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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Sunday ticket free for the rest if the season. This Bills game is hilarious. Brr.
  2. What the Bills are playing in today
  3. Almost had a "phrasing" moment there, huh?
  4. Hah. Nope. At Children's as we speak. Think the VP of Ops has given us the go ahead to shut the shop early though.
  5. I'm going in as soon as my dad gets here to sit the girls. Still coming down.
  6. Daboll supposedly went to visit Monday after the IB. Looks like he wasted it.
  7. So my erstwhile youngest, Jillian, has wanted a pair of fancy rats for ages. Finally got her a pair on her 8th birthday today. She named them Nugget and Nibbles.
  8. That back shoulder throw to Funchess has to be one of the hardest thrown balls I've ever seen. On a got danged rope.
  9. I loved it out in the country. No neighbors within miles. Lot of pasture. I found the cattle relaxing, especially in the winter when their moos carried a long way.
  10. Cecilia trying to drink daddy's baba.
  11. Used to have so much fun catching them.
  12. My wife and I are going to make one of our date nights an Atlanta United game. Still just furious with US Soccer in general.
  13. Yes! It's a rough and tumble position. It's where I played through HS and my few seasons in the adult rec leagues. Being a good size football player helped. She gets hit a lot and handles it very well. She was playing this tournament up with the 2006 B-team, kids 1-2 grades older than her, because they simply can't find a keeper. She's starts every game for the 07s at keeper now, and will be called up to the 06s a bunch this coming spring. And I thought my schedule sucked now. Practically all of her keeper coaching has come from me. For some reason, they do not focus on it in the academy. It's nice to see it bearing fruit.
  14. Had the SLR for Sadie's competitive debut. Lost two won one, but she played well and the coach wants her to pull double duty next spring.
  15. What a way to end this game. 2 untimed downs off of defensive holding calls before the Raiders get it in the endzone, after a offensive pass interference on an apparent Crabtree TD catch that backed them up to the 11, after they completed a pass to the 1 initially called a TD. Got dang.
  16. This Raiders-Chiefs game has been awesome.
  17. Auburn. Committed via a vid on YouTube. WDE
  18. Damn. Down go the Panthers. Had every opportunity.
  19. Time to leave it all on the field, Cam.
  20. Exciting game. Panthers just got a much needed 3&out with 2:13 to go down 5.
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