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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Probably save it for a special occasion. Basketball tipoff or my lottery win tonight.
  2. Hop City has BBA Ten Fidy on the keg list. May go get me a growler fill tonight.
  3. They're spoiled. Here in Birmingham, an even modestly functional public transit system is a pipe dream.
  4. She is! Woke up Saturday feeling like a million bucks. That was easily the sickest she's been though. High fever, which is bad enough, but the that broke and we had to deal with the sores. Her poor bottom had sores all over it and that made even the diaper uncomfortable. Had them in her mouth too, so we pretty much relied on yogurt and ice cream for two days at meal time. It was extremely pleasant with the roof open. Cool breeze all match and comfy as all get out. Arthur Blank keeps food prices reasonable too. Still just stoked about MARTA. Never realized how easy it makes getting around in town. I has forgotten Schweinsteiger was in Chicago until I saw the lineups. Easy to tell which side had more quality though. Sadie and the rest of the club got to go kick around on the field after the match. Forgot to mention that.
  5. Sadie and I went to an Atlanta United game today and lordy was it fun. Place was rocking. 71,000 for a soccer game. Times have changed. And anytime I do anything in Atlanta from now on, we're doing it on MARTA. Convenient as hell.
  6. Poor Cecilia has HFM. Been crying all day, almost nonstop. Finally found something that calms her down. Remember how I said rats are great pets? Lo and behold.
  7. Distribution has reached Birmingham. We're so damn lucky. Haven't seen Vert yet, but have everything else.
  8. I am not ashamed to admit I have crushed a beer in the shower after yardwork.
  9. LOL! Somewhat related, there's an entire subreddit dedicated to beer in the shower.
  10. Nice haul at the Pig. DDH Envie has floated down here, and Xocoveza has hit the shelf. By the way, Xocoveza is canned this year. That's a change.
  11. Played for 20+ years, my older brother before me. My parents were at the community meetings when AD and head football coach Jack Wood was convinced to bring soccer back into the fold at the high school here in Trussville.
  12. It was rough to open the season. New coach. 5 or so full practices because of a wet August. Team did not have their feet underneath them at all. She did a damn fine job keeping them in games initially though. Tend to get a lot of opportunities to do that when you’re facing 10+ shots per game. Probably her best game was a 2-0 loss in that first tournament of the season. Other team must have had 15 shots on frame. Best I’ve ever seen her play, flying all over the place, saving everything at or near full extension. Luckily, the ship has righted itself and they’re back to blowing teams out. We’ll see how far they’ve come in the tournament this weekend. Grouped with BUSA’s 07 Hypervenom, who usually plays tournaments in an 06 bracket, some team from Tennessee who is apparently highly ranked, and Briarwood, who beat us 2-1 early this year when Sadie was concussed, both goals coming with her backup in goal before they subbed her back in, but whom I expect we’ll thrash at full strength.
  13. Well, she's a keeper, so even the small glory of assists are something she rarely gets. Nothing quite like saving a ripper at full stretch though. Takes a special breed to enjoy keeper at her age. It can be really boring at times, really nerve racking during others, and everybody notices when the keeper has a bad day, unlike a field player that can get lost in the mix. She's been steady as hell all year though.
  14. So Sadie's team had two of the few layup games on their schedule for the year yesterday before a big tournament this coming weekend. Knew it would be a beatdown so they started her backup in goal and put her at striker. Spent the whole first game trying to get her a goal. The whole game was everybody trying to feed their keeper the ball up front. Ended up winning 4-1 in the first one, but she didn't get on the score sheet except for an assist. Second game, she finally breaks through and slots one inside the right post from her left foot to open the game. Everyone gave her a hug, including her coach calling her over. Rout was on after that. Up 5-0, we played a man down the rest of the game and couldn't stop scoring. Ended up 10-1. BUSA Bash this weekend. Going to be tough.
  15. Sadie had her first game since the injury this afternoon and was fine. We controlled them and kept it in their half so she didn’t have much to do. Did aggressively charge and take a collision at one point but bounced right up. Also, Ava is mean and won’t share cake.
  16. Khalil Mack is going to destroy the NFC north.
  17. She's fine. Got an appointment with her pediatrician this afternoon to see if she's medically clear to play. After that, we have the club protocol.
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