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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. I haven't been to a hockey game since the Birmingham Bulls were around. Good times.
  2. Yeah this is a big get and fills an immediate need. I feel better about missing on Calvin Anderson now. Think Driscoll graded better.
  3. Wonder if they're referring to Driscoll.
  4. All those goals in the group stage, 1-0 final lol.
  5. We're all soaked and it was a crazy game. We outplayed them all game long and it would have been one of those that would have sucked to lose. Sadie played the first half in goal. Called on to make one save. Their keeper was awesome and saved 4 shots on target. 0-0 at the half. Second half, Sadie starts at left back. Aaliyah, our best offensive player, scored with a one timer from the top of the box that found the upper 90 with 10 to go. That was the difference. They turned up the heat on the attack and kept us in our half from then on. They didn't get any shots on target, but what would have been the equalizer pinged off the crossbar with 3 to go. That was their last effective move on goal.
  6. On to the final. Homewood gave that Atlanta side all they could handle before falling 3-2. We played this side in the final last year and beat them 4-2. See if we can start a streak today. Will be wet.
  7. So we’re in the midst of a tournament and I have some very pointed criticisms. First, we’re on to the final, so yay us. But whoever decided goal differential should be the first tiebreaker is a moron. It’s practically inviting blowout games. The format is a group of 7 with each team playing two games against other teams from the group. Group winner goes straight to the final. 2 and 3 have a playoff game to see who reaches the final. 4 vs. 5, then 6 vs. 7 in a consolation game. Got matched up with two Birmingham area teams in the group. We thrashed the first team we played, a north b’ham side, 9-0. Sadie started in goal, but they yanked her after we went up by 5 in the 1st half. She finally scored a goal this season and had a beauty of a layoff for an assist. Ended up winning 9-0. Ho hum. An Atlanta area team is our main competition in the group. They played the other B’ham area team, BUSA, this morning and thrashed them 11-1. So to go straight through to the final tomorrow, we had to beat this BUSA by at least 9. We beat them 10-0. Sadie played in the field all game. It’s sad that we had to do that, but when you incentivize blowouts, these things happen. The opposing parents were pissed. Can’t blame them. We had to do it. Putting rec sides, and there were two of them - Bruno Montessori, another Trussville side that got beat 7-by the Atlanta side - was stupid. Should have invited another rec side and split things up. Putting all the 07s, competitive and rec in one amorphous blob was a stroke of idiocy. Neither team we played got a single shot on frame against us. That’s how crazy this was.
  8. Oh, I know. How many supergroups is he up to now?
  9. Two Dream Theater alumni. Consider my interest piqued.
  10. Never. I have in my possession the most massively useful thing any interstellar hitchhiker can carry.
  11. I hate Photobucket, but I can at least get to your gallery. Here you go.
  12. Least we can do considering we have a 10 month old that likes to pull on his ears all day. He handles it like a champ. Loves his baby sissy.
  13. Oh. Don't let him fool you. We spoil him rotten.
  14. Him no like baby gates. Needs to get to his momma.
  15. Few things out there better than a baby seepin' on you, I'll say.
  16. Had a long morning already. Fell asleep on all fours before I picked her up. Just seepin' on daddy.
  17. Just glad we're past the age where Catherine freaks out every time she gets a slight fever. Just been a lay on daddy all day long kind of day.
  18. Watermelon is a new experience though.
  19. Baby and I both have a cold, so we skipped Mass this morning. Getting a bit long for her rock and play.
  20. Kind of an anticlimactic beatdown this year. Nova is just that damn good.
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