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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Had Rob change it for me a few weeks ago. I was due. Dub is my nickname to all my friends. Got our erstwhile youngest rats for her birthday. They're great little pets.
  2. Nibbles watching the Superbowl with me.
  3. Don't know if you remember their original show, Playmakers, but it was awesome. Unfortunately, the NFL pressured ESPN to shut it down.
  4. Very little of why ESPN is losing money comes from politics. It's the landscape of cable/satellite changing. The old model is failing. In fact, ESPN is one of the few things keeping the current system afloat, as live sports is one of the most difficult things for cord cutters to access. But what should their model be? People point to the "good old days" where they would watch highlights and all of that on SC and say that is why it is failing. Even if SC showed highlights and basically went 100% back to what they used to be, people would STILL mostly get their sports news and highlights online. They desperately need to find a way to renegotiate their cable contracts.
  5. My daughter splits competitive and academy. I will be slammed.
  6. Hell, I’m about to be too busy for beer. Soccer season starts back up for her tonight.
  7. Just found out there were 30 other teams in her cohort, mostly math academies. Yeah, we’re pretty proud. Nationals here we come. She pestered me to get her a pair for ages. Glad we did. They’re awesome. Way more playful than most other rodents.
  8. He was hanging out in my sleeve. They like to burrow, so he likes it in there. When we pull them out of their cage, that’s generally where they’ll hang out unless they’re parked on a shoulder or Jillian’s lap. Fun little buggers and very sweet.
  9. Taken a real shine to Jillian's rats. Little buddies.
  10. Sadiebug at her math tournament at Birmingham Southern today. Finished third and gets to go to nationals. She's pretty stoked.
  11. That was a big time drive by the pats. Can the Jags answer?
  12. Gronk is done for the day.
  14. Vikings just beat Nawlins on a prayer. Damn that was a good game.
  15. Panthers have fired Shula
  16. As I said before, they can easily meet the mental burden for a charge of depraved heart (2nd degree) murder. The stretch will come from the causation aspect. Not much precedent here, so it will be a stretch. Swatting is uncharted territory. But they do have some precedent that they could reasonably apply. https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/2638740/state-v-anderson/ Suspect fled, leading to a high speed chase. Officer didn't yield at a stop sign, causing a crash that resulted in the death of an innocent motorist. Suspect was found culpable in the other motorist's death, as was the officer. So how to stretch it to apply? The suspect fled, leading to a high speed chase. He created a situation where other motorists were in danger. Apply that to falsely reporting a hostage situations, when the police will obviously come in on edge. Even though the officer's failure to yield resulted in the innocent bystander's death he (suspect) could have reasonably expected such an outcome. Apply the actions of the swatters to that standard. Could he have reasonably assumed that a shooting was possible here? I think it's certainly plausible. We'll just have to see. It's a hard one to hash out.
  17. Kansas has a broad conspiracy law. They could easily ring them up for the false report.
  18. Possibly. I’m curious how the DA hashes it out. Barriss will at least get hit with a low level felony of obstruction of legal process or official duty initially. It will be up to the DA to figure out where to go from there.
  19. It’s complicated. They can meet the mental burden for 2nd degree murder. The causation link is where they will have trouble.
  20. I’m pretty sure Kansas has a felony murder statute.
  21. And I don’t entirely blame the police on the individual level for the way things are, though I do believe a manslaughter charge is appropriate here. The system sucks. As I said a month ago, it’s all a big dumb machine that eats fear and spits out tragedy.
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