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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 4 minutes ago, Dwayne Pride said:

    That is defeatist thinking.  They are still Cal.  They are who we thought they were!

    Yeah maybe. All in all, too happy about the win today to really care.

  2. 1 minute ago, ellitor said:

    @AUwent if we aren't already talking about the player then I need a full last name at minimum.

    Perry Thompson. I know he said he plans to enroll in January (it's the free part of the article so I don't think I'm rule breaking), but yeah.

  3. 7 minutes ago, ellitor said:

    @PikesEagle Mostly just AU commits and recruits from later classes for this one. One interesting note though. 2025 4* LB Jadon Perlotte (UGa commit) is expected back for his 3rd AU game this season.

    The Iron Bowl is the next big recruiting weekend.

    Should we be concerned about PT taking the ACT in regards to qualifying?

  4. 13 minutes ago, WillMunny said:

    Yes.  Deion at Colorado is like Larry Bird at Indiana State.  The main (and pretty much only) attraction, brings big accolades upon entrance, all of which will disappear when he leaves.

    And the chance of that happening to us just wasn't low enough in my eyes to warrant taking that risk. I suspect admins at most schools conducting a search last year felt the same way.

    • Like 3
  5. 18 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    That's exaggerated. Sanders could have not done the job just like right now freeze might not do the job. But with Sanders you know you would have made a bunch of money

    Not what I'm talking about. With all the transfers he relies on that are there for him and for him only, if he leaves (which I just think there's a large risk of him doing), the program is up a creek.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Personally I never saw it as about ds. It was more about how how severe you saw au’s situation. To me chf is a traditional au hire (not looking at off field stuff), ds is not. Depending on how sick you are dictates the risk of the treatment program to consider. I personally saw us at risk of becoming chronically mid tier - so I was prepared to take on the risk of an experimental high risk/reward medicine (ds). Could be wrong.

    Well, put it this way. The risk was death, and Colorado had ebola. Too lazy to come up with a metaphor for us.

  7. On 10/22/2023 at 3:27 AM, auburnatl1 said:

    Imo ds would have changed the entire trajectory of au and where we are and have been in sec food chain. I could be wrong.  But when major coaching searches come up at the end of the season - whose coach do you think is on their wish list? And who’s isn’t?


    I'm not saying Freeze had programs beating down the door to hire him but neither did Deion. I'll agree that there's tremendous upside potential with him but there's an equally tremendous downside potential that seems to be glossed over as well.

    • Like 4
  8. 5 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Plating time is great but most 4-5*s will get that at msu, arky, or USCe.  The other point is that losing stinks - and they’d rather not spend their entire college career doing it. We have to show a winning potential - or a least coach em up improvement - tonight was a major set back.

    Aaaaaand with better talent in the passing game, we could've def won Georgia and tonight. 

  9. Just now, TitanTiger said:

    I'm looking at Perry Thompson and Bryce Cain and trying to imagine how they aren't starting game one next year.  If we somehow flip Cam Coleman or Ryan Williams, same with them.  This WR room has been that big of a disappointment.

    The "skill" positions are easier for true freshmen, so I'll take it.

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