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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. This song might be Adam Jones' magnum opus as a guitarist.
  2. New Tool album has dropped. Aw, man I'm absorbing this.
  3. I don't have much experience with Cascade, but I did enjoy their Kriek Flemish ale when I tried it at the beach. Didn't break the bank to pay for it, though. Probably because it was a shelf turd.
  4. I've paid 20 for a bomber of barrel aged Rasputin, and 31 for a howler of barrel aged Ten Fidy lol.
  5. We won't judge you here. I crush the silver bullet regularly. I saw Oskar Blues up there too. Ten Fidy is a banging RIS.
  6. Last time I went up there it wasn't too wildly divergent from Birmingham. For a good Tripel, Chimay Cinq Cents and La Fin Du Monde shouldn't be too hard to find up there. Also, the aforementioned Golden Monkey. Westbrook was well represented on the Gose front. Found stock and the Key Lime variety in Publix. Haven't been there recently enough to see the Lemon Cucumber version. Trim Tab's Paradise Now Berliner Weiss was around. If you find the imperial version, take the plunge. Saw a good bit of Lindeman's Lambics and Crooked Stave Wilds (not Nightmare on Brett though, sadly).
  7. Tripels are universally deceptively light feeling for their ABV like Sour Monkey, though. Victory's stock Tripel is Golden Monkey, and it's a pretty middling offering for the style.
  8. Sour Monkey's a wild ale, and yeah, if you go out to buy other tripels, you're in for a shock if you expect them to taste like Sour Monkey, Fred.
  9. Loving the new j-o-b so far. In Norcross to do HR bull**** and training this week. Yesterday and today I have been shadowing another tech, doing all of the custom electrical on one job (one of the major points of emphasis the guy I'm replacing had was that the new guy not be a complete moron with electricity), and it's great. I can do this work. Involves a lot of creativity custom routing water lines/diagnosing issues and what not. The driving will take some getting used to though. There will be some 60-80 hour weeks in my future, but damn if I won't be rolling in dough as a result.
  10. Both still alive and kicking, yep.
  11. Baby cockatiel thinks my beard is delicious
  12. Love going to United games. Sadie and I have gone to several. Need to drag my wife to one. Sierra Nevada’s 2019 Oktoberfest has hit the shelves. You’ll get my review this afternoon.
  13. I’m on vacation this week. Got the result for drug screen and BG check. Clean, of course. My notice goes in Monday. s***, I’m nervous. I’ve never quit a job before.
  14. Never been big on Trip in the Woods for some reason, and it’s everywhere down here.
  15. Funny story from yesterday. I accepted the position Thursday, conditional of a BG screen and drug test. Went for the drug screen that afternoon. Yesterday, I'm trying to close my month out before going on vacation next week. I'll turn in my notice the day I get back. Our secretary is out sick and our director, Kelvin, is taking a personal day. Hence, I am the biomed operator for the day. Get a call around 1:00pm: Dub: "Biomedical Engineering." Dude: "Hi. May I speak to Kelvin Knight?" Dub: "I'm afraid he's out today. May I take a message?' Dude: "I'm looking for somebody in employment verification." *beat* Dub: "...for a background check?" Dude: "Yes." (another beat) Dub: "For Jesse Benson at Children's of Alabama?" Dude: "Um, yes." (yet another beat) Dub: "I am the one you're trying to verify. Here's the number for HR. They can verify my employment." Cat almost got out of the bag there lol.
  16. Not a ton. Border to border Alabama with a smidgen of the panhandle, so at most a 6 hour one way drive for the required work. Could make a lot more money if I'm willing to live in the truck too. Has major upsides. I'd basically be my own boss. Closest direct superior is in Atlanta, and I'd only have to go there rarely.
  17. Yeah it's going to be weird. Right now I'm a pretty well rounded Biomed, but this job will almost exclusively be RO and DI water purification for dialysis units and the like. Bit of a learning curve, but I'll get to shadow the guy I'll be replacing for a few months prior to taking over. But it's a 25 foot box truck, which means I'll need log miles for DOT purposes and the like. Also means going through weigh stations.
  18. Haven't posted much lately. Career change incoming. MarCor Water Purification has offered me their FSE 3 position for the Alabama area. More work, but easily double the pay. Company truck and all that.
  19. Damn straight. Got my parent’s money’s worth out of that son of a bitch. Even had the 32X and SegaCD attachments.
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