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About wglewgle629

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  1. I always thought that NASCAR missed a golden opportunity years ago, by not working out a sponsorship deal between Dick Trickle and Viagra. 😂
  2. I don't think so. They were an all baseball family until he started playing football a couple of years ago. His brother just signed on to play baseball at Oklahoma out of JUCO in MS.
  3. I think J Sherwood was moved down to LB for the Jets this year and played in a few games. Also, I wanna say the Cardinals did this a couple of years ago with one of their safety's. His name escapes me at the moment but pretty sure he was in the top 2-3 on the team in tackles.
  4. Wow, several comments in and no spank the monkey reference? You guys are losing your touch. (no pun intended)
  5. How many passes have we've thrown 5+ yards past the los tonight?
  6. 6'5 240 and we tippy toe to the line on 4th down? Come on Nancy. Turn your man card in as you limp to the side line.
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