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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 2 hours ago, VipersStrike1 said:

    100% agreed. 1 TD to 4 INTs won't beat anyone better than Vandy.

    But neither will playing conservative with Johnson, who wasn't much better with 10 TDs to 7 INTs.

    And these options are why I have us finishing at 5-7.

    I'm pretty much with you here, as well as with your predictions of a quick rebound in the following couple of years. We seem to be caught in a time loop. What is it with leap years?

  2. So if this goes the way you expect, WDE, will Gus be forced to make a certain change at the end of the season to keep his job? From reports about White's sudden regression, it would be inexcusable if Lashlee is still our OC next year.

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