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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. LOL didn’t need to be able to read lips to know what Bill said there.
  2. That screen was a beautiful playcall
  3. I’m gobsmacked too. Just one do those that was too close of a call to overturn to me.
  4. Welp. Chiefs ball now anyway so it’s moot lol.
  5. Bingo call means “get the hell away!”
  6. I just don’t think you overturn. Think the call will stand.
  7. What the hell was Edelman thinking?
  8. Yeah that dude has ice water in his veins. Two clutch kicks in that hostile as hell environment.
  9. As a rams fan since January 20, 2019 you have no idea how much this means to me. Greg Z with the clutch kick. We’re going to the SUPERBOWL
  10. Bah would have just been an annoying trip to an endodontic specialist to get the bit out and wrap up the root canal. Started to hurt after that though. Anesthesia may have been wearing off. It wasn't too bad and we were almost done so I gripped the chair and soldiered through. Dentists' offices don't scare me much anymore lol. Finding the right one makes all the difference in the world. Property Bros was on. Had to keep asking the assistant for updates.
  11. So we had a bit of a scare. Broke one of the bits off down in one of the roots. He's just in there drilling away when *snap* and the thing was embedded. "Damn! Only the third time I've ever done that." *X-ray intermission* "So what do we do?" "Let's see if we can get it out with hemostats, otherwise you're going to a specialist to have it vibrated out." "Grab that ************ and yank, doc." Luckily he managed to remove it ("first time I've managed to extract one lol"). He hand filed the rest of the way though. Still a 10/10 experience. Guy is hilarious.
  12. Hells yeah. Parish knows what they're doing. Both beer appearance and labeling are just awesome. Sitting in a dental chair finishing up this damned root canal lol.
  13. You know, I really was thinking that after watching his film and E saying we wanted him a H-back that he could be really good there. Kid hits hard and has good instincts, and while he may not have the speed to be an SEC LB, he could make for an excellent blocking back.
  14. You're right. Rivals has him as a 2*. Nobody else had him ranked.
  15. Doesn't have SEC speed sideline to sideline, but will knock your block off and has a great nose for the ball. Hope he blossoms at this level. Not unheard of.
  16. I currently have the Trinity in my possession lol. Still have Westvleteren 12s, the hardest to get, from last year.
  17. Merry Christmas, everybody! Santa went sour heavy this year. I am really curious about that Mantra Brewing Genevieve with the wax seal.
  18. Trim Tab's Imperial Paradise Now is just freaking delicious. Tart with a nice tang on the finish, the raspberry really shines. 8% in a "Berliner Weiss," better watch my step lol.
  19. So I guess the only remaining bit of intrigue for us today is Handy.
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