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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. Just now, bigbird said:

    Proof of concept is good, it really helps when selling recruits. That said, not being able to show "proof of concept" lends itself to the narrative of, "see, this is exactly why we need you and why you'll be a day 1 starter". 

    Oh I concur, it's just that the latter is going to be the case 80% (and that's lowballing it!) of the time.

  2. 3 minutes ago, bigbird said:

    Yep,  nothing has happened that hasn't been expected-- except our performance in Baton Rouge. 

    Good to hear. What happened sucked bad, but no team would ever get better if a rough first year were enough to torpedo recruiting, which is why JHead's sentiments got under my skin so badly.

  3. 2 hours ago, AEAugirl said:

    So, just saw this.  

    Imma cry if we lose our ONE Oline commit.  

    Sigh.  What is it about Auburn and Oline recruits???  Its insanity.  Third coach we have had that seems to struggle getting decent Oline commits to come.  

    Apparently Auburn is like kryptonite to these big guys. 


    If Baylor's offense keeps struggling, CJG might be available lol.

  4. 5 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

    It would probably look the same.  Not sure what the issue is. Just showing how fast people turn and that folks acting as if Auburn would be drastically better right now with Prime need a reality check. Colorado was a 1-11 team last year. Auburn has been getting Walmart recruiting for six years in a Nordstrom conference. Neither are a one year turnaround and folks need to calm TF down. 

    I just want to beat the Cowbells and Dores right now. FPI (which technically we've outperformed thus far) predicts both as wins of course, but unfortunately Arizona who the Cowbells beat is looking great.

  5. 14 minutes ago, augolf1716 said:

    We know you keep repeating it over and over

    Unfortunately, I get the sneaking suspicion that improving the record next year will be difficult (assuming 6 wins this year). Everything is lining up for it to be A&M's year, KY and MO are both doing quite well, and both KJ Jefferson and Rocket could be back for Arky, plus they have a lot of close losses this year.

  6. 15 minutes ago, NCTiger1982 said:

    I’m not making excuses for anyone. I’m simply pointing out what the challenges are with our job. If you take the job understand it’s a man’s job and we are looking for the next HC to be someone taking us to championships consistently winning our fair share. My expectations for Auburn are consistent top 10 recruiting classes (just to compete) and consistent 10 regular season wins per season. Before the realistic gang attack FSU and UM were home coming opponents at one time. LSU was up and down before Saban & Miles and where was Clemson before Dabo’s run. I think our biggest problem is too many in our fan base are ok with 8 win seasons. We can manage the Creed and consistently win championships. 

    Top 15 class this year and top 10 next, with a one game (reg season) improvement each year through year 5. That's what I realistically want.

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