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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 25 minutes ago, AURex said:

    Prime likes it when his players get in fights during practice. He says that other coaches break up fights, but he encourages them to go at it. He takes notes on who is winning in the fights. And he wants everyone involved.

    What's your opinion? Have the players beating each other to a pulp in practice? Or Stopping the fisticuffs and coaching players in game-day restraint and sportsmanship? Or what?

    Here is the article

    If you're taking part in one of Deion Sanders' practices and you find yourself part of a skirmish with teammates, you better get involved or you're going to get an earful from the head coach.

    That's what happened in August when he scolded players for walking away while a fight was going on. "If one fights, we all fight," he told them.

    So it should come as no surprise that Sanders commented this week during the Colorado Football Coaches Show that he likes seeing his players mix it up during practice.

    "We’ve had a great week of practice. We had a couple of fights, which I like," Sanders said. "It's a great thing. I always want to know who won because I keep records. I don't break them up. Some coaches break them up. I don't.

    "Some guys fight hoping for the break up. No, we’re going to let you go. I love it. They've been getting after it. It's almost like a rededication. It’s almost like a refocus. I love where we are. We've had great practices this week, offense, defense, as well as special teams."

    Sanders would sure like to see the effects of that practice aggression turn into results on the field. The Buffaloes are 4-5 and have lost five out of their last six games, including their last three. They face No. 21 Arizona on Saturday and finish the regular season against Washington State and No. 18 Utah.



    (I actually really like this movie, as flawed as it is. The third and fourth are garbage tho.)

  2. 1 hour ago, Win4AU said:

    Something that may play in Auburn’s favor is the SEC may not have enough teams to make a bowl.  USCe, Florida, Vandy, Miss State, Arkansas may not qualify.  That would help keep Auburn out of the bottom of the barrel bowls.  

    I will never understand how USCe demo'd Tennessee last year (the game had been decided by the time Hooker got injured).

  3. 1 hour ago, phillyeagle said:

    Bowl selection is so convoluted! AU will most likely finish 9th in the conference: 5th in the West, and 4 teams in the East will probably have better conference and full-season records. We could finish 8th ahead of UK, if they lose their remaining games including at USCe. If we only win 1 more and UF somehow upsets LSU, Missouri, or FSU to make a bowl game, we may land in 10th. And I guess if Arkansas wins out they'd slot in ahead of us but they'd have to beat us and Missouri. 


    The bowl selection process looks like this:

    1. Playoff

    2. Other NY6 bowls (maybe 2 here but projecting as 1 here)

    3. Citrus

    4-9. Pool of 6 bowls: ReliaQuest, Duke's Mayo, Gator, Music City, Texas, Liberty

    10-11. ESPN Select bowls: Birmingham, Gasparilla 


    If we beat Arkansas, we'll avoid Birmingham. Even if we lose to Arkansas, a few things would have to bounce our way but still a good shot to make a higher-tier bowl.

    If Arky loses to Mizzou AND Florida loses out, 6-6 gets us to the pool of six regardless.

  4. Guilty as charged. 

    I would feel like they'd be ready to take a jump next year but for some reason they decided they really wanted two THREE P5 NC opponents. Oh, and they miss Vandy while drawing Tennessee (meaning they still have four "upper" SEC opponents on top of that!).

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, placekicker said:

    This! We have had a disastrous run for several years- from Gus’ refusal to recruit linemen or a QB that fit his system to Harsin’s refusal to recruit, well anybody, we are like a program who was given a penalty just short of death. 

    I’ve said this before, but, when Freeze was hired, we talked all offseason about how long it will take him to right the ship, how bare the cupboard was. The general consensus was that we wanted to see us play competitively, and we have. Georgia barely escaped with a win. I’ll take that over the 30 point losses they hung on Gus.

    I think that, when we see the orange and blue uniforms on Saturday, the AU helmets, we expect them to play like our past teams, ie, like our historical top 15 status. We forget that our roster is basically a 1-AA one, thanks to past recruiting failures. Our nostalgia overrides our reality. 

    I am cool with where we are. We have improved since the QB carousel stopped. I like our chances against Arky, NM St, and I think we take Bama to the wire. Unlike the Gus years, I think we’ll also win a bowl game. Get a good recruiting class, and we’re off. 

    We’re on the path to a return to form. It’s just gonna take some time. 


    This was going to be the year in which the chickens of Potato Man's laziness (and ok, Gus too) really came home to roost. Had he somehow been given a third year (or without Freeze's efforts in the TP), four wins would've been our absolute ceiling.

    • Like 3
  6. If it were truly up to me, we'd kick out all non-founding members and have a nice big round robin.


    Even—Auburn, Georgia, Mississippi, Vanderbilt

    Odd—Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana State, Mississippi State, Tennessee



    Even—Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana State, Tennessee

    Odd—Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Mississippi State, Vanderbilt



    Even—Alabama, Auburn, Kentucky, Louisiana State


    Odd—Mississippi, Mississippi State, Tennessee, Vanderbilt



    Even—Louisiana State, Mississippi State, Tennessee, Vanderbilt


    Odd—Alabama, Auburn, Kentucky, Mississippi



    Even—Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana State, Mississippi, Vanderbilt

    Odd—Auburn, Florida, Mississippi State, Tennessee


    Louisiana State

    Even—Alabama, Mississippi, Mississippi State, Tennessee, Vanderbilt

    Odd—Auburn, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky



    Even—Auburn, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi State, Vanderbilt

    Odd—Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana State, Tennessee


    Mississippi State

    Even—Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee

    Odd—Georgia, Louisiana State, Mississippi, Vanderbilt



    Even—Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi

    Odd—Auburn, Georgia, Louisiana State, Mississippi State, Vanderbilt



    Even—Auburn, Florida, Mississippi State, Tennessee

    Odd—Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Vanderbilt


  7. Just now, W.E.D said:

    PAC 10 is getting an absurd amount of disrespect. I think Washington and Oregon are both really really good.  I think they are better than FSU/Texas by a good margin.

    I'd love to see SEC winner, B1G winner, 2 PAC teams

    I was NOT expecting Washington to win last night. I still think they stumble in Corvallis but the Pac-12 title looks to be a de-facto quarterfinal.

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