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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Upload it to youtube as an unlisted video and post the link here.
  2. Color me unimpressed. Had high hopes because the nose is great, color is great, and feels like an NEIPA should. Taste did not live up to the nose. Too subdued. And the sediment! Jeez. Just chunky.
  3. Boom. Second tournament in a row in which she pitched nothing but shutouts. #nogoalpatrol
  4. I'm not gone. Got a temporary cool down period. It was at my request via PM, no less! That being said, I most definitely deserved it. Intellectual dishonesty bothers the hell out of me, but the kind of behavior I exhibited warrants a ban.
  5. But since I’m on a soccer bent, this tournament is going better than the last for Sadie. Our starting left wing and most of the goal production got hurt last weekend and is out with a sprained ankle, but we didn’t need her. 8-0 and 7-0 wins. Competetives in our age group, but teams that aren’t anywhere near our level. Sadie started both games in goal, but really didn’t need to. Only had two easy saves in both. In the first, they yanked her shortly after half and stuck her at right wing. She actually got pulled down in the box in possession, earning a penalty. Of course, she earned the right to take it, so she did. One of my friend’s daughters is also in this tournament in another age bracket, so he was there watching. Right before this, I tell him Sadie is a moderate at best PK shooter. Of course she proves me wrong right behind that and slots it home right into the back corner post of the goal. She didn’t celebrate this one, in honor of the keeper fraternity, or sorority, as it were. That poor girl was awesome, but we were shooting with impunity so 8 got by her.
  6. There we go. Back from my short banhammer vacation. One well deserved. Popped my ban cherry, as it were lol. Think I get some credit for basically walking up to officer @TitanTiger and saying "I've committed a crime, officer! Arrest me!" Jeez, we have some class A idiots in the politics board.
  7. I pulled up her stats in comparison to other keepers from state league play to illustrate to her how good she is. We’ve played 6 games and are currently tied atop the standings with Vestavia, the number 1 team in the state and a top 60 program nationally. Vestavia’s, who has given up 5. Then Briarwood’s, who has given up 9. The rest have all allowed 15+. She’s given up 3 goals in league play, all to Vestavia, the most dangerous offense in the state. We came out of those games with a narrow 2-1 loss and a 1-1 draw. That’s an accomplishment in and of itself as Vestavia doesn’t generally beat people so much as they run them off the field. Her team is 3rd in the state and top 150 nationally among 07s. She’s better than either keeper from the teams ahead of us. Kind of odd for the odds-on favorite for the best 07 keeper in state to have confidence issues, but losses like yesterday do tend to shake you.
  8. On the plus side, Jillian was playing the same tournament three age brackets down from Sadie. Went 2-1, so they didn’t make the final, but they somehow thrashed BUSA in the group. Her previously unranked team is now ranked in sinc’s USA Rank as the number 3 team in Alabama and number 198 nationally. That cheered her up this morning. She’s pretty much settled into playing wing. Was hoping she’d want to be a keeper like her sister. Lot of running on the wing in 7v7, and she played 45 minutes out of 50 yesterday as her team took the lead early. Red face!
  9. Jeez, soccer. Sadie learned a hard lesson on PKs today. We played up in an 11v11 06 bracket (she and her team are 07s). Romped through every game. She didn't allow a single goal all tournament. Won this morning in the semis 2-0. Then the final. We got an 06 Briarwood team we outclassed badly. 9 shots on goal to their 1. But we were gassed They played for PKs in the last 20 minutes, where we lost. They played for the coin flip and we ended up losing as two of our shooters missed the mark 4-3. Sadie guessed right on three of their kicks. Hit two, both ended up in the side netting. Poor girl. She learned why us keepers hate PKs. She's the best 07 keeper in the state of Alabama, but there's a lot of luck when it comes to PKs.
  11. I’ll be cutting it close on tip-off. Both Sadie and Jillian are playing in the Hoover Havoc soccer tournament this weekend, with both having kickoffs at 3:30 at different locations. Mrs. Dub and I will have to split up, but I’ll be going to Sadie’s, which means 11v11, (they’re playing in a bracket with teams older than them, as 07s teams usually play 9v9) with 30 minute halves. I should just make it home just after tip-off. Speaking of bragging in my kids, Sadie’s team is badass and now number 3 in the state of Alabama and in the top 200 nationally among 07s. We played the number 1 state team and top 100 among 07s nationally, Vestavia 07 Black, last night, and battled them to a draw. For comparison, we played the Vestavia 06 team, the team one year older, and destroyed them so badly they didn’t even get a shot on frame, and Sadie nearly scored when we finally yanked her and stuck her up front to giver her something to do lol. Sadie was bad ass, saving 8. I hate playing them. They know how to dive, and actually got 3 free kicks within 25 yards as a result. Sadie pushed the two they got on frame outside the post at full extension, in addition to catching several crosses clean that would have fallen to Vestavia players for easy goals, had she spilled them, nearly all with nasty spin. She’s so badass. Ten times the keeper I was at that age, and I’m a dude.
  12. Love that beer. Actually easy to get here. Parish in the fridge right now is Opus/Nova Vert though.
  13. Year prior was the best run. If we get to the final 4 while I'm ritualistically drinking it, though, this run will become the best.
  14. KBS is good this year, arguably the best it’s ever been since we’re 2-0 against blue bloods while I’m slamming it during games. It’s a shame how well hair of the dog works.
  15. Neighbors had a baby and need someone to watch him while his momma finishes law school. Mrs dub and I alternate He’s a cute little stinker.
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