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Everything posted by AURex

  1. Found guilty, but hey, not really guilty because he couldn't get a fair trial in his home city. But he's guilty because that's further evidence of his victimness, that poor, poor, poor billionaire. He needs your money because he's a VICTIM of whatever -- the deep state, Joe Biden, the demon Dept of Justice, the horrific Democrats, whatever ... he's the billionaire victim and HE WANTS YOUR MONEY! .
  2. Yep! Fact checked this and, as the OP made clear, it is absolutely true. Of course, as we all know, with Trump, response #1 is denial and response #2 is that doesn't apply to me because ...........
  3. This does not change the fact that Menendez is being prosecuted for criminal offenses. That said, it is laughable that a seeming endless number of extremist right wing Republicans are getting caught up in legal entanglements. Like the legal advisor for the GOP voting integrity being caught for voting fraud and a bunch of Republicans screaming about voting irregularities being indicted for their fake elector activities in several states. And of course the cult leader is a many-time convicted criminal. But we are supposed to ignore that.
  4. The reality is that most southern coaches are seriously going to play the religious card. Auburn football was heavy into Christian athletics for decades. Now, just look at Dabo Sweeny spouting the word. They all do it because a lot of these recruits come from families(moms) that are really into religion. This is a problem for the players who are not deeply evangelical religious types, being forced to sit in with those amen-amen-amen type team meetings. And as for the coaches, well, ya know, whether they buy into all that stuff themselves or not, they gotta put up the facade. As for CBP, well, he is out there with his religion and not restrained about it. Does it land him recruits? I guess he thinks so. Do I want to hear about his personal beliefs? Nope! Just as I did not want to hear about the football coaches doing their Christian athletes thing for previous decades in football.
  5. I really want to believe my Tigers are going to have a great season, and I really want to believe that our Tigers have a very good team. But best in the league? hmmmmmmm .... I dunno about that.
  6. Not surprisingly that the best the MAGAs can come up with is a bunch of WhatAboutIsms. What about Hillary? Has nothing to do with this case. What about Bill? Has nothing to do with this case. What about Hunter? Has nothing to do with this case. What about Joe? Has nothing to do with this case. As for the notion that prosecutors only go after Trump/Republicans, never Democrats ...... look no further than the current prosecution of Medendez. None of this whataboutism has anything to do with the Trump case. He violated NY State laws. He was tried. The jury convicted him. The judge will sentence him. He will appeal. Just more of all his winning. Trump University. Trump Foundation. Trump sexual assault. Trump defamation. And that's just in recent years. The man is a lifelong grifter, con man, don of a criminal family. This is just yet another instance of a long list of legal cases he has lost. Yet he is still walking free.
  7. I'm not going to say "surprised" because I really was not sure what the jury would do. The prosecution presented a very strong case, systematically laying out the criminal charges and the defendant's culpability that fit with those charges. The defense just blustered in typical Trump fashion, with no actual evidence to counter the prosecution. So I'm not "surprised." I am relieved that the jury did their due diligence, looked carefully at the evidence presented, listened to the testimony, and came to their ruling. Yes, Trump's lawyers will appeal no matter what sentence Merchan levies on July 11. To no avail. He is and will be a felon. What will Merchan decide? 1. Prison? Nope. Ain't gonna happen. 2. Prison sentence suspended with probation? Maybe, but I think unlikely. 3. Just probation, a slap on the wrist, saying "be good" hahaha 4. Monetary penalty? Potentially up to $170k. I think this is the most likely sentence. Trump just sold a big jet to a toe sucking donor for $10 million to help cover his legal fees. With the quality of legal services of Blanche and Abba, he's in deep doo doo. No reputable legal firm will take him on. He's stuck with these incompetent lawyers who have little real experience in courtrooms in high-pressure cases and were an embarrassment in this case. Trump so far -- defamation -- lost twice, down more than $90million. Now this case -- illegal falsification of business records to cover for election fraud -- guilty Next up, I hope, Georgia.
  8. All I can say is WOW! What a great run our guys had. Koivun is obviously a true phenom. And a true freshman. After winning the Haskins award and leading Auburn to its first national championship in golf, does he turn pro? Or does he stay for another year? Does he transfer out to another school for big money? Do we have a bucket of NIL dollars to throw at him? That young man is a true stud and we are so lucky to have him at Auburn. Valdes will return I hope, since he is a junior. for another year? Gilbert is just a freshman, so he has time to improve. Will this championship affect recruiting? I don't know anything about recruiting in golf, but in this day of NIL and other money, is Auburn positioned to become an ever-present power in golf?
  9. There are no gimmees in competition. Don't count em' til they are on the final card. That said, Butler , hang in ther young man. You got this!
  10. Butler is a senior. Lots of competitive golf behind him. Hoping he has nerves of steel. He's now 2 up with 2 to play.
  11. Yep, looks like it is up to Butler and he still has a ways to go.
  12. Yeah, it looks like it will probably be down to Butler, although Bacha has pulled within 1 going into 18.
  13. Auburn currently up by 1. Bacha and Gilbert need to step up their play.
  14. For those who want to see the play by play of Auburn vs FSU for the national championship https://results.golfstat.com/public/leaderboards/gsnav.cfm?pg=match&tid=29191&rid=3 Yeah, I know. It's not like actually watching it!
  15. I really appreciate these updates, guys. I can't watch video, so I go to the NCAA website. It provides some tallies that are enlightening regarding the play of individuals on the team. For example, vs Ohio State, the numbers indicate (as of this moment) Valdes up 1, Kolvum up 1 thru 17, and Butler up 2 thru 16, Bacca and Gilbert down 1 each, so as of the latest post, Auburn is currently 3-2-0 vs Ohio State with play ongoing. https://results.golfstat.com/public/leaderboards/gsnav.cfm?pg=match&tid=29191&rid=2
  16. I tried to find info regarding the felon shooter. I was hoping to find out what his prior felony convictions were and how old he was when he was convicted. I didn't have any luck.
  17. Well, okay. 1. Felons are not legally allowed to possess or carry guns even in Florida. 2. I should have been more precise in my question regarding the victims. The legal age for carry in Florida is 21. I was not sure if Brian was 21. I now know he is 22, so he was legally carrying a gun. We still don't know the reason they began shooting at each other. It's a terrible situation. All we can do is pray for Brian and his family.
  18. Felons cannot legally have guns even in Florida.
  19. I do not wish to demean those who seek other life strategies. There are lots of jobs in factories and trades, and I fully appreciate the choicews of those who choose one of those routes. There are also community college and other educational options that cost much less than university degrees. For example, various health care certifications that can be earned in just a year or two without paying a huge tuition cost. All that said, research indicates that younger people without a bachelors degree earn less than those who have a degree, and the disparity increases over the years.
  20. Yes, we expected a "self defense" and "stand your ground" defense. And ya know, maybe that is true. HOWEVER, the killer was a felon and thus could not legally possess a firearm of any kind. We don't know yet whether Brian and his brother had license to carry. If they did not, this is one of those "thugs vs thugs" shootouts at 3:30AM in which the law just throws up their hands in exasperation. I hope these stories are not the true case regarding what happened. I'd like to believe Brian and brother and others were innocent victims of a felon. Whatever the truth, I hope the young man recovers.
  21. Of course, I would GUESS that most of us discussing the issue here in this forum graduated long ago when tuition and fees and materials were MUCH lower, or some (I know there are a few) who never attended Auburn or any other university. The reality is that higher education today is incredibly expensive and starting salaries in most fields are really low. Truth is, it is beneficial to society as a whole to reward those who demonstrate their intellectual abilities and graduate and seek meaningful employment. Our U.S. society is not a true meritocracy, it does not really endeavor to create and reward an educated working class, it does not foster progress from lower income to middle class or higher income. The resistance to helping graduates pay off the horrendous (and indefensible) educational debts they encounter is rather like the right wing argument that we shouldn't support health care for the less fortunate, or food stamps, or child support, or school lunches, or Medicaid -- because welp, I personally do not receive those dollars. Of course, if they are being paid NOT to grow crops, or free range, or business tax breaks, or legal largess from the federal or state government, well, that's different because, well, that's ME.
  22. Yes, the entire media situation and the legal problem both dump lots of money into the B1G and SEC for football and basketball.
  23. I guess there is a tradeoff. If you play really top teams during the pre-conference and lose them all, yes, that becomes an albatross around your neck ----- KINDA, MAYBE! Bama played and lost to a several top teams, yet pulled out a good finishing point. And, welp, NCAC ....... The idea is to play some good teams in pre-season, then bust azzzzz and demonstrate you are much better than those tams yu lost to. Yep! Okay! WDE!
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