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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. **** these plumbing skills are handy as hell. Dad needed his pressure regulator replaced. Easy peasy for me now.
  2. Less puffy. Shiners heal ugly though.
  3. I'm pretty blitzed. Chimay through the game. About to do my Ten Fidy nightcap.
  4. Well Sadie has suffered a concussion. Took a knee to the face on a breakaway in a game against Briarwood last night. She seemed fine. No loss of consciousness, lucid, no headache, no dizziness, no nausea. Eye hurt, but that's to be expected. Finished the game in goal. We were more concerned about an orbital bone injury than a concussion and she was fine when she went to bed. Woke up this morning a bit, well, off, though. Kept talking nonsense, mostly with the word chicken, but she went to school. School nurse called, saying she felt weird after working on a computer all morning. Wife picked her up and brought her to our ER, where, sure enough, they diagnosed her with a concussion. Luckily light, so she should be clear after this weekend, but she's going to have to miss some soccer, which she really hates. Seemed to be in a good mood about the whole thing in the ER though.
  5. And grout. Now it just has to cure, then I can seal it and we can use the shower again.
  6. Thank God my wife got a busy pattern that will hide my many errors. Still have to grout.
  7. In the interest of keeping you posted: Removed a good bit of tile with a wedge, hammer and grout saw. Cut out the backer board and drywall with my sawzall. Handy dandy pipe cutter. Cut cut cut The old fixture. Close-up of the damage I cause getting the old dome off. Not supposed to be twisted. Cut to length. New mixing valve with some of the pipe sweated into place. Necessary tools. New valve in place. Bottom spout not sweated in yet. Did most of my sweating before installing. Had to sweat four couplings in the wall. Ended up working out pretty well. Water runs, no leaks. Another view. Coming along. Drywall and concrete back board in place. All that remains is to tile.
  8. That’s Aaliyah and she’s awesome.
  9. Sadie’s so cute when she’s trying to look badass. And a smile one for good measure. For the uninitiated, my baby girl is the keeper, so she’s the one holding the ball.
  10. Interesting! Never had it. Looks like they only made three batches. 94, 95 and 97. Looking at BA, the reviews seem to be heavily vintage dependent. 94 and 95 look serviceable, while all of the reviews of the 97 vintage seem to be horror stories.
  11. Wish they would collaborate with Mahrs Brau again. The 2016 edition bordered on world class to me.
  12. Welcome aboard! La Fin du Monde is an excellent beer. Never gets old. One of my earlier introductions to craft and I still find myself purchasing a bomber from time to time. I’m quite lucky to actually be able to find it on the reg. As you said, heavy, like a lot of tripels, and deceptively so. Easy to drink too quickly if you’re not careful. Others in the style I’d recommend should you happen across them. Chimay Cinq Cents Westmalle St. Bernardus Tripel All also very good, but I’m not going to lie, Unibroue’s offering is what I consider the class of the style among those I’ve tried.
  13. Oktoberfests still haven’t hit the shelves here. Bit later than last year. Hmm.
  14. She will be. We are extremely lucky to have older girls to keep an eye on Cecilia and what not. What does McLittle think? Erstwhile youngest was happy to be getting a real live baby doll. Erstwhile middle was indifferent. Oldest about had a flipping meltdown, and wouldn't hold her for a week after she was born lol, made even funnier when she did finally hold her, which Cece responded to by promptly letting loose a ripper. They're inseparable now though.
  15. Ah! Congrats! How far along are we on McLittle part deux? Sours, particularly lambics and the like, are an extremely niche style, IMO.
  16. True true. I always think back to my first sour, a Lindemann's Gueuze. It was a chore to get through that bottle. Can't get enough of them now.
  17. IPAs are an acquired taste, like most beer tends to be. Most people don't like overly bitter beers at first. This can include both IPAs and really roasty dark beers. Most people do tend to adjust to them, and I began craving them at some point. There are plenty if gateway IPAs out there, so keep trying. You never know when when you'll catch one that opens the door for you. Hell, even if you never enjoy them, there are myriad other styles out there. Something for just about everyone.
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