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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Finally got to crack one of these yesterday afternoon. Yum. Can't say I prefer it to Hopslam, though, Shocks, but it's an excellent IIPA.
  2. Yes I did. It was kind of out of the way but I got my hands on a sixes. Haven’t had one yet. Busy weekend. Will try to pop one tonight.
  3. Forced perspective. Like the movies, you see.
  4. Noice! Currently in the midst of what I consider my beer dead season. Come on, football season.
  5. I'll take it. Let's get next year rolling.
  6. Suddes doing his thing on Twitter. Guess some good news is incoming. Pritchett, if I had to guess.
  7. Wonder what Keith's referring to. ei
  8. Woke up to a hell of a storm this morning. Lots of lightning Managed to capture this bolt.
  9. Cece's first trip to Six Flags. Park was surprisingly empty today. Hardly had to wait on a single ride. Sadie is, of course, our big rollercoaster rider.
  10. Had a Mega Meal with a lemon pie the other night. Don’t get it often anymore. Wife and kids aren’t fans. I eat at the Sneaky Pete’s on 11 at the Shell frequently. Pretty close to my house.
  11. Glad we don’t have to make those long trips up to Huntsville any more, and I won’t miss the creampuff schedule either.
  12. I’m ready to hear the phrase “Sneaky Pete’s Redzone” again. I miss it.
  13. *sigh* Beach In 30 days. So ready for a sour on the sea wall at sunset.
  14. Easy mistake to make, what with Mikey’s linebacker myopia and all that... ?
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