certainly achieve their share of the revenue.
  14. I never played gold, but my dad was a very good amateur golfer and I caddied for him for years. I'm glad to see the team doing great!
  15. With all of the wingbut rhetoric (from both Democrats and Republicans) a lot of the actual reality gets buried inpolitics. The trope narrative of "outsiders" is one of those blasts that every wingnut wants to broadcast -- without any actual proof. And even if there are some outsiders who come in, they are just minorities. Most of the protesters on every campus (and there are many) nationally, ar students enrolled at the university. There are not BUSES bringing in hundreds of activists. (If you can prove it, then do it, but legit news not wingnut propaganda). DID YOU KNOW -- At Yale and Columbia and other universities, the Jewish students do not feel unsafe? Did you know that, at Yale, there is a Jewish group "Jews for Ceasefire" that are protesting along with those who are protesting for Palestinian victims? Did you know that the editor of the student paper at Columbia is Jewish and he has said he and other Jews on campus feel no threat from the protesters, meet with and talk to the protesters, etc? Bringing in militarized forces to arrest peaceful protesters is unconstitutional abridgement of freedom of speech. Americans have the right to peacefully protests. The protesters on university campuses have not been involved in any violent acts. This is just more wingnut response to peaceful speech they do not agree with. Despicable, disgusting. Even faculty at these universities have condemned administrators calling in police on peaceful demonstrators. We condemn other countries (dictatorships) for criminalizing peaceful protests. Yet here we are, supposedly a free country with Constitutional protections for freedom of speech, doing exactly the same thing. How sad for our country.
  16. I'm not "HUNG UP" on Auburn being "THE BEST" in every sport. I am disappointed that, with all the mega-dollars flowing into Auburn athletic programs, most sports are mediocre at best. As for gymnastics, sorry you were unable to process the data. But reality is, based on those numbers, LSU, Florida, Utah and Oklahoma gymnasts receive notable amounts of NIL (as do Olympic gymnasts like Suni Lee who are not currently on a university team). In that long list, only one Auburn gymnast was included, whereas most all of the gymnasts on the top university teams receive NIL support. Did you not see the list? Or did you just choose to mind-block what you did not want to see? Sorry if it was too complicated for you to interpret. You asked for evidence, I provided it, you couldn't figure it out.
  17. Auburn players all got drafted in very late rounds. Personally, I don't watch NFL and I'm certainly no expert on NFL talent, but I wonder about this. With Harsin at the helm and CHF in rebuild mode, were Auburn players undervalued? Or were the leftovers from Harsin just that mediocre? Personally, I thought Pritchett was a good DB -- certainly better than some of the DBs taken before him. But did the scouts and the combine bring him down? Were his measurables deficient? Did he tank in the combine? I dunno. I'm just asking. Why were Auburn defensive players taken so late?
  18. NIL for college and Olympic gymnasts here -- https://www.on3.com/nil/rankings/player/college/gymnastics/
  19. I assume you do know that FDD is a conservative organization with Israeli-friendly leadership? What do you expect them to say? "It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the organization of these “protests” to know it’s not grass roots driven on some of the more “prestigious” campuses." You didn't provide any fact-based sources, you simply restated what you had previously said without any sort of proof.
  20. So, only 2 Auburn players drafted this year? Pritchett at 138 to Seattle and Simpson at 164 to the Colts. Did I miss any?
  21. The media is not "all in for the destruction of Israel". The media are freaked out by Israeli military slaughtering women and children and hospital patients, as well as aid workers. I am not anti-Israel. But I am truly upset by the continuing slaughter of innocent people in Palestine. Equating Palestine with Hamas is like equating Southern whites with KKK. The Palestinian populace is not HAMAS! In fact, today IDF bombed areas in Palestine that it had announced were safe for Palestinians, killing innocent Palestinians. Why? Welp -- because let's slaughter them all. Need a definition of Genocide?
  22. Provide some actual factual info that does not come from some right wing crapoid site. This is BS shiiiiit shoveled by wingnut propaganda sites.
  23. Problem is, although gymnastics might be 3rd in NIL overall, it sure is not getting much NIL at Auburn compared to schools like LSU, Utah. Florida and Oklahoma. In comparison, Auburn girls are getting naught. Track and Field -- nuthin. Swimming & Diving - nuthin WBB - nuthin It goes on and on. Other schools allocate money to all sports. Auburn pulls in gigantic revenue, but it all goes to football and some to MBB. And yet ... Auburn FB is embarrassingly mediocre and Auburn BB is just kinda sorta good. I love CBP and I have high hopes for CHF, but right now none of Auburn sports are where they should be (with exception of golf and equestrian). And with the gazillion dollars Auburn pulls in annually, we gotta ask whether the $$$$$$$$$ are being well spent.
  24. Lots of protests on university campuses nationwide. The hawks (both Republican and Democratic) seem incapable to distinguishing between Hamas the terrorist militarized group) and Palestnians (the civilians, the people who live in Palestine). Most Palestinians detest the Hamas. But the Israelis indiscriminately slaughter innocent Palestrinians -- women, children, elderly, no matter, just kill them all. The protesters on university campuses are protesting the slaughter of innocent Palestinians. They are not anti-semitic. They are protesting the policy and activity of the Islamic State slaughtering innocent people. Yet hawks on both aisles are kissing the ass of Israeli military. I'm old. I was on campus at Auburn when we were protesting the Vietnam war. Our demonstrations were peaceful, as ae the current protests. We didn't get rustled by cops or arrested. Peaceful protests were understood to be freedom of speech. What has changed now? Just the fanaticism of wingnuts. Peaceful protests are no longer protected as Constitutional freedom of speech. Now peaceful protests are considered political terrorist activities, so let's bring in the police to squash opinions that do not alighn with the wingnut propaganda. Even at Columbia, the Columbia student news, which is edited by a Jewish student, condemns the politically- motivated police harassment and arrests or protesters. They've been peaceful. They've broken no laws. But the wingnuts have called for the President of Columbia to resign because -- hey -- students are protesting and she's not eager to throw them in a dungeon and beat them to death. Okay, so this is MY opinion. I believe in the Constitutional right to peacefully protest.
  25. Thanks for the graphic, aubaseball. So, most of the money goes to Athletic Dept staff and paying off previous coaches, paying current coaches, and facilities. NOT recruiting, player support, actual competition, etc. And fact is, Auburn's NIL for most sports is pitiful. I was looking today at NIL for gymnasts. Almost all of the gymnasts at LSU, Utah, Florida, Oklahoma are receiving decent NIL. Auburn? Nope. And look at the teams that were competing for the national championship. LSU, Utah, Florida and Cal. Oklahoma is usually in that mix. Swimming and Diving? Auburn once was a national powerhouse. Now? WBB? Auburn used to have a good team. Now? Track & Field? Harvey, where are you? Yes, college athletics has changed with NIL and easy transfers. But that applies to ALL universities, ALL of our competitors. I haven't seen official numbers, but just from the posts on this board and other Auburn fan sites, it seems like Auburn NIL is mostly going to football and some but less to Basketball. As for other sports .... ??? We got traditional rivals Bama and UGA, incoming Texas and Oklahoma, and A&M -- all with truckloads of primary athletic funding and bank loads of NIL. Tennessee and Florida outspending Auburn by a lot. But it is not all about money. CBP has done a fantastic job without the kind of NIL that other schools have. And to some extent, NIL follows success. But Ole Miss has built an excellent FB team with less resources than Auburn has. Tennessee has made a comeback. Missouri is now competitive. Arkansas will be a nightmare with Calipari. As I said in my OP, I'm just tired of Auburn being middle to bottom of the SEC in most sports (yes, a couple of exceptions). With all the money flowing into Auburn athletics (among the top in the nation), I expect more. Not just want more. Yes, I expect MORE!
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