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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. McLittle off the top rope is deadly.
  2. 5th I think. And it's hard to compare across eras. Those Boston teams with Bill Russel played in an era with like 14 teams and no cap, and were absolutely loaded with talent compared to everyone else. Lebron is dragging Cavs teams that's arguably aren't playoff teams without him kicking and screaming into the finals every year.
  3. 8 straight finals for King James. What else it there to say?
  4. Expecting GITM to get here in June. Gonna snap up the whole supply in a hurry lol.
  5. ...aaaand a year ago. Birthday girl!
  6. I really can’t believe it’s been a year. Time flies. She’s a little fun monster now, tearing up the whole house as a matter of course.
  7. A year ago tonight. 4 hours into a 15 hour labor. Poor Mrs. Dub had been given Nubain and was blitzed. She hates these pictures because of how out of it she looks lol. My dad and mom. Her big sister. And though it’s cheating because I didn’t take it, me.
  8. They were infrequently dealt with in my formative years. First spring after buying my first home, I became much more familiar with them.
  9. I have learned to despise NoSeeUms. I put traps out now to control them.
  10. I just think back to that Arky game last year when KP went through them like tissue paper, and the regret that we didn’t have him waiting in the wings for UGA in the SECCG.
  11. Gut instinct is that he showed up out of shape or not mentally prepped for the rookie camp.
  12. She did. She needed an "all about Jillian" day. Still getting used to being a middle child. Didn't much care for the wine though lol.
  13. That would freak me right out. Time for you to buy a few tubes of caulk and seal off every potential point of ingress. I did that right after we bought this house to prevent this sort of thing. We still get the occasional mouse in the basement man cave.
  14. Erstwhile youngest had her first Communion today.
  15. Can't believe it's 5 year old. Hell, I can't believe Coloring Book is almost 2.
  16. Hope this is the start of a week for the ages on the recruiting front.
  17. Yep, Poli ban. Can only get away with making an ass of yourself in an argument with the admin before the hammer comes down.
  18. He hasn’t been on since January. Seems to have disappeared.
  19. I do wonder what’s become of weegs. We used to go at it in the Poli board regularly. I miss tt. Dude was an absolute trip.
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