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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. If it were truly up to me, we'd kick out all non-founding members and have a nice big round robin.


    Even—Auburn, Georgia, Mississippi, Vanderbilt

    Odd—Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana State, Mississippi State, Tennessee



    Even—Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana State, Tennessee

    Odd—Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Mississippi State, Vanderbilt



    Even—Alabama, Auburn, Kentucky, Louisiana State


    Odd—Mississippi, Mississippi State, Tennessee, Vanderbilt



    Even—Louisiana State, Mississippi State, Tennessee, Vanderbilt


    Odd—Alabama, Auburn, Kentucky, Mississippi



    Even—Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana State, Mississippi, Vanderbilt

    Odd—Auburn, Florida, Mississippi State, Tennessee


    Louisiana State

    Even—Alabama, Mississippi, Mississippi State, Tennessee, Vanderbilt

    Odd—Auburn, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky



    Even—Auburn, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi State, Vanderbilt

    Odd—Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana State, Tennessee


    Mississippi State

    Even—Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee

    Odd—Georgia, Louisiana State, Mississippi, Vanderbilt



    Even—Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi

    Odd—Auburn, Georgia, Louisiana State, Mississippi State, Vanderbilt



    Even—Auburn, Florida, Mississippi State, Tennessee

    Odd—Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Vanderbilt


  2. Just now, W.E.D said:

    PAC 10 is getting an absurd amount of disrespect. I think Washington and Oregon are both really really good.  I think they are better than FSU/Texas by a good margin.

    I'd love to see SEC winner, B1G winner, 2 PAC teams

    I was NOT expecting Washington to win last night. I still think they stumble in Corvallis but the Pac-12 title looks to be a de-facto quarterfinal.

  3. Just now, nurbis said:

    Not really. They have a good record but the teams they have beaten are awful. Every team they have beaten has a losing record and they lost to UMass in the first game of the season.  

    Yeah that last bit was encouraging ha.

  4. 11 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

    When you've seen this team struggle against the likes of San Jose State and Georgia State while losing to s***ty Arkansas, MSU, and South Carolina teams (and being gifted a win over a s***ty Mizzou) the last two years, it's improvement.  Incremental, sure, but it's improvement.

    Yes, we have a long way to go...to be competing at the top.  But this team looked like hot garbage for 7 weeks and is starting to make a little noise and look coherent again.  No need to piss on it.

    NMSU is decent, so hopefully we don't have a close call there.

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  5. Just now, passthebiscuits said:

    Yeah one of those games where it wasn’t particularly close but somehow it kinda was. I never felt like we weren’t going to win. Season comes down to next week at Arky imo. 

    Well, technically we only need to beat NMSU to get to the magic number. But hoping we can beat the Pigs.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Rednilla said:

    You are correct. I didn't realize it, but I just looked it up, and for one more year it'll be Big 12 vs Pac-whatever. Who knows what it'll be after the Pac finishes imploding?

    What I think is hilarious is that Gasparilla is BEHIND Birmingham.

    But, we can't count our chickens before they hatch. Let's beat the Dores first!

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  7. 1 hour ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Auburn going to the Birmingham Bowl continues to be the most depressing thing ever. We get ragged on more for going to Birmingham than we do for missing a bowl.

    As long as the future is setting up to be better (which it wasn't under Has-been), I'll take it for the first year. But I would prefer Liberty or even Gasparilla, obv.

  8. 1 minute ago, AURex said:
    There are some teams out there desperately in need of a win who will be playing their asses off trying to salvage their season or get to a conference championship or whatever. I'm thinking that there are games this Saturday that are ripe for upsets as a result.
    Notre Dame at Clemson -- Clemson is 4-4 and people have been writing them off. But 2 of those losses were in overtime and most of their losses (including to FSU) were due to fumbles in scoring position in the red zone. If Clemson can actually hold onto the ball, they'd probably have only one loss. Can Clemson pull off the upset of Notre Dame?
    LSU at Bama -- LSU has one of the most potent offenses in the country. Unfortunately, their defense is porous. Bama defense is good, but not dominant like in the past, so LSU will put up some points. But the Bama offense has improved and will likely score well against the shabby LSU defense. I expect a high scoring game. Could LSU pull off the upset?
    Washington at USC -- Washington struggled for wins in its last two games. USC has a good offense, but their defense stinks. Still USC is desperate. If UDub plays the way they've played the past 2 games, could USC pull off the upset?
    Oklahoma at Oklahoma State -- Sooners have barely pulled out 2 games, then lost last week. The Cowboys are unhappy about their forever-rivalry disappearing with Oklahoma moving to the SEC next year. So they are desperate to show the Sooners a farewell they'll remember. Can Oky State pull off an upset?
    A&M at Ole Miss -- The Aggies have under-performed again this year despite overwhelming talent. Ole Miss has only one loss and would have a shot at the West championship if LSU beats Bama. But A&M is desperate and has a pretty good defense, especially up front. Could A&M pull off the upset to try to save Jimbo's ass?
    What are your predictions on these games?

    Not ready to make a prediction but who I'm pulling for:

  9. 6 minutes ago, Dwayne Pride said:

    USC couldn’t stop you and 10 eighth graders from putting up points.  I don’t gamble anymore but if USC wins that game, I will venmo you $10.  

    USC defense vs. Iowa offense. Make it happen, Holiday Bowl!

    (Ok, to be fair, USC offense vs. Iowa defense would be pretty good.)

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