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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Alright D. Pick up where we left off last year
  2. Been a rough offseason y'all. It's almost over and our Auburn Tigers will help us heal and put it behind us for good. Let's hope our boys smash these imposters.
  3. War Damn Eagle, ladies and gents. Let's get this party started.
  4. Haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but Better Call Saul is on my list.
  5. Thought this was pretty cool. I guess it qualifies as an instrument, seeing as he's actually playing the bass on it even though the marbles do all of the plucking.
  6. Been jamming to Transatlantic on my way to and from work the last few weeks. Best prog Rock you'll ever hear:
  7. Aaaand Pac Man went full loon.
  8. What happened? He's the one that injured Big Ben and he's generally been a jackass all night.
  9. That was an unusual start.
  10. To read a .dmp file, set up a LAMP stack, import it to MySQL and navigate it with PHPMyAdmin.
  11. That's a pretty good point. Why would they put a fake state on User profile? Wouldnt that by definition defeat the whole purpose of the site? You cant find a chicka in CA if your profile says AL.Remember that these are people that are PAYING to get a product. Hiding your real identity when you register is actually a pretty frequent practice, from what I've read. Yeah but hiding your identity when you're trying to score is self defeating. If you're in California looking for flings, then you're nothing to put down Alabama. Definitely if the site shows how many women living in your area that are also signed up. How many of these accounts do you think might be fake? Possible the vast majority of fake ones picked the first state on the list.
  12. That's a pretty good point. Why would they put a fake state on User profile? Wouldnt that by definition defeat the whole purpose of the site? You cant find a chicka in CA if your profile says AL.Remember that these are people that are PAYING to get a product. Hiding your real identity when you register is actually a pretty frequent practice, from what I've read.
  13. The most shocking thing to me on that chart? We're first but Mississippi is number 49.
  14. Too bad they took down the site where you could search the dump. Wanted to see if there were any other familiar names on there. I have a seldom used email that is on the site. A few years back it came out that a good friend had been using this site for affairs for a few years. I had never heard of the site. So I sat down and signed up to check it out. Good news is that my wife was in the room watching the process. So when my rarely used email is leaked, at least it will not involve attorney fees for me. I feel my only loss will be a former good friend. Eh, I wouldn't worry about it too much. For giggles, I've remotely downloaded the dump on my home computer and will set up a LAMP stack when I get home just to get a glimpse.
  15. Too bad they took down the site where you could search the dump. Wanted to see if there were any other familiar names on there.
  16. I doesn't, and I don' t think that was what Ben was driving at. He's talking about the tendency within those movements to make wives so subordinate to their husbands that in situations like this they are required, expected or heavily pressured into staying in a marriage with a guy like this and even taking responsibility for his wanderings because they weren't sexually available enough, or didn't do all they could to stay attractive to him or some such logic. Precisely.
  17. Familiarize yourself with the particularly twisted brand of Evangelical thought I'm referring to. And you have a PM.
  18. Yep. His poor wife really doesn't have many options. I can’t imagine she has much real choice about leaving. She’s a 27-year-old mother of 4 children ranging from a baby to a 5-year-old. She has a high school education at best, has never dated or had sex with anyone besides Josh, and is surrounded by people who will push her to forgive him. Full disclosure. I have a major problem with the way this " Quiverfull" or "Christian Patriarchy" movement treats women. My scenario is: she’ll apologize for her sin of not being desirable enough to keep his faithful or being to demanding that he take out the garbage, or whatever else made her not ****able enough to keep him from sinning. Because Josh Duggar’s sexual urges are not Josh Duggar’s fault. They are the fault of his wife who was not attractive or available enough. She's very likely been conditioned to think that way and I'm sure the family will encourage it. Chattel doesn’t really get to complain about what its owner does. Sexually repressive, cloistered upbringing? Probably a very accurate sentiment, Titan.
  19. As if you needed any more evidence that the guy is a creep, Josh Duggar apparently maintained an account with them.
  20. Organized football is back!!! Well, pre-season, but still! Yay!
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