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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. We're really enjoying it now that we have a hometown club to support here in Birmingham. We go to Legion games routinely. It's been a rough year on the field, which we knew it would be going in, but they pack the stadium out and the supporters are loud.
  2. I’ve sort of dialed back the hazy IPAs lately. Not that I don’t enjoy them, but we don’t get many down here, and the few we go get I’ve about burned out on.
  3. Small side soccer is fun. Games are quick with a lot of scoring. And they're somehow #2 nationally now lol.
  4. Wow really? Damn. It’s way out of season right now. Can’t find it here at all now. Still got 3 remaining from my last find of the year in February.
  5. I’m due for daddy-daughter dates for my girls, so we may very well take advantage. Thanks for the rec! Sadie loves tamales.
  6. Not often TJC uses the phrase “World Class Care,” so it’s as good an occasion as any. Can’t go out tonight. Wife is accompanying 13 year old on her date with her BF, which leaves me with baby.
  7. Yuuuuup. Overripe fruit and awesome. Every bit as good as I remember.
  8. JCAHO is gone. No findings in my division, operations. Hospital apparently nailed it overall. Think I may crush a Westy tonight in celebration...
  9. Aaaand we got a ding. Seems UHS, a third party company that handles some equipment distribution for us, couldn’t be bothered to keep stuff stacked less than 18 inches from the ceiling. Blech.
  10. Eh she does it from time to time. Sees a therapist, so we're working on it. Just absolutely did not need it this week, when s*** is hitting the fan at the hospital.
  11. After the litany of bull**** today at the office, get home and get ready to take Jillian to soccer camp. Wife had gone with Sadie to keeper camp at UAB. Say to my oldest "let's go for a walk while your sister practices," mainly because I'm tired of her vegging out on her phone every evening and I prefer not to leave her alone at the house for 2 hours. She refuses. I ask why, she feeds me bull****. Call her on it. She threatens to self harm TO MY FACE. Call my dad to take Jill to camp because I obviously can't leave someone threatening to self harm alone. Total meltdown at that point. "I want mom! Let me go upstairs!" "You aren't leaving my presence until she gets here." Finally opens up after a few episodes of My Lottery Dream Home, but still won't say much to me. Momma gets home and calls her on her attempt at emotionally manipulative bull****. God damnit, do I need a beer or five.
  12. If it's not the worst day I've ever had, it's easily top 5. Christ what a s***ty day.
  13. And now my 13 year has old had a mental breakdown and has had her phone taken away. This is shaping up to be a s*** week.
  14. Finally escaped. Senior tech, so I have to accompany them on their tracers. Can't even really drink. I'm the technician on-call, go figure. s*** week to be on call. Got me last time they visited too.
  15. On a Tuesday. During Nurses’ week, when there’s food, drinks and stuff everywhere.
  16. Yes, but that I know what that means at all is pretty funny. Didn't even know different strains were a thing before I saw half baked.
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