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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Congratulations! Get ready. Your life is about to speed up. It’s going too damn fast for me now. I have a teenager now, and our little baby is already almost 2. One wonders how time flies. 😢 Days are long, but you’ll literally feel the years getting shorter, especially when you have a little one or two.
  2. Roberts seems to be taking his role as the new swing vote in stride. Some background, an article from this morning. https://thinkprogress.org/supreme-court-may-kill-roe-v-this-week-a014778b1db9/amp/
  3. It's a great stout. Lives up to its name. Doesn't flow down here often, so I snapped it up when I saw it. Found Shock's comment on it in the old thread. It was $8.99 for a single when he purchased it 3 4 years ago. Glad they dropped the price. Anything more than $5 a single is really hard to justify to Mrs. Dub.
  4. I'm so OCD about it that I'm kicking myself for not putting the Torpedo up top with the rest of the Sierra Nevada brews and moving the Dino S'mores to the bottom. Speaking of the Dino S'mores, I recall paying $8ish for a single at Hop City a couple of years ago. 4 pack at the Pig ended up being 18 and change.
  5. Tried any NEIPAs? We're still playing catch-up here in Alabama, but they are getting more frequent. Lot of good low bitterness IPAs out there nowadays. If you see any of Parish Brewing's stuff, give it a go. Bloom and Ghost in the Machine are amazing. Cloudy, fruity and almost no bitterness. Apt. I did have a chuckle when the Mountain crushed the Bud Knight's head though.
  6. Amazing what a variety pack or two will do for the appearance of the beer fridge Guess I'll have an IPA. (Actually drinking Dino S'mores)
  7. Mantra Artisan Ale's Genevieve. Unique find, purchased by my wife for Christmas. Smells like a high power lambic on the nose with only a hint of pineapple. Way more restrained on the palate, except for the pineapple. Very light, almost airy. Not as much bite as you would expect given the nose. Tastes like a wild ale. Think Sour Monkey, but more refined. Pineapple heavy. Good, not great. 3.5/5.
  8. Ava drew this. The longer I stare at it, the funnier it gets. The funniest thing is the fact that she is actually a pretty good artist. This, however, may be her best work.
  9. Dayum shame. Loving the Spiegelau glasses, by the way. Wife just got me a replacement set for Christmas.
  10. Snake Handler is out now. Still good, but still a distant second to Hopslam.
  11. Girl scout cookie day. Got her first thin mint and promptly crashed.
  12. Mrs. Dub absolutely refuses to let me shave the beard and keep the mustache. Too 80s for her, I suppose.
  13. Got to go to Hand in Paw's (a therapy animal group in the 'ham) ribbon cutting for their new building today, as I helped design and set up their Children's Hospital simulation room. Mingle with folks with more money than God, lol. Spent most of it mingling with this guy. That's Duke, a therapy Great Dane that could lick me in the face were he on his hind paws, and I'm 6'3, for reference. Comes to Children's all the time. Him's a good boy. Dogs like him are trained not to smooch, so they'll bump noses with you if you put your face near theirs in lieu of licking. Someone was nice enough to take this one of my boss (center), one of the engineering team and me in the room we helped put together.
  14. Jeez. Dragon’s Milk alone is pretty hefty. How was your head when you woke up this morning?
  15. Not gonna lie. With that angle I'd have been every bit as likely to blow that call.
  16. Know it's a cool day in Birmingham when you can see Miller and Gorgas off in the distance like that.
  17. Directv. Networks are always a tad slow.
  18. Y’all are obviously ahead of me.
  19. They’ve come really close, but he feels pressure well and gets rid of it.
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